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COPPER 360 LIMITED - Declaration of maiden reserve at Rietberg Copper Mine and filing of mining viability report

Release Date: 07/08/2024 09:51
Code(s): CPR     PDF:  
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Declaration of maiden reserve at Rietberg Copper Mine and filing of mining viability report

Copper 360 Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 2021/609755/06
JSE Share Code: CPR ISIN: ZAE000318531
("Copper 360" or "the Company")


Copper 360 Limited ("Copper 360" or "the Company") is pleased to announce the declaration of a maiden Reserve for the
Rietberg Copper Mine and filing of Mining Viability Study ("MVS").


     •    The declared Mineral Reserves at Rietberg is 2.48Mt at 1.38% Cu.
     •    Existing Broken Ore exists in numerous underground draw points, following post modelling and survey verification.
     •    Also included in the Mineral Reserve is a Crown Pillar section (94kt at 1.17% Cu) and the previously excluded
          "fringe-ore" (500kt at 1.37% Cu), discovered along the sidewalls of the underground stope between 600 and 850

A detailed mining viability study and concomitant report was recently published. It includes the results of an investigation
into merging technical and commercial evaluations in order to gauge the viability of a Long-Term Operational Plan (LoM).
This plan outlines the development of vital infrastructure and forecasts the production capacity that will underpin future
mining endeavours.

The Mineral Resource document submitted last year in August 2023 is presented in the table below (shareholders are
referred to the regulatory release dated 13 September 2023).

 Rietberg Mine                         Measured                              Indicated                             Inferred
 Resource                   Tonnes     % Cu     Contained Cu      Tonnes       % Cu   Contained Cu      Tonnes      % Cu      Contained Cu

 October 2022                                                                                          1 139 729    2,22         27,275

 August 2023               4 500 000    1,28       57 600         282 000      1,16         3 200      2 000 000    1,02         20 400

 Rietberg Mine                 Measured & Indicated                        Total Resource
 Resource                   Tonnes     % Cu     Contained Cu      Tonnes       % Cu   Contained Cu

 October 2022                                                    1 139 729     2,22      27 275

 August 2023               4 782 000    1,27       60 800        6 782 000     1,20      81 200

Table 1: Table showing the August 2023 Mineral Resource for Rietberg Mine compared to the Mineral Resource stated in the Competent
Persons Report ('CPR') with effective date 31 October 2022. Numbers may not add up due to SAMREC guidance on rounding in terms of
Mineral Resource Reporting. The Resource is stated at a 0.75% Cu cut-off.

Findings from the MVS supported by additional modelling have required obligatory amendment to the Mineral Reserves and
Resources as presented below.

                                                        At 0.75% Cu Cut-off
                                                               Tonnes                          % Cu                Contained Cu
 Reserves (Proven & Probable)                               2 480 900                           1,38                  34 300

                                                        At 0.75% Cu Cut-off
                                                               Tonnes                          % Cu                Contained Cu
 Resource (Measured & Indicated)                            2 576 700                           1.10                  27 400
 Resources (Inferred)                                       1 724 400                           1.07                  18 500

Table 2: Rietberg Reserve and Resource statement following feasibility study, effective date June 2024. Numbers may not add up due to
SAMREC guidance on rounding in terms of Mineral Resource Reporting. The Reserve and Resource are stated at a 0.75% Cu cut-off.
Approximately 50% of the previously declared Measured and Indicated Resource has been incorporated into the Life of Mine
Plan (LOMP). The LOMP design specifically focuses on "high grading" the Rietberg orebody while minimising dilution.

Significant to the change, is the discovery of broken ore within the draw points at the base of the historical stope. The
presence of these broken stocks has strategically influenced the mining schedule, enabling the early utilisation of these

Secondly, the Probable Reserve estimate now includes an additional 500,000 tonnes of "fringe-ore" (ore left behind along
the sidewalls of the stope from previous mining) with a grade of 1.37% copper. The spatial orientation of the ore deposit is
such that it surrounds the gloryhole in a spherical shape, extending downward from the crest of the mountain to the 850
level (referred to as skins), where it tapers off in two shrimp tail-like shapes below the 903 level.

Furthermore, the inclusion of a crown pillar block accessed via the 400 level, which refers to a block of high-grade ore
modelled for underground mining during the initial stoping programme, adds to our resource base. The crown pillar has an
estimated Proven Reserve of 94,000 tonnes with a grade of 1.17% copper.

Over the mine's lifespan, the all-in-sustaining unit cost (AISC) estimate amounts to R81 903 per tonne (equivalent to
US$4,427 per tonne) for copper contained in concentrate.

In conclusion, the Rietberg Mines Reserves have increased by approximately 50% of the previously declared Mineral
Resource (Measured and Indicated). As our engineers' confidence continues to improve, we anticipate further conversion of
inferred resources.

Remaining are resources classified as Rock Mechanic Exclusion Zones, which prohibit mining on the western side of the
underground void due to the presence of an inverted sidewall just below the crest. This exclusion results in an ore loss of
approximately 1.3 million tonnes from the potential mineable reserve, leaving 2.48 million tonnes (including void tonnage)
as the final mineable reserve. Considering these exclusions, the Run of Mine (ROM) tonnes comprise 72% of the total
mineable ore reserve. The required engineering to extract this portion of the ore is still in its conceptual design stage and is
expected to be completed as part of an independent study. Consequently, it has been excluded from the current resource
and reserve declaration.

The Company remains committed to advancing its extraction strategies and enhancing the value of our operations through
rigorous engineering and continuous improvement.

The Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources, upon which the mining plan and production targets are modelled, have been
expertly prepared by qualified professionals in strict compliance with the Alt-X JSE listing rules.

CEO of Copper 360, Jan Nelson, commented; "This mine study, marked a significant milestone in Copper 360's capacity and
our commitment to the mining in the Northern Cape, Post publication we now have the confidence to amend the R&R
statement to better represent our findings at the mine site. This in turn positions the company for a bright and promising
future as a copper producer in the sector. This study underlines Copper 360's dedication to responsible resource utilisation
and sustainable mining practices. Our inhouse team is expected to publish the Homeep East Mine viability study in H2 2024."

Statement on reasonable prospect of economic mineral extraction

     •    Mine design on Rietberg Mine is described in the CPR (Competent Persons Report, a copy of which is available on
          the company website) and was the basis on which a cut-off of 0,75% was determined as measure of economic
          viable extraction.
     •    Metallurgical test work has been completed and show recoveries of 90% through flotation (please refer to JSE SENS
          release dated 4 July 2023).
     •    Copper 360 has acquired the Nama Copper flotation plant from Mazule that has a nameplate treatment capacity
          of 25,000 tonnes per month.
     •    Underground mining commenced at the Rietberg Mine on 1 August 2024 with all required opening-up and support
          work completed.

 Aspect                           Status                  Competent Person's Reasonable & Appropriate Consideration

 Geological Assumptions           SAMREC compliant        All aspects meet required and accepted criteria
 Mining Engineering               Mine Design             Detailed Mine & Geotechnical Study in place / Mine opening underway
 Legal                            Active Mining Licence   No legal impendence
 Infrastructure                   In place                All infrastructure in place and in good working condition
 Aspect                           Status                  Competent Person's Reasonable & Appropriate Consideration

 Marketing                        In place                Required offtake agreements in place
 Socia-political                  Addressed               All issues addressed and required Social & Labour Plan active
 Economic Assumptions             Viable                  Based in most cases on actual relevant operational metrics
 Other                            None                    No other issues that would stop economic extraction

Table 3: Competent Person's short summary of application of appropriate consideration factors regarding eventual economic extraction of
Mineral Resource. The list only provides an overview as a guidance note to the reader in terms of those headline issues specified by SAMREC
code to show that due consideration has been given. For detail in this regard the reader is referred to the CPR dated 31 October 2022.


The Rietberg Mine is located within the northern portion of the mining right area, approximately 22km north of Springbok
close to the N7 towards Namibia.

Figure 1: Location of Rietberg Mine.

Geological Setting

The Rietberg Mine is located on the southern limb of the Ratelpoort Synform, the rocks regionally have a strike of N45°E and
dips to the north. Numerous north-south striking faults, structures and pegmatites are present. The orebody is located at
the intersection of a so-called ENE striking "Steep Structure".

The Rietberg Mine is stratigraphically situated within the younger Ratelpoort Quartzite and Schist succession at the top of
the O'Kiep Copper District Stratigraphic column.


The Copper bearing minerals at Rietberg consist predominantly of Bornite and Chalcopyrite. It was found that a slight
increase in copper content exists towards the "footwall" of the mineralised body, i.e., bottom-loaded with the apparent
prevalence of Chalcopyrite over Bornite.

Geological and Mining Data

The Rietberg database consists primarily of surface and underground borehole data, these holes were drilled intermittently
from the 50's until 1980. Recently, all the underground holes were digitally captured and added to the database which
initially consisted primarily of surface borehole data.
The current database consists of:

     1.   341 Surface holes
     2.   672 Underground holes.

Approximately 33,323 assays are available and used for modelling and estimation purposes with 3,494 Relative Density
measurements were digitally captured and applied to the resource.

Four core surface twin holes were drilled and surveyed in early 2023 and exhibited excellent correlation to the historical
holes that were twinned.

Quality Control

No historical QAQC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control) data and/or reports are available for the historical drill holes and
associated assays. However, the O'Kiep Copper Company (OCC) followed industry best practises at the time of drilling. The
OCC also successfully mined a portion of the Rietberg deposit in the 1970 and 1980's confirming the initial resource
estimation based on primarily the surface drill holes prior to commencement of mining.

In contrast, during the 2023 twin drilling campaign, QAQC samples and assays were inserted into the sampling stream (1:10)
according to industry best practises and recommendations. The QAQC samples consisted of CRM's (Certified Reference
Material), Blanks and duplicates. Assays/results returned for these QAQC samples were found to be acceptable.

