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CORESHARES INDEX TRACKER MANAGERS (RF) PROPRIETARY LIMITED - Finalisation Announcement in respect of the changes by CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd

Release Date: 10/10/2023 10:00
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Finalisation Announcement in respect of the changes by CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd

CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited
CoreShares Yield Selected Bond ETF
Share Code: CSYSB
ISIN: ZAE000318614

CoreShares DivTrax ETF
Share Code: DIVTRX
ISIN: ZAE000190104

CoreShares S&P SA Top 50 ETF
Share code: CTOP50
ISIN: ZAE000204327

CoreShares Global Dividend Aristocrats ETF
Share code: GLODIV
ISIN: ZAE000254249

CoreShares S&P 500 ETF
Share code: CSP500
ISIN: ZAE000268694

CoreShares Global Prop ETF
Share code: GLPROP
ISIN: ZAE000268660

CoreShares Scientific Beta Multi Factor ETF
Share Code: SMART
ISIN: ZAE000269502

CoreShares SA Property Income ETF
Share Code: CSPROP
ISIN: ZAE000273165

CoreShares Total World Stock Feeder ETF
Share Code: GLOBAL
ISIN: ZAE000297776

CoreShares Wealth GOVI ETF
Share Code: CSGOVI
ISIN: ZAE000316162

CoreShares Wealth Top 20 Capped ETF
Share code: CTOP20
ISIN: ZAE000320792

CoreShares Wealth Next 40 Equal Weighted ETF
Share code: CSNT40
ISIN: ZAE000320784

Portfolios / ETFs in the CoreShares Index Tracker Collective Investment Scheme (the “ETF Scheme”)
registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002, managed
by CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF) Proprietary Limited (the “Manager”).


Investors are referred to the announcement released on SENS on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 regarding
the changes expected to take effect as per the dates stated in this announcement and are advised
that the approval from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) has been received.

1. Summary of the changes

The following name changes will be implemented on the JSE as per the salient dates detailed in
paragraph 1.6 of this announcement.

1.1 Changes to the Registered Names of the Manager, the ETF Scheme, and the ETF

      Current name of the Manager                     New name of the Manager                 Share   New Share
                                                                                               Code    Code
      CoreShares Index Tracker Managers (RF)          10X Fund Managers (RF) Proprietary
      Proprietary Limited (“Manager”)                 Limited (“Manager”)
      CoreShares Index Tracker Collective             10X Exchange Traded Fund Scheme
      Investment Scheme (“ETF Scheme”)                (“ETF Scheme”)

      Current name of the ETFs                        New name of the ETFs

      CoreShares Yield Selected Bond                  10X Yield Selected Bond Exchange           CSYSB
      Exchange Traded Fund                            Traded Fund

      CoreShares DivTrax Exchange Traded              10X DivTrax Exchange Traded Fund           DIVTRX
      CoreShares S&P South Africa Top50               10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index           CTOP50
      Index Exchange Traded Fund                      Exchange Traded Fund
      CoreShares S&P Global Dividend                  10X S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats        GLODIV
      Aristocrats Exchange Traded Fund                Exchange Traded Fund
      CoreShares S&P 500 Exchange Traded              10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund           CSP500
      CoreShares S&P Global Property                  10X S&P Global Property Exchange           GLPROP
      Exchange Traded Fund                            Traded Fund
      CoreShares Scientific Beta Multi Factor         10X Scientific Beta Multi Factor Index     SMART
      Index Exchange Traded Fund                      Exchange Traded Fund
      CoreShares South African Property               10X South African Property Income          CSPROP
      Income Exchange Traded Fund                     Exchange Traded Fund
      CoreShares Total World Stock Feeder             10X Total World Stock Feeder Exchange      GLOBAL
      Exchange Traded Fund                            Traded Fund
      CoreShares Wealth GOVI Bond Exchange            10X Wealth GOVI Bond Exchange Traded       CSGOVI
      Traded Fund                                     Fund
      CoreShares Wealth Top 20 Capped                 10X Wealth Top 20 Capped Exchange          CTOP20       WTOP20
      Exchange Traded Fund                            Traded Fund
      CoreShares Wealth Next 40 Equal                 10X Wealth Next 40 Equal Weighted          CSNT40       WNXT40
      Weighted Exchange Traded Fund                   Exchange Traded Fund
      Note: The ISIN numbers of the ETF Portfolios will remain unchanged, and the Portfolios will retain their trading history.

1.2 Change in Trustee/Custodian of the Manager

The Manager has received FSCA approval to change the appointed trustee/custodian trustee of the
CoreShares Collective Investment Scheme as part of the stated plan to integrate structures and align
service providers across the 10X and CoreShares CIS management companies, from Nedbank
Limited to FirstRand Bank Limited, the trustee/custodian of the current 10X Index Fund Scheme with
effect from 21 October 2023.

1.3    Change to Registered Address and contact details of the Manager

The Registered Address of the Manager will change from Grindrod Tower, 4th floor, 8a Protea Place
Sandton 2146 to The Terraces, 14th Floor, Office 01401, 34 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape,
8001 with effect from 21 October 2023.

         New contact details:

         Tel:                +27 21 412 1010

1.4    Change to Investment Manager of the ETFs

The entire CoreShares team has joined 10X, adding breadth and depth to the overall team, and
ensuring continuity for clients. As part of the integration of the investment management function and
consolidation of FAIS licenses 10X Investments (Pty) Ltd, FSP number 28250 will be appointed as the
investment manager of all portfolios, ETFs and AMETFs across the management companies, with
effect from 21 October 2023.

1.5     Changes to the board of directors of the Manager

As a result of the change in ownership the directors of the Manager has changed and now consists
of David Andrew Polkinghorne (newly classified as an Independent Non-executive director), Craig
Brabazon Hallowes (Independent Non-executive director), with Marc Weber (Independent Non-
executive director) and Caroline Naylor – Renn (Executive Director, appointed on 4 August 2023).
Colin Michael Linnett has resigned from his position as an independent non-executive director of the

1.6.    Salient dates
The salient dates in respect of the name changes are set out below:

  Timeline for the implementation of the name change                        2023

  Last day to trade in old name securities                                  Tuesday, 17 October

  List and trade new securities                                             Wednesday, 18 October
  (termination of trading under the old names)

  Record date                                                               Friday, 20 October

  Accounts of dematerialised securities holders updated                     Monday, 23 October
  at their CSDPs or brokers

The updated Offering Circular and updated Supplements reflecting the name changes are available
on the website at .

10 October 2023
Corporate advisor and sponsor:                   Grindrod Bank Limited
Trustee:                                         Nedbank Limited

Date: 10-10-2023 10:00:00
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