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SYGNIA ITRIX (RF) PROPRIETARY LIMITED - Ballot Procedures in Respect of the Amendment of the Investment Policy of the Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF

Release Date: 03/10/2024 11:35
Code(s): SYGCN     PDF:  
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Ballot Procedures in Respect of the Amendment of the Investment Policy of the Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF

Sygnia Itrix (RF) (Proprietary) Limited
Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF
ISIN: ZAE000309159

Portfolios in the Sygnia Itrix Collective Investment Scheme registered as such in terms of the
Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002, managed by Sygnia Itrix (RF)
Proprietary Limited (Sygnia Itrix).



Sygnia Itrix (RF) (Pty) Ltd, a Manager appointed in terms of the Collective Investment
Schemes Control Act, No. 45 of 2022 (the Act), hereby effects ballot voting procedures in
terms of Section 59 of the Deed and Section 98 of the Act to obtain approval for:

Amendment of the investment policy, the index or benchmark, and the name of the Sygnia
Itrix New China Sectors ETF (SYGCN) to convert the fund into a feeder exchange traded fund

Motivation for the proposed changes:

The Portfolio Manager has explored various options available to ensure that investors are
treated fairly. After careful consideration, the portfolio manager has decided it would be in the
best interests of the investors to convert the structure of the fund into a Feeder Fund.

As there is no fund tracking the S&P New China Sectors Index to feed into that the portfolio
manager considers both economically viable and sufficiently liquid to be beneficial for
investors, a new index has also been selected.

The MSCI China index is a broad representation of the Chinese market with a significant
number of global investors gaining exposure, providing liquidity and having available funds to
feed into.
The change will benefit investors directly due to the ease of administration and management
as well as lower overall costs of management due to the lower audit, safekeeping fees and
trading fees. Clients can expect to note a lower tracking error and trading costs due to the
increased efficiencies.

Impact on Investors:

We believe that the impact of the proposed changes will benefit investors directly due to the
ease of administration and management as well as lower overall costs of management due to
the lower audit, safekeeping fees and trading fees. Clients can expect to note a lower tracking
error and trading costs due to the increased efficiencies.

Important information to note:

1. The JSE code and ISIN of the fund will remain the same.
2. The management fee will change.

Please refer to the below summary indicating the changes before and after the investment
policy change.

List of similarities and differences before and after the proposed changes:

                                 Before                                     After
 JSE Code:                      SYGCN                                     SYGCN
 ISIN:                      ZAE000309159                              ZAE000309159
 Fund name:       Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF         Sygnia Itrix MSCI China Feeder ETF
 Long name:          Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors          Sygnia Itrix MSCI China Feeder ETF
 Abbreviated                  SYGNEWCN                                  SYGCHINA
 Portfolio           S&P New China Sectors Index                     MSCI China Index
 Underlying      S&P New China Sectors Index                 iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF
 Investment      The objective of the Sygnia Itrix New       The objective of the Sygnia Itrix MSCI
 policy:         China Sectors ETF is to provide an          China Feeder ETF is to provide an
                 investment vehicle that gives easy          investment vehicle for investors
                 access to investors who want to             wishing to track the movement of the
                 achieve long term capital appreciation      MSCI China Index by investing in the
                 in tracking the performance of the S&P      iShares MSCI China UCITS ETF
                 New China Sectors Index ("benchmark         ("underlying fund") securities.
                 index").                                    The investment objective of the iShares
                 The benchmark index measures the            MSCI China UCITS ETF is to deliver
                 performance of China- and Hong Kong-        the net total return performance of the
                 domiciled companies in consumption          MSCI China Index, less the fees and
                 and service-oriented industries. All        expenses of the fund. In order to
                 Chinese share classes including A-          achieve this investment objective, the
                                                             investment policy of the iShares MSCI
                 shares and offshore listings are eligible   China UCITS ETF is to invest in a
                 for inclusion. The initial universe has     portfolio of equity securities that as far
                 been created from companies                 as possible and practicable consists of
                 domiciled in China or Hong Kong that        the component securities of the MSCI                        
                 operate in the targeted sectors. By         China Index. The MSCI China
                 investing in China's new economic           measures the performance of
                 sectors, the fund will have exposure to     approximately 85% of the Chinese                                            
                 the main sectors which are consumer-        stock market via large and mid-cap
                 facing services and products, including     Chinese stock.
                 consumer discretionary, consumer 
                 staples, communication services,            In the event that the underlying fund is
                 information technology, healthcare and      discontinued and/or modified and is no
                 insurance and these sectors will be         longer deemed suitable for purposes
                 reviewed on a six-monthly basis. The        as outlined in this supplement, then the                 
                 initial universe has been created from      existing underlying fund will be                 
                 companies domiciled in China or Hong        replaced with an underlying fund that is
                 Kong that operate in the targeted           suitably similar to the iShares MSCI
                 sectors. Sectors primarily linked to the    China UCITS ETF (subject to
                 old economy such as manufacturing,          necessary regulatory approvals and
                 and commodities are excluded.               due processes).
                                                             The portfolio will be managed to most
                                                             effectively give effect to the objectives
                                                             and investment policy by including
                                                             apart from assets in liquid form the use
                                                             of listed and unlisted financial
                 In order to achieve this objective, the     instruments (derivatives) for the                                                             
                 Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF          exclusive purpose of efficient portfolio
                 shall track the benchmark index as          management. The portfolio is passively
                 closely as practically and feasibly         managed and aims to produce the
                 possible by buying securities that          same level of income as that produced
                 substantially make up the Index at          by the Index.
                 similar weighting as they are included     
                 in the Index. Whenever the Index gets 
                 rebalanced, the Portfolio will be
                 rebalanced to align its holdings to that    The Trustee shall ensure that the
                 of the benchmark and to the extent that     Manager complies with the investment
                 it's performance will not deviate from its  policy set out in this supplemental
                 benchmark. The portfolio will be            For the purpose of this portfolio, the
                 passively managed and provides              Manager shall reserve the right to close
                 investors with access to the Chinese        the portfolio to new investors on a date
                 consumption and service-oriented            determined by the Manager. This will
                 industries. The Sygnia Itrix New China      be done in order to be able to manage
                 Sectors ETF will be the only ETF listed     the portfolio in accordance with its
                 on the JSE that tracks the S&P New          mandate. The Manager may, once a
                 China Sectors Index (SPNCSUP) or            portfolio has been closed, open that
                 provides exposure to the "new China"        portfolio again to new investors on a
                 economy as at launch date.                  date determined by the Manager.

                 No securities will be bought for the sole
                 purposes of making a speculative profit
                 by selling them at a higher price later,
                 unless this is for the purpose of tracking
                 the Index.
                 The portfolio will be managed to most
                 effectively give effect to the objectives
                 and investment policy by including
                 apart from assets in liquid form the use
                 of listed and unlisted financial
                 instruments (derivatives) for the
                 exclusive purpose of efficient portfolio
                 management. The portfolio is passively
                 managed and aims to produce the
                 same level of income as that produced
                 by the Index. As a further objective, the
                 securities held by the portfolio may be
                 managed to generate income for the
                 benefit of investors.
                 The portfolio may invest in participatory
                 interests and other forms of
                 participation in portfolios of collective
                 investment schemes, whether listed on
                 an exchange or not, registered in South
                 Africa or offshore with similar schemes
                 operated in territories with a regulatory
                 environment which is to the satisfaction
                 of the manager and trustee of a
                 sufficient standard to provide investor
                 protection at least equivalent to that in
                 South Africa in accordance with the
                 provisions of the Collective Investment
                 Schemes Control Act and applicable
                 legislation, as amended from time to
                 time, in order to achieve the portfolio's
                 investment objective. It is recorded that
                 the portfolio's ability to replicate the
                 price and yield performance of the
                 Index will be affected by the costs and
                 expenses incurred by the portfolio.
                 The Trustee shall ensure that the
                 Manager complies with the investment
                 policy set out in this supplemental

                 For the purpose of this portfolio, the
                 Manager shall reserve the right to close
                 the portfolio to new investors on a date
                 determined by the Manager. This will
                 be done in order to be able to manage
                 the portfolio in accordance with its
                 mandate. The Manager may, once a
                 portfolio has been closed, open that
                 portfolio again to new investors on a
                 date determined by the Manager

Charges:         Management Fees 0.50% excl VAT          Management Fees 0.173913% excl
Distribution:    June, December                          June, December
Rebalancing:     March, June, September and              February, May, August and November
ASISA            Global Equity General                   Global Equity General
JSE Sector       Exchange Traded Fund                    Exchanged Traded Fund
Benchmark        S&P New China Sectors Index             MSCI China Index

Balloting Procedures for the investors in the SYGCN portfolio

The ballot will be valid if investors holding no less than 25% in value of the total number
of participatory interests have responded in writing and a majority of the investors who
have responded have voted in favour of the investment policy change. In the event that
a quorum is not achieved, a second ballot will be conducted resulting in a change in
the proposed salient dates.