Resource Modelling

The wireframes used for Block Modelling, statistical analysis and resource estimation were done in-house by the Copper 360
geological team. Two wireframes were constructed based primarily and completed dictated by geology and mineralisation,
green and red respectively in figures 2 and 3.

Figure 2: Plan view showing the Rietberg Mine geological (green) and mineralisation (red) wireframes. The yellow blocks
represent Inferred resources.
Figure 3: SW-NE Longitudinal Section showing similar wireframes and block, also refer to Figure 2.

Statistical Analyses

The statistical analyses, variography, block modelling and resource estimation were done by Rock Ridge Consulting,
Vancouver Canada. The two wireframes previously described where used together with the clean database.

Statistical analyses were done two ways, (i) on the total mafic body and (ii) the mineralised shell.

Analysis was based on geologically hard coding boundaries. The drill hole data was composited over 1.5m intervals. The
histograms and composite statistics showed a "skewed" distribution for the Mafic Wireframe data, whereas the Mineralised
Wireframe enclosed data is generally more indicative of a normal distribution.

Coefficient plots indicate low CV's (Coefficient Variance) for both wireframes, and value cutting was not required.

Estimation Methodology

     •    Two block models were created, (i) one the Mafic Wireframe and (ii) one for the Mineralised Wireframe.
     •    The block sizes used were 4x4x2m with sub-blocking.
     •    The rotation of the blocks was also investigated but found to be of no additional benefit and therefore on rotation
          was applied.
     •    Omni-directional variography was applied to the geological (mafic) wireframe and data, whereas directional
          variography applied to the mineralisation wireframe and dataset. The mineralisation dataset showed strong down-
          plunge anisotropy.
     •    In both cases Ordinary Kriging was used as estimation method.

Relative Density ("RD") Measurements

Although numerous RD measurements were historically taken, the methodology and application are unknown. It is evident,
that the RD varies and are determined by rock type and copper grade/content. The mafic/ultramafic rock types generally
have higher RD values than the Felsic (host/waste) rocks. The higher the copper grade and metal content, the higher the RD
values are as to be expected due to increased metal content.

For this resource estimation an average RD of 2.85 was applied to the ore blocks.
Mineral Reserve Classification

The economic cut-off of 0.75% was applied to convert the resource to reserve based on results from the Mine Viability Study
(MVS). The MVS outlines several economic criteria that were critical in determining this reserve cut-off.

The three primary economic criteria were applied to establish the most suitable reserve cut-off, namely costs, copper price
and then the recover factors

First, the cut-off grade, defined as the minimum grade at which material is economically viable to process, is influenced by a
variety of cost factors. These include operating costs such as mining, processing, and administrative expenses. Additionally,
capital costs, which cover infrastructure development and equipment procurement, play a significant role. The operating
costs are determined by the chosen mining method, which in this case is Long Hole Open Stoping (LHOS), known for its cost
efficiency and suitability for the orebody's geometry.

Revenue estimates are another key factor, primarily driven by the forecasted copper prices. The MVS uses a copper price
forecast to calculate potential revenue, adjusting for market fluctuations and economic conditions. Sensitivity analyses are
conducted to understand the impact of changes in copper prices on the project's financial viability. These analyses help in
assessing the robustness of the reserve cut-off grade against market volatility.

Lastly, metallurgical recovery rates, which determine the percentage of copper that can be extracted from the ore, are also
considered. Higher recovery rates improve the project's economics, allowing for a lower cut-off grade. The MVS includes
detailed metallurgical testing results to ensure accurate recovery estimates, contributing to a precise and economically
justified reserve cut-off.

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this report relating to exploration results and mineral resources is based on information compiled by Dr
Deon Vermaakt, a Competent Person who is a member of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals
(SACNASP 400020/00. Dr Vermaakt is a consultant to Copper 360 and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style
of mineralisation and type of deposit (more than 7 years) under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify
as a Competent Person as defined in the 2016 Edition of the SAMREC Code. Dr Vermaakt consents to the inclusion in this
announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information based on the MVS and economic cut-off was compiled by the Owners team from Copper 360, supported by
various qualified persons engaged as contractors and consultants. Each of these qualified individuals submitted independent
studies or examination reports, which are archived to support the findings contained in the MVS report

Below is the Qualified Persons associated appointed to the Owners Team.

 Discipline               Name                     Qualification             Body                     QP#

 Geology, Resource        Deon Vermaakt            PhD Geology               SACNASP                  400020100
 and Variography

 Mining                   Gordon Thompson          Pr. Eng Mining            ECSA                     200890039

 Compliance               Jan Genis                Nat. Dipl. Metal          GGC Drill Mining         3049 DT
                                                   Mining                                             743/5549/74

 Legal                    Jaco Olivier             B. Juris LLB              LPC                      82615

 Mine Scheduler           Sergio Jones             BSc Mining                ECSA                     2023206819

 Geophysics               Marius Stander           Certificate in            Chamber of Mines         103
                                                   Advanced Rock

 Ventilation              Francois Graaf           Certificate in Mine       COM                      468

 Surveying                Robin Kock               Geomatics                 SAGC                     GPrPS1531

 Engineering & Civils     Mark Coetzee             GCC Mechanical &          DME                      3410 5307
                                                   Electrical Engineering

 Hydrology                Stefan Denysschen        BSc Hydrology &           NWU                      744960

 Process Engineering      Jacolien Wyethe          B.Eng. Chemical           UP                       None
                         (Engelbrecht)             Engineering

 Finance                  Ferdinand Nel            Chartered                 SAICA                    08181652
SAMREC Requirements in terms of Reserve Statement

                                      Exploration      Mineral         Mineral          Description
                                      Results          Resources       Reserves

 Section 1: Project Outline
 1.1   Property               (i)     Brief description of the scope of project (i.e.   A (2023 mining) feasibility study with a Life of Mine
       Description                    whether in preliminary sampling, advanced         plan for Rietberg has been completed.
                                      exploration, scoping, pre-feasibility, or
                                      feasibility phase, Life of Mine plan for an
                                      ongoing mining operation or closure).
                              (ii)    Describe (noting any conditions that may          Rietberg deposit was historically mined, no additional
                                      affect possible prospecting/mining                footprint will be created.
                                      activities) topography, elevation, drainage,
                                      fauna and flora, the means and ease of            Rietberg was an underground operation, ore was
                                      access to the property, the proximity of the      transported to Nababeep for processing, apart from
                                      property to a population centre, and the          some small oxide and waste dumps, surface
                                      nature of transport, the climate, known           disturbances are minimal.
                                      associated climatic risks and the length of
                                      the operating season and to the extent
                                      relevant to the mineral project, the
                                      sufficiency of surface rights for mining
                                      operations including the availability and
                                      sources of power, water, mining personnel,
                                      potential tailings storage areas, potential
                                      waste disposal areas, heap leach pad areas,
                                      and potential processing plant sites.
                              (iii)   Specify the details of the personal               The Rietberg Mine was visited numerous times by the
                                      inspection on the property by each CP or, if      CPR. The 2023 twin drilling was designed and
                                      applicable, the reason why a personal             supervised by the CP.
                                      inspection has not been completed.
 1.2   Location               (i)     Description of location and map (country,         Rietberg Mine is located within the northern of SHiP's
                                      province, and closest town/city, coordinate       MR application area. Rietberg Mine is accessible from
                                      systems and ranges, etc.).                        the N7 (towards Steinkopf) via a good dirt road,
                                                                                        especially to the lower adits. The mine is also located
                                                                                        approximately 22km north of Springbok, Northern
                              (ii)    Country Profile: describe information             Mining is governed by the MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002
                                      pertaining to the project host country that       which provides for the roles and functions of the DMR,
                                      is pertinent to the project, including            including the Minister of Mineral Resources. It
                                      relevant applicable legislation,                  prescribes what processes must be followed to obtain
                                      environmental and social context etc.             the relevant permits to conduct reconnaissance,
                                      Assess, at a high level, relevant technical,      prospecting for minerals (other than petroleum
                                      environmental, social, economic, political        products) and mining.
                                      and other key risks.
                              (iii)   Provide a         Provide a       Provide a       Provided in main text body. There are no known
                                      general top       Topo-           detailed        climatic risks which could impact on eventual
                                      cadastral         cadastral       topo-           economical extraction.
                                      map               map in          cadastral
                                                        sufficient      map.            The Rietberg Mine and surrounding area was recently
                                                        detail to       Confirm that    surveyed via drone photogrammetry. A detailed DTM
                                                        support the     applicable      was created using existing surveyed surface beacons as
                                                        assessment      aerial          ground controls points.
                                                        of eventual     surveys
                                                        economics.      have been       The survey was carried-out by qualified surveyors of
                                                        State the       checked         Premier Mapping Africa.
                                                        known           with ground
                                                        associated      controls and    Detailed topo-cadastral map is available at mine office.
                                                        climatic        surveys,
                                                        risks.          particularly
                                                                        in areas of
                                                                        or high

