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MANTENGU MINING LIMITED - Acquisition of Birca Copper and Metals Proprietary Limited

Release Date: 13/05/2024 15:55
Code(s): MTU     PDF:  
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Acquisition of Birca Copper and Metals Proprietary Limited

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 1987/004821/06)
Share code: MTU  ISIN: ZAE000320347
("Mantengu" or "the Company" or "the Group")


1.   Introduction

     The board of directors of Mantengu is pleased to advise shareholders that the Company has entered into a
     sale of shares agreement ("the Agreement") dated 10 May 2024 ("Signature Date") with Birca Investments
     Proprietary Limited ("Birca Investments") and SA Metals and Fossils Proprietary Limited ("SA Metals and
     Fossils") (collectively referred to as "the Sellers") for the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of
     Birca Copper and Metals Proprietary Limited ("BCM") ("Sale Shares") for the consideration detailed in
     paragraph 2.4 below, subject to the fulfilment of the Conditions set out in paragraph 2.3 below ("the
     Acquisition"). The Sellers are not related parties to Mantengu.

     Birca Investments is owned by Johann Jaen Brummer (20%), Carl Hoepner (20%) and Smit Family Trust
     (60%). SA Metals and Fossils is owned by Marius Pienaar (100%).

2.   The Acquisition

     2.1    Nature of the business of BCM

            BCM mines and processes high grade chrome ore ("Product") on the Farm Goudini 30, Registration
            Division J.P., situated in the North West Province and measuring 2,109 hectares (""Wandre Familie
            Trust Property" or "Mining Area"). The Mining Area is the subject of the mining right granted to
            New Venture Mining Investment Holdings Proprietary Limited ("NVMHI") on or about 3 February
            2012 and will continue to be of full force and effect for a period of 30 years ending on 5 November
            2045 ("Mining Right").

     2.2    Rationale

            The Acquisition secures a strategic resource for the Group that complements Mantengu's existing
            chrome ore mining and processing operation. The addition of this resource to the Group will
            approximately double the Group's chrome ore supply, provide long term cost stability, and supply
            chain resilience as well as unlock significant economic and technical synergies within the Group.
            The addition of BCM to the Group's investment portfolio will enable the Group to operationally
            streamline its mining operations, thereby increasing overall efficiency and profitability. The
            management of BCM have significant skill and experience, and have proven to be dynamic in their
            approach to mine optimisation, which is evident from the tremendous value they have unlocked in

     2.3    Conditions

            2.3.1   Suspensive conditions

                    The Agreement (save for the Surviving Clauses as referred to therein, which shall be of
                    immediate force and effect), is subject to the fulfilment or waiver of certain suspensive
                    conditions on or before the Closing Date set out in paragraph 2.5 below:

             the boards of directors of each of the Sellers resolving to authorise each of the
                              Sellers to enter into and implement the Agreement;

             the Sellers procuring that the board of directors of BCM adopts the requisite
                              resolutions approving of the transfer of the Sale Shares from the Sellers to

             the board of directors of Mantengu adopting the requisite resolutions to, inter alia,
                              authorise the acquisition of the Sale Shares by Mantengu on the terms and
                              conditions set out in the Agreement and authorise the issue to the Sellers of the
                              Consideration Shares as contemplated in terms of paragraph 2.4 below;

             BCM's shareholders passing a resolution electing, with effect from the Signature
                              Date, Michael Miller (Chief Executive Officer) and Magen Naidoo (Chief Financial
                              Officer (collectively the "Purchaser's Nominees") as directors of BCM;

             BCM procuring the Purchaser's Nominees as signatories on its bank account; and

             subject to the fulfilment of the aforementioned suspensive conditions, Mantengu
                              confirming to the Sellers that no material adverse change, as set out in the
                              Agreement, has occurred.

                    If any of the suspensive conditions are not fulfilled or waived, as the case may be, by the
                    Company for whose benefit the suspensive condition has been stipulated, on written notice
                    to the Sellers by the Closing Date, then the Agreement will never become effective, save for
                    the Surviving Clauses, all of which will continue to be of full force and effect.

