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RESILIENT REIT LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting and notification in terms of section 45(5) of the Companies Act

Release Date: 20/06/2024 17:46
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Results of annual general meeting and notification in terms of section 45(5) of the Companies Act

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 2002/016851/06
JSE share code: RES
ISIN: ZAE000209557
LEI: 378900F37FF47D486C58
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
("Resilient" or the "Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on Thursday, 20 June 2024 (in terms
of the notice dispatched on 30 April 2024) all the resolutions tabled thereat were passed by the requisite majority of

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

- total number of shares in issue as at the last day to trade prior to the annual general meeting: 365 204 738
- total number of shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting, excluding 30 156 041 treasury
  shares: 335 048 697
- total number of shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 256 392 480 being 76.52% of
  the total number of shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting.

Ordinary resolution number 1: Appointment of Barry Stuhler as a director

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04% 251 256 948, being 98.22%            4 550 265, being 1.78%      585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 2.1: Re-election of Alan Olivier as a director

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      241 531 454, being 94.42%       14 275 759, being 5.58%     585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2: Re-election of Stuart Bird as a director

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 357 517, being 99.82%       449 696, being 0.18%        585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3: Re-election of Thando Sishuba as a director

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      251 659 397, being 98.38%       4 147 816, being 1.62%      585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 3: Re-election of Barry van Wyk as a director

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      194 627 551, being 76.08%       61 179 662, being 23.92%    585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 4.1 Re-election of Protas Phili as a member of the Audit Committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 224 305, being 99.77%       582 908, being 0.23%        585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 4.2: Re-election of Stuart Bird as a member of the Audit Committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 370 543, being 99.83%       436 670, being 0.17%        585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 4.3: Re-election of Des Gordon as a member of the Audit Committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 370 543, being 99.83%       436 670, being 0.17%        585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 4.4: Election of Barry Stuhler as a member of the Audit Committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      183 821 496, being 71.86%       71 985 717, being 28.14% 585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 5: Appointment of auditors

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 791 107, being 99.99%       16 106, being 0.01%         585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 6: General authority to issue shares for cash

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 802 658, being 70.04%      250 509 366, being 97.93%       5 293 292, being 2.07%      589 822, being 0.16%

Non-binding advisory vote 1: Endorsement of the Remuneration Policy

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 802 658, being 70.04%      215 682 871, being 84.32%       40 119 787, being 15.68%    589 822, being 0.16%

Non-binding advisory vote 2: Endorsement of the Remuneration Implementation Report

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 802 658, being 70.04%      222 711 055, being 87.06%       33 091 603, being 12.94%    589 822, being 0.16%

Special resolution number 1: Approval of financial assistance to related or inter-related companies

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      253 858 339, being 99.24%       1 948 874, being 0.76%      585 267, being 0.16%

Special resolution number 2: Approval of the repurchase of shares

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      230 926 020, being 90.27%       24 881 193, being 9.73%     585 267, being 0.16%

Special resolution number 3.1: Authorising non-executive directors' fees

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      229 030 087, being 89.53%       26 777 126, being 10.47% 585 267, being 0.16%

Special resolution number 3.2: Authorising non-executive directors' fees for special committee meetings

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      253 656 339, being 99.16%       2 150 874, being 0.84%      585 267, being 0.16%

Ordinary resolution number 7: Authority for directors or company secretary to implement resolutions

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                     Abstentions^
255 807 213, being 70.04%      255 807 213, being 100.00% -                                585 267, being 0.16%

* shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to total shares in issue as at the last day to trade prior to the annual
  general meeting (excluding treasury shares)
^ in relation to total shares in issue as at the last day to trade prior to the annual general meeting (excluding treasury


In terms of the provisions of section 45(5)(a) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 and pursuant to the special resolution
passed at the annual general meeting of the Company on 20 June 2024 authorising the board of directors to provide
direct or indirect financial assistance to related and inter-related companies, notification is hereby given that the board
of directors adopted a resolution authorising Resilient to provide financial assistance to related and inter-related
companies of Resilient, which financial assistance exceeds one tenth of one percent of the Company's net worth.

20 June 2024

Java Capital

Date: 20-06-2024 05:46:00
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