1.3   Adjacent         (i)     Discuss details of relevant adjacent              The only adjacent properties belong to Orion Minerals,
      Properties               properties. If adjacent or nearby properties      mainly to the west of the SHIP mining right area.
                               have an important bearing on the report,
                               then their location and common
                               mineralized structures should be included
                               on the maps. Reference all information
                               used from other sources.
1.4   History          (i)     State historical background to the project        The mine was active in the late 1970's to early 1989's.
                               and adjacent areas concerned, including           A large database exists consisting of underground and
                               known results of previous exploration and         surface boreholes and mine related activities. Three
                               mining activities (type, amount, quantity         entrance adits exist with underground development to
                               and development work), previous                   the mined and unmined ore.
                               ownership and changes thereto.
                       (ii)    Present details of previous successes or          The mine was closed due to other more economical
                               failures with reasons why the project may         and closer deposits to the plant and smelter at
                               now be considered potentially economic.           Nababeep. Rietberg is now considered economical
                                                                                 viable due to the higher copper metal price and
                       (iii)   Discuss known or existing historical Mineral      Various historical estimates have been done, the most
                               Resource estimates and performance                recent one in October 2022 (published CPR).
                               statistics on actual production for past and      Reportedly, the mine produced ~5 Mt at 1.26% Cu.
                               current operations.
                       (iv)    Discuss known or existing historical Mineral      The mine was historical mined in the late 1980's by
                               Reserve estimates and performance                 OCC, not details are available regarding reserve
                               statistics on actual production for past and      estimates and performance/production statistics.
                               current operations.                               Reportedly 5.566Mt were milled at an average grade of
                                                                                 1.26% Cu between 1968 - 1981.
1.5   Legal Aspects    Confirm the legal tenure to the satisfaction of the
      and Permitting   Competent Person, including a description of the
                       (i)     Discuss the nature of the issuer's rights (e.g.   The "SHiP" MR application (NC30/5/1/2/2/10166MR)
                               prospecting and/or mining) and the right to       was accepted by the DMRE on 29 November 2019. The
                               use the surface of the properties to which        mining right consists predominantly of the so-called
                               these rights relate. Disclose the date of         Concordia area and is 19,260.0346 ha in size. The right
                               expiry and other relevant details.                was granted on 31 October 2022. Expiry date is
                                                                                 October 2037.
                       (ii)    Present the principal terms and conditions        An agreement with Shirley Hayes and Orontro
                               of all existing agreements, and details of        Investments Proprietary Limited for the acquisition by
                               those still to be obtained, (such as, but not     the Company of 76% of the issued share capital of
                               limited to, concessions, partnerships, joint      Shirley Hayes IPK (Proprietary) Limited.
                               ventures, access rights, leases, historical
                               and cultural sites, wilderness or national        An agreement with Element 29 (Proprietary) Limited
                               park and environmental settings, royalties,       for the acquisition by the Company of 15% of the
                               consents, permission, permits or                  issued share capital of SHIP.
                                                                                 SHiP's 5% BEE stake to its employees is included in its
                                                                                 MOI and Mining Right Application.
                       (iii)   Present the security of the tenure held at        A 15-year mining right exists for Cu, Au, Pb and Zn.
                               the time of reporting or that is reasonably
                               expected to be granted in the future along
                               with any known impediments to obtaining
                               the right to operate in the area. State
                               details of applications that have been made.
                       (iv)    Provide a statement of any legal                  No land claims and/or legal proceedings are
                               proceedings for example, land claims, that        outstanding and/or pending regarding SHiP's MR and
                               may have an influence on the rights to            associated mines, prospects, and other mineral
                               prospect or mine for minerals, or an              resources. Most of the surface rights belong to the
                               appropriate negative statement.                   Community Property Association (CPA) of Concordia.
                       (v)     Provide a statement relating to                   The following studies were conducted and approved,
                               governmental/statutory requirements and           Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report,
                               permits as may be required, have been             Geohydrological Impact Assessment, and Heritage
                               applied for, approved or can be reasonably        Impact Assessment and Palaeontological Assessment.
                               be expected to be obtained.
                                                                                 A Water usage licence is in place.

1.6   Royalties        (i)     Describe the royalties that are payable in        The MPRDA legislation incorporates the government's
                               respect of each property.                         intention to impose royalties on revenues derived from
                                                                                 mineral production in South Africa. The royalty is
                                                                                 determined by multiplying the gross sales value of the
                                                                                 extractor, in respect of that mineral resource, in a                                                                                                                                       9
                                                                                 specified year, by the percentage determined by the
                                                                                 royalty formula.

1.7   Liabilities         (i)     Describe any liabilities, including            A rehabilitation guarantee is in place, this is a
                                  rehabilitation guarantees that are pertinent   prerequisite for granting the MR.
                                  to the project. Provide a description of the
                                  rehabilitation liability, including, but not
                                  limited to, legislative requirements,
                                  assumptions and limitations.

Section 2: Geological Setting, Deposit, Mineralisation

2.1   Geological          (i)     Describe the regional geology.                   Lithologies in the project area are referred to as the
      Setting,                                                                     O'Kiep Copper District (OCD) which covers an area of
      Deposit,                                                                     approximately 3,000 km2. The OCD consists of the
      Mineralisation                                                               basement rocks of the Gladkop Suite, rocks of the
                                                                                   Khurisberg Subgroup (pre-tectonic supracrustal
                                                                                   sedimentary and volcanic units), rocks of the Little
                                                                                   Namaqualand and Spektakel Suites (pre- to syn-
                                                                                   tectonic intrusive units), as well as the syn- to post-
                                                                                   tectonic units of the Koperberg Suite.
                          (ii)    Describe the project geology including           The Rietberg Mine has a pipe-like geometry with a
                                  deposit type, geological setting and style of    possible feeder pipe towards the bottom and some sill-
                                  mineralisation.                                  like bodies closer to surface connected to the pipe.
                          (iii)   Discuss the geological model or concepts         Strong geological and mineralisation continuity exists,
                                  being applied in the investigation and on        the nature and geometry of the mineralised intrusive
                                  the basis of which the exploration program       are well understood and applied during exploration,
                                  is planned. Describe the inferences made         resource definition and estimation processes.
                                  from this model.
                          (iv)    Discuss data density, distribution and           The historical drilling, both surface and underground
                                  reliability and whether the quality and          was generally at close line spacing across the known
                                  quantity of information are sufficient to        deposit, achieving reliable high-density and
                                  support statements, made or inferred,            representative data sufficient for modelling and
                                  concerning the Exploration Target or             resource estimation.
                          (v)     Discuss the significant minerals present in      The Cu bearing minerals at Rietberg consist
                                  the deposit, their frequency, size and other     predominantly of Bornite and Chalcopyrite within the
                                  characteristics. Includes minor and gangue       mafic/ultramafic Koperberg Suite rocks. Some internal
                                  minerals where these will have an effect on      felsic pegmatites and other rock type occurs as lenses
                                  the processing steps. Indicate the variability   within the orebody. It is expected that the "internal"
                                  of each important mineral within the             waste will have no major effect on the processing.
                                  deposit.                                         Procedures are in place to remove most of the internal
                                                                                   waste before processing.
                          (vi)    Describe the significant mineralised zones       The Cu mineralisation is strongly controlled and
                                  encountered on the property, including a         restricted to the mafic/ultramafic rocks of the
                                  summary of the surrounding rock types,           Koperberg Suite. The contacts with the felsic
                                  relevant geological controls, and the length,    host/country rocks (granite, gneiss and granulites) are
                                  width, depth, and continuity of the              generally sharp. The mafic rocks are intrusive and were
                                  mineralisation, together with a description      structurally controlled and generally occurs as pipe-,
                                  of the type, character, and distribution of      sill- and dyke-like bodies. Generally, dips steeply to the
                                  the mineralisation                               north. Geological and mineralisation exhibits strong
                                                                                   continuity over hundreds of meters. The geological
                                                                                   controls are well understood.
                          (vii)   Confirm that reliable geological models          The historical maps and cross-sections were diligently
                                  and/or maps and cross sections that              compiled and considered highly reliable, most still
                                  support interpretations exist.                   available. Since the geological and mineralisation
                                                                                   settings and controls are well known, geological and
                                                                                   mineralisation models generated are considered
                                                                                   accurate and reliable.

Section 3: Exploration and Drilling, Sampling Techniques and Data

3.1   Exploration   (i)     Describe the data acquisition or exploration     Historically exploration drilling followed detailed
                            techniques and the nature, level of detail,      geological mapping and geophysical surveys such as
                            and confidence in the geological data used       magnetics, gravity, and IP. Geological and analytical
                            (i.e. geological observations, remote sensing    data was collated from generally closely spaced surface
                            results, stratigraphy, lithology, structure,     drill holes.
                            alteration, mineralisation, hydrology,
                            geophysical, geochemical, petrography,
                            mineralogy, geochronology, bulk density,
                            potential deleterious or contaminating
                            substances, geotechnical and rock
                            characteristics, moisture content, bulk                                                                                                          
                            samples etc.). Confirm that data sets
                            include all relevant metadata, such as
                            unique sample number, sample mass,
                            collection date, spatial location etc.
                   (ii)     Identify and comment on the primary data          An abundant amount of geological and analytical data
                            elements (observation and measurements)           exists. The borehole logs, analytical and survey data
                            used for the project and describe the             was digitally captured and verified. Data was collated
                            management and verification of these data         into a central Access database for usage.
                            or the database. This should describe the
                            following relevant processes: acquisition
                            (capture or transfer), validation, integration,
                            control, storage, retrieval and backup
                            processes. It is assumed that data are
                            stored digitally but hand-printed tables with
                            well-organized data and information may
                            also constitute a database.
                   (iii)    Acknowledge and appraise data from other          Historical data collected over many years by OCC
                            parties and reference all data and                (Newmont and GFSA).
                            information used from other sources.
                   (iv)     Clearly distinguish between data /                Only data from Rietberg Mine was used.
                            information from the property under
                            discussion and that derived from
                            surrounding properties
                   (v)      Describe the survey methods, techniques           Generally, the collar positions of most drill holes were
                            and expected accuracies of data. Specify the      surveyed by an inhouse qualified surveyor. The survey
                            grid system used.                                 gird system used was LO17Cape (feet and metres)
                                                                              which was recently converted to UTM33SWGS84.
                                                                              Many of the drill hole collars were also recently located
                                                                              and verified in the field and underground.
                   (vi)     Discuss whether the data spacing, and             Original exploration holes were drilled aiming to
                            distribution is sufficient to establish the       achieve at least a 60m by 30m spacing. Underground
                            degree of geological and grade continuity         ore definition drilling was generally ~20m or closer,
                            appropriate for the estimation procedure(s)       based on historical experience this spacing is generally
                            and classifications applied.                      considered appropriate for Mineral Resource
                                                                              estimation for this type of mineralisation.