            2.3.2   Conditions subsequent

                    The Agreement is subject to the following conditions subsequent which, if not fulfilled by the
                    date falling 18 months after the Signature Date, the parties to the Agreement ("Parties") will
                    be restored as near as possible to the status quo ante, and no Party shall have any claim
                    against Mantengu solely as a result of the cancellation of the Agreement:

             the transfer of the Mining Right pursuant to an agreement concluded between
                              NVMIH and BCM, in terms of which NVMIH sells the Mining Right to BCM on the
                              terms and conditions contemplated therein, becomes unconditional;

             the Deeds of Sale, comprising the deed of sale entered into between BCM and
                              the trustees for the time being and from time to time of:

                       the A du Preez (Jnr) Familie Trust (Masters reference number:
                                          IT11298/1997), in terms of which such trust sells portion 4 of the Farm
                                          Roode Kopjes 32, Registration Division J.P., situated in the North
                                          West province, measuring 770.7539 hectares, to BCM, on the terms
                                          and conditions contemplated therein; and

                       the Wandre Familie Trust (Masters reference number: IT6527/1997),
                                          in terms of which such trust sells the Wandre Familie Trust Property
                                          to BCM, on the terms and conditions contemplated therein,

                              becoming unconditional in accordance with their terms.

                    Until such time as the Mining Right has transferred to BCM as referred to in paragraph
           above, BCM is entitled to mine and process Product in terms of a contractorship
                    agreement entered into between it and NVMIH.

2.4   Consideration

      2.4.1   As consideration for the Sale Shares, on the Closing Date the Company will issue to the
              Sellers such number of ordinary shares in Mantengu ("Shares") which, at the Closing Date,
              will have a market value equivalent to an aggregate of R29,887,000 ("Consideration

      2.4.2   The Consideration Shares will be issued to the Sellers in the ratio 80% to Birca Investments
              and 20% to SA Metals and Fossils.

      2.4.3   The number of Consideration Shares to be issued to the Sellers will be calculated by
              reference to the 15-day volume weighted average price of the Shares trade on the JSE
              Limited ("JSE") ("VWAP") as will be determined on the "GEM Pricing Period Expiry Date",
              being the date on which the 15-day VWAP period expires in accordance with the terms of
              Mantengu's initial draw down under the R500 million share subscription facility made
              available to Mantengu by GEM Global Yield LLC SCS ("VWAP Price"), using the formula:

                                  R29,887,000 ÷ VWAP Price = Consideration Shares,

              provided that, for purposes of calculating the number of Consideration Shares, the VWAP
              Price will be subject to a minimum value of R0.60.

       2.5   Effective Date

             The Effective Date of the Acquisition is the Closing Date, being the business day on which the last
             of the suspensive conditions is fulfilled or waived, as the case may be, provided that if the Closing
             Date occurs before the GEM Pricing Period Expiry Date, the Closing Date will be deemed to have
             occurred on the GEM Pricing Period Expiry Date.

       2.6   Financial information

             The unaudited net asset value of BCM for the year ended 29 February 2024 was R102 million. The
             unaudited profit attributable to BCM for the year ended 29 February 2024 was R2 million.
             The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting
             Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Entities.

       2.7   Warranties

             The Agreement contains warranties that are customary for a transaction of this nature.

       2.8   Memorandum of incorporation of BCM

             In compliance with paragraph 10.21 of Schedule 10 of the JSE Listings Requirements, Mantengu
             will ensure that the provisions of the memorandum of incorporation of BCM do not frustrate or relieve
             the Company in any way from compliance with its obligations in terms of the JSE Listings

3.     Categorisation of the Acquisition

       The Acquisition is classified as a Category 2 transaction in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements.

     13 May 2024

     Designated Adviser
     Merchantec Capital

Date: 13-05-2024 03:55:00
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