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RENERGEN LIMITED - Renergen Begins Commercial Liquid Helium Sales

Release Date: 14/03/2025 08:00
Code(s): REN     PDF:  
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Renergen Begins Commercial Liquid Helium Sales

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number: 2014/195093/06)
JSE Share code: REN
A2X Share code: REN
ISIN: ZAE000202610
LEI: 378900B1512179F35A69
Australian Business Number (ABN): 93 998 352 675
ASX Share code: RLT
("Renergen" or "the Company" or "the Group")


The long-awaited event of filling a helium container with liquid has now taken place, an
achievement the Company is pleased to announce. It is being collected by the customer today.

After facing challenges cooling large iso-containers to the extreme temperatures needed for
liquid helium storage (-269 degrees Celsius), we've implemented an effective alternate
solution. We will now regularly fill smaller Dewars (250-500 litres) with liquid helium. This
practical approach will continue until our plant reaches closer to nameplate capacity.

Our team began cooling the vessel on the 13th of March at 9:00 AM and completed the fill in
the mid-afternoon.

The quality of both our LNG and liquid helium now exceeds minimum design specifications.
We remain committed to increasing production and developing the Virginia Gas Project to its
full potential.

"This achievement represents a concrete step toward rebuilding the trust placed in us — a
commitment we take seriously. Our operations team has poured their hearts and souls into
overcoming these technical challenges," said CEO Stefano Marani. "Successfully managing
cryogenic liquid at -269 degrees Celsius is a remarkable accomplishment achieved by very
few companies worldwide. We remain committed to restoring confidence through consistent
delivery and performance as we continue to advance the Virginia Gas Project."

14 March 2025

Authorised by: Stefano Marani
Chief Executive Officer

Designated Advisor
PSG Capital

To readers reviewing this announcement on the Stock Exchange News Service (SENS), this
announcement may contain graphics and/or images which can be found in the PDF version
posted on the Company's website.
For all media relations please contact:

Date: 14-03-2025 08:00:00
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