                   (vii)    Present representative models and / or            Refer to figures in main text body.
                            maps and cross sections or other two- or
                            three-dimensional illustrations of results,
                            showing location of samples, accurate drill-
                            hole collar positions, down-hole surveys,
                            exploration pits, underground workings,
                            relevant geological data, etc
                   (viii)   Report the relationships between                  Historical underground drilling is oriented
                            mineralisation widths and intercept lengths       perpendicular, or at a maximum achievable angle, to
                            are particularly important, the geometry of       the attitude of the mineralisation. As a result, most
                            the mineralisation with respect to the drill      underground holes intersect the mineralisation at an
                            hole angle. If it is not known and only the       acceptable angle.
                            down-hole lengths are reported, confirm it
                            with a clear statement to this effect (e.g.
                            'down-hole length, true width not known').
3.2   Drilling     (i)      Present the type of drilling undertaken (e.g.     Historically AX (30.23~29.97mm) drill core was drilled.
      Techniques            core, reverse circulation, open-hole              Recent twin drilling was TNW (60.8~60.55) core size.
                            hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Banka,           No core was orientated.
                            sonic, etc) and details (e.g. core diameter,
                            triple or standard tube, depth of diamond
                            tails, face-sampling bit or other type,
                            whether core is oriented and if so, by what
                            method, etc).
                   (ii)     Describe whether core and chip samples            All core was geologically logged and sampled; hand
                            have been geologically and geotechnically         logs are available. Limited geotechnical logs done and
                            logged to a level of detail to support            available.
                            appropriate Mineral Resource estimation,          Detail hand and digital logs are available for the recent
                            technical studies, mining studies and             twin drill holes.
                            metallurgical studies.
                   (iii)    Describe whether logging is qualitative or        Historic core logging was qualitative with no core
                            quantitative in nature; indicate if core          photography The core of the twin holes (2023) was
                            photography. (or costean, channel, etc) was       photographed.
                    (iv)    Present the total length and percentage of        The current database consists of 341 Surface holes, 672
                            the relevant intersections logged.                underground holes. Approximately 33,323 assays are
                                                                              available and used for modelling and estimation
                    (v)     Results of any downhole surveys of the drill      Drill holes are generally short and little to no deviations
                            hole to be discussed.                             occurred. As standard practise most holes were
                                                                              surveyed (DH), some of these are still available but not
                                                                              all. Three of the 4 recent twin holes were downhole
                                                                              surveyed, none to insignificant deviations were found.

3.3   Sample         (i)     Describe the nature and quality of sampling      Historically, core samples were analysed by the on-
      method,                (e.g. cut channels, random chips, or specific    mine laboratory.
      collection,            specialised industry standard measurement        Core samples were geologically logged and sampled.
      capture and            tools appropriate to the minerals under          Assays from the 2023 twin holes were submitted to ALS
      storage                investigation, such as down hole gamma           Johannesburg, an accredited laboratory.
                             sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc).
                             These examples should not be taken as
                             limiting the broad meaning of sampling.
                     (ii)    Describe the sampling processes, including       Historically mineralised core was sampled over 1 – 2m
                             sub-sampling stages to maximize                  intervals.
                             representivity of samples. This should           Visible mineralisation was sampled over 1m intervals
                             include whether sample sizes are                 also taking geological contacts into consideration.
                             appropriate to the grain size of the material
                             being sampled. Indicate whether sample
                             compositing has been applied.
                     (iii)   Appropriately describe each data set (e.g.       Various parameters are recorded during logging of the
                             geology, grade, density, quality, diamond        core, these include (but not restricted to); recoveries,
                             breakage, geo-metallurgical characteristics      lithologies, alteration, mineralisation, sampling, and
                             etc.), sample type, sample-size selection        assays, QAQC, SG's, structure and other collar and core
                             and collection methods                           metadata.
                     (iv)    Report the geometry of the mineralisation        The Cu mineralisation is steeply-dipping towards the
                             with respect to the drill-hole angle. State      north. Surface drilling have a southerly azimuth with
                             whether the orientation of sampling              dips between 45° - 75°. Historical underground drilling
                             achieves unbiased sampling of possible           is oriented perpendicular, or at a maximum achievable
                             structures and the extent to which this is       angle, to the attitude of the mineralisation.
                             known, considering the deposit type. State
                             if the intersection angle is not known and
                             only the downhole lengths are reported.
                     (v)     Describe retention policy and storage of         Twin drilling ½ and ¼ core is stored in labelled core
                             physical samples (e.g. core, sample reject,      trays within the secure core yard at Nababeep. Sample
                             etc.)                                            rejects and pulps returned from the laboratory is also
                                                                              stored in the core yard.
                     (vi)    Describe the method of recording and             During drilling, the diamond core recovery was
                             assessing core and chip sample recoveries        monitored daily to ensure representativeness. Core
                             and results assessed, measures taken to          recovery/loss was also recorded on designed log
                             maximise sample recovery and ensure              sheets. The rock types encountered are very
                             representative nature of the samples and         competent and fresh (no oxidation) and very little to
                             whether a relationship exists between            no loss was recorded.
                             sample recovery and grade and whether
                             sample bias may have occurred due to
                             preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse
                     (vii)   If a drill-core sample is taken, state whether   Historically whole AX drill core was sampled. OCC
                             it was split or sawn and whether quarter,        submitted whole AX core to the on-mine laboratory for
                             half or full core was submitted for analysis.    assaying. Samples were generally taken over 2m
                             If a non-core sample, state whether the          intervals and adjusted to accommodate geological
                             sample was riffled, tube sampled, rotary         contacts. OCC generally kept a 10cm representative
                             split etc. and whether it was sampled wet or     core sample, most of which are no more available.
                             dry.                                             The twin hole core was sampled over 1m and
                                                                              quartered for assaying.
3.4   Sample         (i)     Identify the laboratory(s) and state the         The historic assays were done by OCC's on-mine/site
      Preparation            accreditation status and Registration            laboratory. Most of this analytical work was done prior
      and Analysis           Number of the laboratory or provide a            to 1998 and SAMREC Code (2016). The laboratory was
                             statement that the laboratories are not          not accredited. In 2023 twin drilling samples were
                             accredited.                                      submitted to ALS Johannesburg which is an accredited
                     (ii)    Identify the analytical method. Discuss the      Historically not known.
                             nature, quality and appropriateness of the
                             assaying and laboratory processes and            Login of twin (2023) samples into the system, weighing,
                             procedures used and whether the                  fine crushing of entire sample to 70% -2mm, split off                                                                                                  
                             technique is considered partial or total.        250g and pulverise split to better than 85% passing 75

                                                                              The twin assays (2023) were analysed using ME-ICP41a
                                                                              (high grade aqua regia digestion and ICP-AES for 30
                                                                              elements) and ME-OG46 ore grade (Cu) 5% precision.
                                                                              Au-AA25 ore grade Au by fire assay and ASS were also

                     (iii)   Describe the process and method used for         Core samples are cut using a core cutter with the right
                             sample preparation, sub-sampling and size        size core guide. The retrieved core is very competent,
                             reduction, and likelihood of inadequate or       and contamination is not considered to occur.
                             non- representative samples (i.e. improper
                             size reduction, contamination, screen sizes,
                             granulometry, mass balance, etc.)

3.5   Sampling          (i)     Discuss the governance of the sampling          During the 2023 twin drilling campaign, QAQC samples
      Governance                campaign and process, to ensure quality         and assays were inserted into the sampling stream
                                and representivity of samples and data,         (1:10) according to industry best practises and
                                such as sample recovery, high grading,          recommendations. The QAQC samples consisted of
                                selective losses or contamination, core/hole    CMR's, Blanks and duplicates. Assays/results returned
                                diameter, internal and external QA/QC, and      for these QAQC samples were found to be acceptable.
                                any other factors that may have resulted in
                                or identified sample bias.
                        (ii)    Describe the measures taken to ensure           No details of historical sample security are available.
                                sample security and the Chain of Custody.       However, during the mining operations the site was
                                                                                fenced and gated with security personnel employed as
                                                                                part of the staff. Recent drilling core was collected,
                                                                                logged, and sampled by the mine geologists. All core is
                                                                                kept locked-up in the core yard in Nababeep.
                        (iii)   Describe the validation procedures used to      Historical data was digitally captures and verified and
                                ensure the integrity of the data, e.g.          corrected were required.
                                transcription, input or other errors,
                                between its initial collection and its future
                                use for modelling (e.g. geology, grade,
                                density, etc.)
                        (iv)    Describe the audit process and frequency        No historical external audits are known or available.
                                (including dates of these audits) and
                                disclose any material risks identified.
3.6   Quality           (i)     Demonstrate that adequate field sampling        No records exist for QAQC procedures; however, it is
      Control/Quality           process verification techniques (QA/QC)         assumed that the OCC/Newmont/Gold Fields SA
      Assurance                 have been applied, e.g. the level of            followed best standard practises at the time.
                                duplicates, blanks, reference material
                                standards, process audits, analysis, etc. If    QAQC samples such as CRM's, Blanks and Duplicates
                                indirect methods of measurement were            were inserted into the sampling stream. These QAQC
                                used (e.g. geophysical methods), these          samples were found to return acceptable values.
                                should be described, with attention given to
                                the confidence of interpretation.
3.7   Bulk Density      (i)     Describe the method of bulk density              It is assumed that the SG data was acquired using the
                                determination with reference to the              Archimedes method by weighing drill core in air and
                                frequency of measurements, the size,             water, a practical method considered appropriate for
                                nature and representativeness of the             this competent rock types.
                                                                                 The Archimedes method was used for SG
                                                                                 measurements of the twin drilling campaign.
                                                                                 Recent SG measurements confirmed historical data.
                        (ii)    If target tonnage ranges are reported state,     Not Applicable.
                                the preliminary estimates or basis of
                                assumptions made for bulk density.

