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TSOGO SUN LIMITED - Results of Annaul General Meeting

Release Date: 02/09/2024 15:43
Code(s): TSG     PDF:  
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Results of Annaul General Meeting

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number 1989/002108/06
Share Code: TSG
ISIN: ZAE00273116
("Tsogo Sun" or "the Company")


Shareholders are hereby advised that at the Tsogo Sun annual general meeting held in the main boardroom of Suite
801, 76 Regent Road, Sea Point, Cape Town 8005 at 13:00 on Monday, 2 September 2024 ("AGM"), all of the
resolutions that were proposed at the AGM were passed by the requisite majorities of Tsogo Sun shareholders

The total number of Tsogo Sun shares represented at the AGM, including abstentions, was 951 582 171,
representing 91.27% of the total issued share capital of Tsogo Sun* as at Friday, 23 August 2024, being the record
date for a Tsogo Sun shareholder to be recorded in the Register in order to be eligible to attend, participate and vote
at the AGM ("Voting Record Date").

The results of the voting at the AGM were as follows:

                                                                     SHARES VOTED                                SHARES
                                                      VOTES        VOTES                      Total no of   Total no of
                                                        FOR      AGAINST                           shares        shares
                                                                                                 voted at     abstained
RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED AT THE AGM                   as a % of    as a % of       Total no of        the AGM    at the AGM
                                                   total no     total no      shares voted      as a % of     as a % of
                                                  of shares    of shares        at the AGM   total issued  total issued
                                                   voted at     voted at                            share         share
                                                    the AGM      the AGM                         capital*      capital*

Ordinary resolution 1                              
Re-appointment of auditors                           98.61%        1.39%       951 571 533         91.27%         0.00%

Ordinary resolution 2.1                                               
Re-election of MJA Golding as a director             95.60%        4.40%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%

Ordinary resolution 2.2                                                
Re-election of VE Mphande as a director              95.18%        4.82%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%

Ordinary resolution 2.3                                                 
Re-election of BA Mabuza as a director               99.25%        0.75%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%

Ordinary resolution 3.1
Re-election of F Mall as member and chair of         99.85%        0.15%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%
the audit and risk committee

Ordinary resolution 3.2
Re-election of BA Mabuza as member of the            86.60%       13.40%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%
audit and risk committee

Ordinary resolution 3.3
Re-election of RD Watson as member of the            96.21%        3.79%       951 571 433         91.27%         0.00%
audit and risk committee

Ordinary resolution 4
General authority for directors to allot and         72.87%       27.13%       951 571 233         91.27%         0.00%                                 
issue authorised but unissued ordinary

Advisory endorsement 1
Non-binding advisory vote on the group's             81.33%       18.67%       951 563 645         91.27%         0.00%
remuneration policy

Advisory endorsement 2
Non-binding advisory vote on the group's             81.33%       18.67%       951 563 645         91.27%         0.00%
remuneration implementation report

Ordinary resolution 5                                                       
Authority to implement resolutions                     100%        0.00%        951 563 945        91.27%         0.00%

Special resolution 1                                                      
Non-executive directors' fees                        98.14%        1.86%        951 563 845        91.27%         0.00%

Special resolution 2
General authority to acquire shares in the           96.43%        3.57%        951 571 533        91.27%         0.00%

Special resolution 3
Financial assistance in terms of sections 44         92.36%        7.64%        951 571 433        91.27%         0.00%
and 45 of the Companies Act

*Expressed as a percentage of the total 1 042 596 816 Tsogo Sun shares in issue as at the Voting Record Date

Tsogo Sun wishes to thank Shareholders for their participation in the AGM and for their support of all the resolutions
that were proposed.

2 September 2024

Equity Sponsor:
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 02-09-2024 03:43:00
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