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EOH HOLDINGS LIMITED - Notification of change of auditor

Release Date: 23/07/2024 14:30
Code(s): EOH     PDF:  
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Notification of change of auditor

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1998/014669/06)
JSE share code: EOH ISIN: ZAE000071072
("the Company")


Shareholders are advised that following a review of the Company's external audit requirements, the
Audit and Risk Committee has recommended, and the Board has endorsed, the appointment of Moore
Johannesburg Inc. as the external auditor of the Company, with Candice Jenkins as the designated audit
partner to replace PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. with effect from 23 July 2024.

The change in auditors was initiated by the Company as part of the ongoing cost optimisation initiatives
and will result in a significant saving in audit costs going forward.

The Board would like to extend its appreciation to PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. for their services to
the Company since 2020.

23 July 2024

Java Capital

Date: 23-07-2024 02:30:00
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