                        (iii)   Discuss the representivity of bulk density       Not Applicable.
                                samples of the material for which a grade 
                                range is reported.
                        (iv)    Discuss the adequacy of the methods of           Not Applicable.
                                bulk density determination for bulk material
                                with special reference to accounting for
                                void spaces (vugs, porosity etc.), moisture
                                and differences between rock and
                                alteration zones within the deposit.
3.8                     (i)     Indicate the location of individual samples      Not Applicable.
                                (including map).                                                                                                   
                        (ii)    Describe the size of samples,                    Approximately 5Mt at 1.26% Cu was historically mined
                                spacing/density of samples recovered and         at Rietberg Mine, this can be considered as a large
                                whether sample sizes and distribution are        "bulk sample" indicative of the tonnage and grades to
                                appropriate to the grain size of the material    be expected.
                                being sampled.
      Bulk-Sampling     (iii)   Describe the method of mining and                Historically mined to produce approximately 5.6 Mt @
      and/or trial              treatment.                                       1.26% Cu. Mining method used were Vertical Crater
      mining                                                                     Retreat (VCR). Sulphide concentrate was produced and
                                                                                 smelted to produce Cu ingots.
                        (iv)    Indicate the degree to which the samples         Historically, core drilling and VCR mining sample data
                                are representative of the various types and      representing the mineralisation of the deposit.
                                styles of mineralisation and the mineral
                                deposit as a whole.

Section 4: Estimation and Reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources

4.1   Geological         (i)     Describe the geological model, construction         The Rietberg deposit is a pipe-like structure and was
      model and                  technique and assumptions that forms the            modelled as such. A geological cut-off ranging between
      interpretation             basis for the Exploration Results or Mineral        0.5 – 0.3% Cu was applied with delineating strings
                                 Resource estimate. Discuss the sufficiency          approximately every 5m down the pipe. The Rietberg
                                 of data density to assure continuity of             Pipe consists of mafic/ultramafic and internal felsic
                                 mineralisation and geology and provide an           lenses (internal waste). These cannot distinctively be
                                 adequate basis for the estimation and               modelled as separate units since it will result in overly
                                 classification procedures applied.                  complex impractical models. The strings were used to
                                                                                     create the wireframe model.
                         (ii)    Describe the nature, detail and reliability of      Historically detailed geological logs exist, these were
                                 geological information with which                   digitally captured, corrected, and verified. Data
                                 lithological, structural, mineralogical,            includes, collar information, DH survey, lithological,
                                 alteration or other geological, geotechnical        analytical and SG measurements.
                                 and geo-metallurgical characteristics were
                         (iii)   Describe any obvious geological, mining,            Recent metallurgical test work on composite core
                                 metallurgical, environmental, social,               samples from the 2023 twin drilling were completed
                                 infrastructural, legal and economic factors         and indicated recoveries of 90% through flotation.
                                 that could have a significant effect on the
                                 prospects of any possible exploration target
                                 or deposit.
                         (iv)    Discuss all known geological data that could        No geological data is known to exists which can
                                 materially influence the estimated quantity         materially influence the resource estimate.
                                 and quality of the Mineral Resource.
                         (v)     Discuss whether consideration was given to          Geological modelling is a repetitive process, various
                                 alternative interpretations or models and           modelling options were investigated. The final model is
                                 their possible effect (or potential risk) if any,   deemed to be most representative of the geological
                                 on the Mineral Resource estimate.                   and mineralisation setting.
                         (vi)    Discuss geological discounts (e.g.                  Historically no geological discounts were applied, it was
                                 magnitude, per reef, domain, etc.), applied         also with this study/investigation deemed unnecessary.
                                 in the model, whether applied to
                                 mineralized and / or un-mineralized
                                 material (e.g. potholes, faults, dykes, etc).
4.2   Estimation and     (i)     Describe in detail the estimation techniques        Not Applicable.
      modelling                  and assumptions used to determine the
      techniques                 grade and tonnage ranges.
                         (ii)    Discuss the nature and appropriateness of           •  Sample lengths were composited to 1.5m.
                                 the estimation technique(s) applied and key         •  Coefficient plots indicated low CV's and upper
                                 assumptions, including treatment of                    values cutting was not warranted or required.
                                 extreme grade values (cutting or capping),          • The block model is unrotated with mother block
                                 compositing (including by length and/or                sizes being 4(x) x 4(y) x 2(z)m, sub-blocking was
                                 density), domaining, sample spacing,                   applied close to contacts.
                                 estimation unit size (block size), selective        • Omni-directional variography was applied to the
                                 mining units, interpolation parameters and             broader mafic domain wireframe and data,
                                 maximum distance of extrapolation from                 whereas directional variography applied to the
                                 data points.
                                                                                        mineralised core domain wireframe and dataset.
                                                                                        The later dataset showed strong down-plunge
                                                                                     • Ordinary Kriging was applied.
                        (iii)    Describe assumptions and justification of          None.
                                 correlations made between variables.                                                                                                          
                        (iv)     Provide details of any relevant specialized        MicromineTM 2023 was used for data verification, string
                                 computer program (software) used, with             compiling and wireframe constructions. Leapfrog
                                 the version number, together with the              EdgeTM was used for statistical procedures, block
                                 estimation parameters used.                        modelling and resource estimation by Rock Ridge
                                                                                    Consultancy based in Vancouver, Canada.
                        (v)      State the processes of checking and                Visual inspection of the estimated data against actual
                                 validation, the comparison of model                data indicated good correlation and acceptable
                                 information to sample data and use of              estimates.
                                 reconciliation data, and whether the
                                 Mineral Resource estimate takes account of
                                 such information.
                        (vi)     Describe the assumptions made regarding            By-products such as Au and Ag are known to be
                                 the estimation of any co-products, by-             present, however the quantities are insignificant, and
                                 products or deleterious elements.                  no estimations and/or assumptions were made. No
                                                                                    deleterious elements are known to be present and
                                                                                    were not considered.
4.3   Reasonable       (i)      Disclose and discuss the geological                 Although substantial, the S.G. measurements and
      prospects for             parameters. These would include (but not            database does not allow representative modelling and
      eventual                  be limited to) volume / tonnage, grade and          assigning of values to individual blocks. For this
      economic                  value / quality estimates, cut-off grades,          resource estimation an average S.G. of 2.85 was
      extraction                strip ratios, upper- and lower- screen sizes.       applied to the ore blocks. This average SG considered
                                                                                    rock types as well as Cu grades, i.e., more mafic rock
                                                                                    types and higher Cu grades yield higher SG values.
                       (ii)     Disclose and discuss the engineering                Mine design on Rietberg Mine is described in the CPR
                                parameters. These would include mining              (a copy of which is available on the company website)
                                method, dilution, processing, geotechnical,         and was the basis on which a cut-off of 0,75% was
                                geohydraulic and metallurgical) parameters.         determined as measure of economic viable extraction.
                       (iii)    Disclose and discuss the infrastructural            Historic underground mine infra-structure exists and
                                including, but not limited to, power, water,        are in excellent condition and easily accessible. The
                                site-access.                                        underground infrastructure was recently scanned via
                                                                                    LIDARTM and found to be intact, accessible, and located
                                                                                    were expected. Limited water and power will be
                                                                                    required, and various options are being investigated.
                                                                                    No major obstacles are envisaged.
                       (iv)     Disclose and discuss the legal,                     A Mining Right exists, allowing for eventual ore
                                governmental, permitting, statutory                 extraction.
                       (v)      Disclose and discuss the environmental and          Ore extraction will be underground with processing at
                                social (or community) parameters.                   Nababeep, therefore very minimal infra-structure
                                                                                    required and impact on the environment.
                       (vi)     Disclose and discuss the marketing                  Market expectations appear to be that copper will
                                parameters.                                         trade in a band between $3.40 and $5.40 per pound
                       (vii)    Disclose and discuss the economic                   over the long term, with consensus long term price
                                assumptions and parameters. These factors           expectations of $4.16 per pound (S9,200 per tonne).
                                will include, but not limited to, commodity         For planning purposes, COPPER 360 is using $9,000 per
                                prices and potential capital and operating          tonne as a real through-the-cycle price.
                       (viii)   Discuss any material risks                          Off-take agreements are already in place.

                                                                                    Factors such as political and industrial disruption,
                                                                                    currency fluctuation and interest rates could have an
                                                                                    impact on COPPER 360's future operations, and
                                                                                    potential revenue streams can also be affected by
                                                                                    these factors.
                       (ix)     Discuss the parameters used to support the          Copper 360 is in the process of completing
                                concept of "eventual"                               construction of flotation plant which will process
                                                                                    Rietberg ore with the plant scheduled for
                                                                                    commissioning in November 2023.
                                                                                    Mine opening-up is underway with first development
                                                                                    scheduled for April 2024.
4.4   Classification   (i)      Describe criteria and methods used as the           Based on variography, ellipsoid range and directions
      Criteria                  basis for the classification of the Mineral         were used. Three "runs" or passes were made to
                                Resources into varying confidence                   classify the resource into the confidence categories.
                                categories.                                         Parameters used are tabled below.

