Availability of Information in Terms of 19.20 (e) of the JSE Listings Requirements SATRIX COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEME IN SECURITIES SATRIX SWIX TOP 40 PORTFOLIO SATRIX DIVIDEND PLUS PORTFOLIO JSE code: STXSWX JSE code: STXDIV ISIN code: ZAE000078580 ISIN: ZAE000102018 SATRIX RAFI 40 PORTFOLIO SATRIX 40 PORTFOLIO JSE code: STXRAF JSE code: STX40 ISIN: ZAE000126033 ISIN code: ZAE000027108 SATRIX MOMENTUM PORTFOLIO SATRIX INDI PORTFOLIO JSE code: STXMMT JSE code: STXIND ISIN code: ZAE000264008 ISIN code: ZAE000036364 SATRIX PROPERTY PORTFOLIO SATRIX QUALITY SOUTH AFRICA PORTFOLIO JSE Code: STXPRO JSE Code: STXQUA ISIN: ZAE000240131 ISIN: ZAE000247987 SATRIX MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF SATRIX NASDAQ 100 ETF JSE code STXEMG JSE code: STXNDQ NSX Code : SXNEMG NSX Code: SXNNDQ ISIN code : ZAE000246633 ISIN code: ZAE000256301 SATRIX S&P 500 ETF SATRIX MSCI WORLD ETF JSE code: STX500 JSE code: STXWDM NSX Code: SXN500 NSX Code: SXNWDM ISIN code: ZAE000246641 ISIN code: ZAE000246104 SATRIX RESI PORTFOLIO SATRIX SA BOND PORTFOLIO JSE Code: STXRES JSE code: STXGOV ISIN: ZAE000078622 ISIN Code: ZAE000285862 SATRIX FINI PORTFOLIO SATRIX GLOBAL AGGREGATE BOND ETF JSE code: STXFIN JSE code STXGBD ISIN Code: ZAE000036356 ISIN Code ZAE000289526 SATRIX MSCI CHINA ETF SATRIX MSCI WORLD ESG ETF JSE code: STXCHN JSE code: STXESG ISIN Code : ZAE000288361 ISIN Code: ZAE000289963 SATRIX MSCI EM ESG ETF SATRIX ILBI PORTFOLIO JSE code: STXEME JSE code: STXILB ISIN Code: ZAE000289948 ISIN Code: ZAE000240123 SATRIX INCLUSION & DIVERSITY ETF SATRIX GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE ETF JSE Code: STXID JSE code: STXIFR ISIN Code: ZAE000300570 ISIN code: ZAE000301586 SATRIX CAPPED ALL SHARE ETF SATRIX MSCI INDIA FEEDER ETF JSE code: STXCAP JSE code: STXNDA ISIN Code: ZAE000303905 ISIN: ZAE000306924 SATRIX HEALTHCARE INNOVATION ETF SATRIX SMART CITY INFRASTRUCTURE ETF JSE code: STXHLT JSE code: STXCTY ISIN Code: ZAE000310496 ISIN: ZAE000311577 All of which are portfolios in the Satrix Collective Investment Scheme in securities, registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002 AVAILABILITY OF AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 In compliance with paragraph 19.20 of the Listings Requirements of JSE Limited ("JSE"), Satrix Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited hereby notifies its securities holders that the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 for all of the portfolios which it manages are available on its website and may be accessed via the following link: https://satrix.co.za/products Furthermore, security holders are hereby advised that the prior year annual financial statements of STXGOV and STXILB were restated, details of which were released on SENS on 27 March 2024. The restatement had no impact on the profit or loss, or net asset attributable to investors. 27 March 2024 JSE Sponsor Vunani Capital Sponsors Date: 27-03-2024 10:00:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.