How does the proposed changes impact your investment?

Please refer to the list of similarities and differences above summarising the changes.
If the ballot is successful and approved by the FSCA, the SYGCN portfolio structure will be
converted to a feeder ETF. Refer to the list above for a detailed description of the investment
policy of the Feeder ETF.

The investment policy change will be achieved by means of a name change that will settle
through STRATE. In other words, there will be no conversion ratio applicable. Therefore, a
rounding methodology and/or fractions will not apply.

There shall be no tax impact or change in investment value for investors as a result of the
investment policy change.

The investment policy change does not release the trustees, custodian or manager from any
responsibility to the investors.
Your rights as an investor:

All investors in the SYGCN portfolio are given an opportunity to vote in favour of, or against,
the proposed investment policy change in terms of clause 98 of the Act.

An independent auditor will verify the outcome of the ballot.

Should you not be comfortable with the proposal in so far as they relate to the portfolio in
which you hold participatory interests, you may elect to redeem your participatory interests at
any time and withdraw your money at the prevailing price in the market, as defined in the Main
Deed, subject to that it is a discretionary investment. By electing to redeem or sell your
participatory interests, it will constitute a CGT event for which you will be liable to pay
CGT at your next income tax assessment.

If you choose not to withdraw your investment, the proposed changes as set out in this
announcement (to the extent that they are approved by investors) will automatically apply to
your investment.

Action required by SYGCN investors:

     1. Investors are requested to notify their JSE Brokers/CSDPs by no later than
          Thursday, 14 November 2024, as to whether they approve the proposed investment
          policy change as set out in this announcement or not;
     2.   Alternatively, please complete the enclosed Ballot Form and return it to our
          registered auditors, Forviz Mazars, at on or before
          Thursday, 14 November 2024.
     3. If you have disposed of your participatory interests in the portfolio, no action is

Approval and commencements:

Subject to the ballot voting procedure being successful and approval by the JSE and FSCA,
the proposed amendments will come into effect from commencement of business on
Wednesday, 11 December 2024. Copies of the Sygnia Itrix MSCI China Feeder ETF Pricing
Supplement, in English, may be obtained during normal business hours from the office of
Sygnia Itrix (RF) (Proprietary) Limited located at 7th Floor, The Foundry, Cardiff Street,
Greenpoint, 8001 and is available on the website:

Expected timeline for the implementation of the proposed change in the investment

 Salient dates                                                                        2024
 Record date for the ballot voting procedures                          Friday, 27 September
 Declaration SENS Announcement of the investment policy                Thursday, 03 October
 and name change ballot procedures
 Last day for investors/brokers/CSDPs to respond to the               Thursday, 14 November
 auditors (by 5pm)
 Deadline for Auditors to submit their findings report to Sygnia      Thursday, 21 November
 FSCA issues approval letter                                            Monday, 02 December
 SENS announcement confirming the results of the ballot by             Tuesday, 03 December
 Last day to trade in the old name as an ETF                           Tuesday, 10 December
 Ex-date (trading commences as an AMETF)                             Wednesday, 11 December
 Record date                                                            Friday, 13 December
 Settlement date                                                       Tuesday, 17 December

Note: Any changes to the expected dates above will be announced on SENS.

Index disclaimer:

The index currently tracked by SYGCN is a product of S&P and has been licensed for use by
Sygnia Itrix. The new index proposed is a product of MSCI and has been licence for use by
Sygnia Itrix. The funds or securities referred to herein are not sponsored, endorsed or
promoted by S&P or MSCI, and neither S&P nor MSCI bears liability with respect to any such
funds or securities or any index on which such funds or securities are based.

The complete terms and conditions of your ETF investment are contained in the fund's Offering
Circular and Pre-Listing Statement and the relevant Supplement.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Contact
Centre on 0860 794 642.

3 October 2024

Sygnia Itrix (RF) (Proprietary) Limited

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

JSE Sponsor
Vunani Sponsors

Date: 03-10-2024 11:35:00
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