                                                                              General            Ellipsoid Ranges      Ellipsoid Directions      Number of Samples      Drillhole Limit
                                                                              Interpolant Name   Max   Int  Min        Dip   Dip Azi  Pitch      Min   Max              Max Samp/Hold
                                                                              Kr1, Cu_Pct in
                                                                              RBShell05          28    18   11         70    350      120        10    16               6
                                                                              Kr2, Cu_Pct in
                                                                              RBShell05          55    36   21         70    350      120        8     16               5
                                                                              Kr3, Cu_Pct in  
                                                                              RBShell05          110   72   42         70    350      120        6     16               4
                                                                              Kr1, Cu-Pct in  
                                                                              RBMaficPipe        55    55   5          0     0        90         10    16               6
                                                                              Kr2, Cu-Pct in
                                                                              RBMaficPipe        110   110  110        0     0        90         8     16               5
                                                                              Kr3, Cu-Pct in
                                                                              RBMaficPipe        220   220  220        0     0        90         6     16               4

4.5   Reporting   (i)      Discuss the reported low and high-grades          The average resource grades reported are similar and
                           and widths together with their spatial            within the known historical Cu grades mined and
                           location to avoid misleading the reporting        reported for the O'Kiep Copper District.
                           of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or
                           Mineral Reserves.
                  (ii)     Discuss whether the reported grades are           Resource reported grades are based on weighted
                           regional averages or if they are selected         averages from the individual blocks within the models.
                           individual samples taken from the property
                           under discussion.
                  (iii)    State assumptions regarding mining                Not Applicable.
                           methods, infrastructure, metallurgy,
                           environmental and social parameters. State
                           and discuss where no mining related
                           assumptions have been made.
                  (iv)     State the specific quantities and grades /        Not Applicable.
                           qualities which are being reported in ranges
                           and/or widths, and explain the basis of the
                  (v)      Present the detail for example open pit,          Included in the resource are underground remnants
                           underground, residue stockpile, remnants,         such as so-called "fringe ore" left behind along the
                           tailings, and existing pillars or other sources   edges of the VCR stope.
                           in the Mineral Resource statement
                                                                             The partially collapsed "crown pillar" of the Rietberg
                                                                             Mine is also included in the reported resource.

                                                                             Ore from the partially collapsed crown pillar will be
                                                                             available for immediate extraction from numerous
                                                                             existing underground draw points.

                                                                             Most of the declared resource is expected to be viable
                                                                             for future mining and extraction.
                  (vi)     Present a reconciliation with any previous        A 1.1Mt at 2.22% Cu Inferred resource (Effective date:
                           Mineral Resource estimates. Where                 31 October 2022) was declared in the January 2023
                           appropriate, report and comment on any            CPR.
                           historic trends (e.g. global bias).
                                                                             Most of this has now been upgraded to the Measured
                                                                             category following twin confirmation drilling and digital
                                                                             capture of all historical underground drill holes.
                  (vii)    Present the defined reference point for the       The ROM material is to be delivered at the
                           tonnages and grades reported as Mineral           concentration plant situated in Nababeep.
                           Resources. State the reference point if the
                           point is where the run of mine material is
                           delivered to the processing plant. It is
                           important that, in all situations where the
                           reference point is different, such as for a
                           saleable product, a clarifying statement is
                           included to ensure that the reader is fully
                           informed as to what is being reported.
                  (viii)   If the CP is relying on a report, opinion, or     The statistical analyses, variography, block modelling
                           statement of another expert who is not a          and resource classification were outsourced to Rock
                           CP, disclose the date, title, and author of       Ridge consultants in Canada. The quality of work from
                           the report, opinion, or statement, the            these consultants are well known, highly regarded, and
                           qualifications of the other expert and why it     considered reliable by the CP.
                           is reasonable for the CP to rely on the other
                           expert, any significant risks and any steps
                           the CP took to verify the information
                  (ix)     State the basis of equivalent metal              Not Applicable.
                           formulae, if applied.

Section 5: Technical Studies

5.1    Introduction       (i)    State the level of study – whether               An inhouse (mining) feasibility study was completed.
                                 prefeasibility, feasibility or ongoing Life of   As part of this study a mine plan and production
                                 Mine. The Code requires that a study to at       schedule were also compiled.
                                 least a Pre-Feasibility level has been
                                 undertaken to convert Mineral Resource to
                                 Mineral Reserve. Such studies will have
                                                                                  All relevant modifying factors such as dilution, rock
                                 been carried out and will include a mine
                                                                                  mechanical limitations and exclusions were taken into
                                 plan or production schedule that is
                                 technically achievable and economically
                                 viable, and that all Modifying Factors have
                                 been considered.

                          (ii)   Provide a summary table of the Modifying         1. Long Hole Open Stoping method was selected for
                                 Factors used to convert the Mineral                   lower dilution, selection and blending benefits.
                                 Resource to Mineral Reserve for Pre-             2. Metallurgical test work presented better than
                                 feasibility, Feasibility or on-going life-of-         forecast mass pull and recovery factors.
                                 mine studies.                                    3. P80 – 75 micron provides the optimal gride size to
                                                                                  4. Copper prices of USD 9000/Cut was used for the
                                                                                  5. AISC LoM – USD 4350/Cut
                                                                                  6. Capital (Initial) USD 26.8 million
                                                                                  7. Life of Mine 7 or 9 years subject to exclusions.
5.2    Mining Design      (i)    State assumptions regarding mining               All relevant parameters were considered such as cut-
                                 methods and parameters when estimating           off grade, ore deposit spatial parameters, grade
                                 Mineral Resources or explain where no            variability, stope shape stability, interlevel spacing,
                                 mining assumptions have been made.               exaction sizes and dimensions and exclusion zones

                          (ii)   State and justify all modifying factors and           Modifying           Percentage in relation to mineral
                                 assumptions made regarding mining                      factors                        resource
                                 methods, minimum mining dimensions (or            Exclusion Zone                             35%

                                 pit shell) and internal and, if applicable,       Dilution                                   14%
                                 external) mining dilution and mining losses
                                 used for the techno-economic study and            Mining Losses                               5%

                                 signed-off, such as mining method, mine               Design parameters for ore and waste development
                                 design criteria, infrastructure, capacities,
                                                                                                                   Method of            Width   Height
                                                                                   Excavation Types     Profile
                                 production schedule, mining efficiencies,                                         extraction            (m)     (m)

                                 grade control, geotechnical and hydrological      Declines & Raises   Square     Drill and Blast         5       5
                                 considerations, closure plans, and personnel
                                                                                   Waste development   Square     Drill and Blast         5       5
                                                                                   Ore development     Square     Drill and Blast         5       5

                                                                                   Vent raise          Square     Drill and Blast         3       3

                                                                                          Design parameters for long hole open stopping

                                                                                   Description                               Value

                                                                                   Mining width                            8m – 20m

                                                                                   Stope length                            20m – 40m

                                                                                   Stope height                            15m -25m

                                                                                   Wall angles                             55 degrees

                                 (iii)    State what mineral resource models have         The inhouse resource model described in sections
                                          been used in the study.                         above and declared was used for this study.

                                 (iv)     Explain the basis of (the adopted) cut-off      In this study, a break-even grade was employed to
                                          grade(s) or quality parameters applied.         ascertain the volume of material available throughout
                                          Include metal equivalents if relevant           the life of the mine. The break-even grade was
                                                                                          determined on a copper (Cu) grade basis, considering
                                                                                          all operating costs (Capex) and capital expenditures
                                                                                          required to sustain the necessary production profile
                                                                                          after factoring in plant recoveries.
                                                                                          The cost parameters utilized in the calculation of the
                                                                                          break-even grade were directly dependent on the
                                                                                          mining method chosen for extraction, which, in this
                                                                                          case, is Long Hole Open Stoping (LHOS)

                                 (v)      Description and justification of mining         The process of selecting the mining method was
                                          method(s) to be used.                           executed in a bifurcated manner, encompassing the
                                                                                          subsequent steps:

                                                                                          •   Classification of mining types
                                                                                          •   Implementation of the Analytical Hierarchy
                                                                                          The analysis of results produced by the AHP clearly
                                                                                          indicated that LHOS is the most suitable mining
                                                                                          method catering in prioritizing safety and adhering to
                                                                                          optimal mining practices and adaptability in extracting
                                                                                          variable-grade resources amidst shifting economic

                                 (vi)     For open-pit mines, include a discussion of     Not applicable, underground mining.
                                          pit slopes, slope stability, and strip ratio.

                                 (vii)    For underground mines, discussion of            Geotechnical considerations:
                                          mining method, geotechnical                     • The two inherited glory holes and the existing
                                          considerations, mine design characteristics,       access infrastructure around the deposit
                                          and ventilation/cooling requirements.           • The nature of the spatial orientation of the ore
                                                                                             deposit in relation to the gloryholes.
                                                                                          • RMR of the in-situ rock
                                                                                          • Excavation stability
                                                                                          • Stress state

                                                                                          Mine design criteria:
                                                                                          • Mine design criteria are stated in point (ii)

                                                                                          Ventilation requirements:
                                                                                         • Ventilation system was designed to efficiently
                                                                                             utilize the existing haulages and infrastructure for
                                                                                             accessing the ore zones and underground working
                                                                                          • Primary factor in determining the ventilation
                                                                                             capacity is the mechanized diesel mining fleet.
                                                                                          • At full production the heat loading is expected to
                                                                                             reach 2,700 kilowatts (kW).

                                 (viii)   Discussion of mining rate, equipment            Mining Rate:
                                          selected, grade control methods,                • Planned ore tramming rate is 34kt/month.
                                          geotechnical and hydrogeological                • Waste development blasting is 200m/month.
                                          considerations, health and safety of the        • Ore development blasting is 11kt/month.
                                          workforce, staffing requirements, dilution,     • Longhole stoping is 38kt/month.
                                          and recovery.
                                                                                          TMM fleet:
                                                                                          • Mechanised TMM fleet catered to LHOS.
                                                                                          • LHD
                                                                                          • ATD
                                                                                          • Longhole drilling rigs.
                                                                                          • Boomer drill rigs
                                                                                          •   Scissor lifts.
                                                                                          •   Scalers

                                                                                          Maximum of 15% dilution was incorporated.

                                                                                          90% recovery was applied.

                                                                                          The work force was selected based on the machine
                                                                                          fleet selected and the production requirement.

                                (ix)    State the optimisation methods used in         Optimisation:
                                        planning, list of constraints (practicality,   The mine design was built using MicromineTM 2023.
                                        plant, access, exposed Mineral Reserves,       Long-hole stope shapes were generated using the SO
                                        stripped Mineral Reserves, bottlenecks,        (Stope Optimiser) software, which provides a stope
                                        draw control).                                 shape that maximises the recovered resource value
                                                                                       above a cut- off, while also catering for practical
                                                                                       mining parameters such as:
                                                                                       • Minimum and maximum mining width
                                                                                       • Anticipated wall dilution
                                                                                       • Minimum and maximum wall angles
                                                                                       • Minimum and maximum stope heights and withs
                                                                                       • Spatial consideration of exclusion zones which are
                                                                                           not practical to mine
                                                                                       Ore reserves mined can only be processed at a later
                                                                                       stage due to the strategy of extracting these broken
                                                                                       stocks during the initial 27 months while concurrently
                                                                                       pre-developing the mine

5.3   Metallurgical   (i)     Discuss the source of the sample and the       Reference was made to available historical
      and Testwork            techniques to obtain the sample, laboratory    metallurgical test work and data. Diamond core from
                              and metallurgical testing techniques.          the four twin holes were composited into 3 grades for
                                                                             metallurgical testing at SGS as prescribed by the
                                                                             inhouse metallurgists.

                      (ii)    Explain the basis for assumptions or           Mineralogical and metallurgical test work was
                              predictions regarding metallurgical            conducted on 3 samples as SGS. Mineralogy results
                              amenability and any preliminary                allow for accurate interpretation of metallurgical test
                              mineralogical test work already carried out.   results.

                      (iii)   Describe and justify the processing            Processing of the sulphide material entails:
                              method(s) to be used, equipment, plant
                              capacity, efficiencies, and personnel          •    Crushing,
                              requirements.                                  •    Milling to 80% passing 75 micron. SGS test work
                                                                                  results showed similar results at particle sizes of
                                                                                  45, 75 and 106 micron.
                                                                             • Rougher flotation.
                                                                             • Scavenger flotation to maximise recovery.
                                                                             • Cleaner flotation to maximise product grade.
                                                                             Thickening and pressure filtration of the cleaner
                                                                             flotation concentrate to minimise moisture in the final

                      (iv)    Discuss the nature, amount and                 Metallurgical test work was limited to bench testing.
                              representativeness of metallurgical test       Recoveries were comparable with historical O'Kiep
                              work undertaken and the recovery factors       Copper Company results.
                              used. A detailed flow sheet / diagram and a
                              mass balance should exist, especially for      Detailed Process Flow Diagrams, Mass balances and
                              multi-product operations from which the        Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams were prepared
                              saleable materials are priced for different    to allow for detail design. Detailed equipment design
                              chemical and physical characteristics.         and layout were done in 3-D.

                       (v)    State what assumptions or allowances have    Bench scale test work was conducted, and results
                              been made for deleterious elements and       showed that all deleterious and penalty elements were
                              the existence of any bulk-sample or pilot-   below detection limits.
                              scale test work and the degree to which
                              such samples are representative of the ore
                              body as a whole.

                       (vi)   State whether the metallurgical process is   Copper 360 selected industry standard flotation
                              well-tested technology or novel in nature.   technology. Note that flotation was historically used
                                                                           for processing of copper in the Northern Cape Copper

5.4   Infrastructure   (i)    Comment regarding the current state of       All infrastructure was removed at time of closure. All
                              infrastructure or the ease with which the    infrastructure equipment is readily available and
                              infrastructure can be provided or accessed   mining operations of the Glory hole can be achieved
                                                                           within 3 months. The infrastructure and mechanised
                                                                           mining equipment is made up of the items listed

                                                                           •   2 x generators of 1MVA and 400kVA.
                                                                           •   All underground and surface infrastructure
                                                                               consists of;
                                                                           •   Main 400v underground and surface feeder cables
                                                                           •   Various MCC and distribution boards will feed
                                                                               individual systems.
                                                                           •   Once an Eskom supply has been established the
                                                                               generators will be used as backup power.
                                                                           •   Underground lighting will be achieved through
                                                                               strings of LEDs while surface will be lit up with
                                                                               solar charged lights.
                                                                           •   Underground communications will be achieved via
                                                                               a leaky feeder radio system.
                                                                           •   De-watering pump and related pump column to
                                                                           •   Storage dam for mine de-watering on surface, this
                                                                               water reports back to the underground workings
                                                                               for drilling purposes.
                                                                           •   Make-up water to the dam referred to above will
                                                                               be from an already approved supply from Vaal
                                                                               Central Water, previously Bloem Water.
                                                                           •   The Vaal Central Water supply will also be used to
                                                                               feed the RO plant for potable water distribution.
                                                                           •   The mine water will report to the underground
                                                                               workings through a series of interconnected dams
                                                                               and pump stations.
                                                                           •   Mining return water system consisting of pumps
                                                                               and pipe columns returns this water to source for
                                                                           •   Sewage and wastewater will report to a Bubbler
                                                                               plant, and the output from the plant will be used
                                                                               for gardening and return to main surface storage
                                                                               dam for reuse.
                                                                           •   Self-sustaining refuge chambers are to be installed
                                                                               in the underground workings.
                                                                           •   Surface infrastructure consists of change houses,
                                                                               ablution and shower facility, lamp room, control
                                                                               room, shift office, kitchen, laundry, main office
                                                                               block, training centre, diesel storage and
                                                                               dispensing, workshop, wash bay and stores.
                                                                           •   The road infrastructure from the N7 access point
                                                                               as well as on-site roads are in place and require
                                                                               some maintenance.
                                                                           •   Mechanised mining equipment will consist of
                                                                               boomer drill rigs, Simba long hole drill rigs,
                                                                               charging unit, 10ton loaders, 30ton trucks, scaler,
                                                                               scissor lift, grader, and light delivery vehicles, with
                                                                               contracted load and haul equipment to the plant.
                                                                           •   Designated areas for mining and related
                                                                               operations are to be fenced off and manned by
                                                                               security personnel i.e. 903 level, 600 and 400
                                                                               levels, and the training centre.
                    (ii)    Report in sufficient detail to demonstrate        As per the approved MWP, office sites, dumping,
                            that the necessary facilities have been           hauling, rock dumps and TSF facilities will be
                            allowed for (which may include, but not be        constructed. No resource is sterilised by any planned
                            limited to, processing plant, tailings dam,       infrastructure.
                            leaching facilities, waste dumps, road, rail or
                            port facilities, water and power supply,          Mine area to be fenced with strict security control.
                            offices, housing, security, resource
                            sterilisation testing etc.). Provide detailed
                            maps showing locations of facilities.

                    (iii)   Statement showing that all necessary              All required and necessary logistics are in place and
                            logistics have been considered.                   have been considered.

5.5   Environmental    (i)     Confirm that the company holding the              The Company has addressed the host country
      and Social               tenement has addressed the host country           environmental legal compliance requirements to which
                               environmental legal compliance                    it is subject.
                               requirements and any mandatory and/or
                               voluntary standards or guidelines to which it

                       (ii)    Identify the necessary permits that will be       No other permits are required.
                               required and their status and where not yet
                               obtained, confirm that there is a reasonable
                               basis to believe that all permits required for
                               the project will be obtained

                       (iii)   Identify and discuss any sensitive areas that     No sensitive areas have been identified that will have
                               may affect the project as well as any other       an impact on the eventual economic extraction.
                               environmental factors including I&AP
                               and/or studies that could have a material
                               effect on the likelihood of eventual
                               economic extraction. Discuss possible
                               means of mitigation.

                       (iv)    Identify any legislated social management         These are summarised in the Mines Work Programme
                               programmes that may be required and               of which a copy can be obtained on the company
                               discuss the content and status of these.          website.

                       (v)     Outline and quantify the material socio-          No material socio-economic and cultural impacts have
                               economic and cultural impacts that need to        been identified.
                               be mitigated, and their mitigation measures
                               and where appropriate the associated costs.

5.6   Market Studies   (i)     Describe the valuable and potentially             A copper producer generates several valuable and
      and Economic             valuable product(s) including suitability of      potentially valuable products, including:
      criteria                 products, co-products and by products to
                               market.                                            1.     Copper Cathode Plates (0.9x0.9) at 99.98%
                                                                                         Suitability -These high-purity copper cathode
                                                                                         plates are well-suited for various electrical and
                                                                                         electronic applications, where high conductivity
                                                                                         and purity are crucial.
                                                                                         Market Potential: The high purity makes these
                                                                                         cathodes desirable in industries such as
                                                                                         electronics, power transmission, and
                                                                                         manufacturing of electrical equipment.
                                                                                  2.     Copper in Concentrate (<30% Cu, 300ppm Au,
                                                                                         2800ppm Ag, <25% Sulphides):
                                                                                         Suitability: The copper concentrate is suitable
                                                                                         for further processing to extract copper and
                                                                                         other valuable metals. The low sulphur content
                                                                                         is beneficial for subsequent processing steps.

                                                                                         Market Potential: This concentrate can be sold
                                                                                         to smelters or refineries for further extraction
                                                                                         of copper, gold, and silver. Additionally, the
                                                                                         high sulphur content makes it suitable to
                                                                                         produce sulfuric acid.
                                                                                   3.    Slag Discard for Sandblast Material and Cement
                                                                                         Suitability for Sandblast Material: The slag can
                                                                                         be crushed and used as an abrasive material for
                                                                                         sandblasting due to its hardness and angular
                                                                                         Suitability for Cement Blend and Binder: The
                                                                                         slag can be finely ground and used as a
                                                                                         supplementary cementitious material,
                                                                                         enhancing the strength and durability of
                                                                                         Market Potential: Sandblast Material: It can be
                                                                                         sold to industries involved in surface cleaning
                                                                                         and preparation, such as construction and
                                                                                         metal fabrication.
                                                                                         Cement Blend and Binder: Construction
                                                                                         companies and cement manufacturers can use
                                                                                         the slag as a sustainable alternative to
                                                                                         traditional cement additives.
                       (ii)   Describe product to be sold, customer            1.Product to be Sold:
                              specifications, testing, and acceptance            • High-Purity Copper Cathode Plates (0.9x0.9) at
                              requirements. Discuss whether there exists         99.98% Purity: These are premium-grade copper
                              a ready market for the product and whether         plates suitable for applications demanding high
                              contracts for the sale of the product are in       electrical conductivity and purity.
                              place or expected to be readily obtained.          • Copper Concentrate (<30% Cu, 300ppm Au,
                              Present price and volume forecasts and the         2800ppm Ag, <25% Sulphides): This product is a
                              basis for the forecast.                            raw material for smelters or refineries involved in
                                                                                 the extraction of copper, gold, and silver.
                                                                                 • Slag for Sandblast Material and Cement
                                                                                 Blend/Binder: The slag, after processing, can be
                                                                                 sold for sandblasting purposes and as a
                                                                                 supplementary material in cement production.
                                                                              2. Customer Specifications and Testing:
                                                                                 • Copper Cathode Plates: Customers will specify a
                                                                                 minimum purity level (99.9%) and may have size
                                                                                 and shape preferences. Testing involves verifying
                                                                                 purity through chemical analysis and inspecting
                                                                                 the physical properties, these results will be
                                                                                 provided by an independent laboratory.
                                                                                 • Copper Concentrate: Buyers will have
                                                                                 specifications regarding copper content < 18%,
                                                                                 impurities penalties will also apply and moisture
                                                                                 levels. Testing involves chemical analysis to meet
                                                                                 these specifications also conducted by an
                                                                                 independent laboratory.
                                                                                • Slag for Sandblast Material and Cement
                                                                                 Blend/Binder: Customers may specify particle size
                                                                                 distribution for sandblasting and chemical
                                                                                 composition for cement blending. Testing includes
                                                                                 particle size analysis and chemical tests.
                                                                              3. Acceptance Requirements:
                                                                                 • Acceptance is typically based on meeting customer
                                                                                  specifications. Certificates of analysis, quality
                                                                                  assurance documentation, and compliance with
                                                                                  industry standards are crucial for acceptance.
                                                                              4. Market Readiness:
                                                                                  • Copper Cathode Plates: There is a ready market in
                                                                                  electronics, power transmission, and
                                                                                  manufacturing. Contracts may already be in place
                                                                                  with established customers, and further
                                                                                  agreements can be expected based on the industry
                                                                                  • Copper Concentrate: A ready market exists among
                                                                                  smelters and refineries. Long-term contracts may
                                                                                  be in place or negotiated based on the consistent
                                                                                  quality of the concentrate.
                                                                                  • Slag for Sandblast Material and Cement
                                                                                  Blend/Binder: There is a market for both
                                                                                  sandblasting and cement-related industries.
                                                                                  Contracts may be in place or can be readily
                                                                                  obtained due to the increasing demand for
                                                                                  sustainable construction materials.
                                                                               5. Price and Volume Forecasts:
                                                                                  • Copper Cathode Plates 2ktpa: Prices are influenced
                                                                                  by market demand, purity levels, and global
                                                                                  copper prices. Volume forecasts are based on
                                                                                  production capacity and historical sales.
                                                                                  • Copper Concentrate 9ktpa: Prices are linked to
                                                                                  metal prices and concentrate quality and by
                                                                                  produces like Au and Ag. Volume forecasts depend
                                                                                  on mining capacity and contractual agreements.
                                                                                  • Slag for Sandblast Material and Cement
                                                                                  Blend/Binder 35ktpa: Prices are influenced by
                                                                                  market demand for sustainable construction
                                                                                  materials. Volume forecasts consider the
                                                                                  production capacity and market demand for these
                                                                               6. Basis for Forecast:
                                                                                  • Feasibility study for the period under review
                                                                                  • Forecasts are based on historical sales data,
                                                                                  market trends, customer demand, and production
                                                                                  capacity. Pricing is influenced by market conditions
                                                                                  and negotiation with buyers. Long-term contracts
                                                                                  and relationships with key customers contribute to
                                                                                  stable forecasts.

                       (iii)   State and describe all economic criteria that   •   Info for the period 2024 - 2030
                               have been used for the study such as capital    •   Capital expenditure of R794m includes mining
                               and operating costs, exchange rates,                plant and equipment, capitalised waste
                               revenue / price curves, royalties, cut-off          development and rehabilitation, replacement
                              grades, reserve pay limits.                         capital and concentrate plant.
                                                                               •   Operating expenditure: Includes mining and
                                                                                  concentrate plant operating costs. Increases
                                                                                   annually for local-originating expenditure with 6%
                                                                                   RSA inflation (13% - Eskom electricity).
                                                                               •   Exchange rate (ZAR:USD) commence at R18.50 in
                                                                                   2024 and increases annually, based on purchase
                                                                                   power parity between US-inflation (2.8%) and RSA-
                                                                                   inflation (6%).
                                                                               •   Revenue is linked in forecast LME copper price of
                                                                                   USD9,000 per tonne and increase annually based
                                                                                  on US-inflation rate (2.8%).
                                                                               •   Mineral royalties of 5% of sales were applied.
                                                                               •   Average processed grade: 1.8%
                       (iv)   Summary description, source and                  Revenue is calculated with reference to assumed LME
                              confidence of method used to estimate the        (London Metal Exchange) spot rate of US$ 9,000
                              commodity price/value profiles used for cut-     (gross) per copper tonne at project inception. Gross
                              off grade calculation, economic analysis and     LME Rates applied are adjusted annually with US-
                              project valuation, including applicable taxes,   inflation rate of 2.8% and is conservatively well within
                              inflation indices, discount rate and exchange    the forecast below publication by Goldman Sachs:
                                                                               "LME forecast for Grade A copper cathode is expected
                                                                               to trade between current levels $9000 and $11
                                                                               000/tonne until the middle of 2025, when prices are
                                                                               expected to soften and trade in a tighter range
                                                                               between $10 000 and $ 10 500/tonne as cheaper new
                                                                                                     supply comes online out of India and China toward the
                                                                               end of the decade". (Source: Goldman Sachs).

                                                                               Extraction of ore reserves is projected to contribute to
                                                                               a 5.7-year period with an output of RoM 33.4 ktpm at
                                                                               1.39% copper contained. Subsequently, the RoM
                                                                               tonnage will undergo a sorting classification process,
                                                                               resulting in 25.8 ktpm at 1.80% Copper contained.

                                                                               Economic analysis:

                                                                               A discounted cash flow model was created for the
                                                                               period 2024-2030.

                                                                               Future cash flows were calculated and discounted to
                                                                               present value at a weighted average cost of capital of
                                                                               Inflation for RSA-originated expenses is increased
                                                                               annually with 6% (13% for Eskom energy) and foreign-
                                                                               originated expenses are increased annually at US-
                                                                               inflation of 2.8%.

                                                                               Exchange rate (ZAR:USD) commence at R18.50 in 2024
                                                                               and increases annually, based on purchase power
                                                                               parity between US-inflation (2.8%) and RSA-inflation

                                                                               Corporate taxation of 27% was provided for in the
                                                                               financial model.

                       (v)    Present the details of the point of reference    The primary point of reference for reporting Mineral
                              for the tonnages and grades reported as          Reserves, specifically regarding tonnages and grades, is
                              Mineral Reserves (e.g. material delivered to     the ROM stockpile, crushing, and screening pad
                              the processing facility or saleable              located at the centralised Nababeep plant operation.
                              product(s)). It is important that, in any        This information aligns with the details provided in the
                              situation where the reference point is           CPA report titled "JSE AltX Technical Report" published
                              different, a clarifying statement is included    in 2022 by Dr. Deon Vermaakt and the Technical
                              to ensure that the reader is fully informed      Feasibility Study named the "Rietberg Viability Report,"
                              as to what is being reported.                    which was published in 2023 by qualified authors. It's
                                                                               crucial to note that these reports establish the basis
                                                                               for the reported Mineral Reserves.

                                                                               In situations where the point of reference differs from
                                                                               the mentioned ROM stockpile and processing area, a
                                                                               clarifying statement will be included in the reporting to
                                                                               ensure that readers are fully informed about what is
                                                                               being presented. The intention is to provide
                                                                               transparency and accuracy in conveying the source of
                                                                               tonnages and grades in the Mineral Reserves.

                                                                               Furthermore, with respect to off-take agreements,
                                                                               negotiations are underway, and it is planned that the
                                                                               collected Cu concentrate will be at the gate. This
                                                                               signifies a clear understanding of the collection point
                                                                               for the copper concentrate, contributing to the overall
                                                                               transparency and reliability of the reported Mineral
                                                                               Reserves data.

                      (vi)     Justify assumptions made concerning             The product sold is copper concentrate.
                               production cost including transportation,
                               treatment, penalties, exchange rates,           Revenue is projected based on forecast LME Copper
                               marketing and other costs. Provide details      price, starting at US$ 9,000 per tonne. Forecast LME
                               of allowances that are made for the content     Copper price is increased annually with US-inflation
                               of deleterious elements and the cost of         rate of 2.8%.
                                                                               The exchange rate applied at commencement is
                                                                               R18.50 (ZAR:USD). The exchange rate is adjusted
                                                                               annually by applying purchase power parity (US-
                                                                               inflation (2.8%): RSA-inflation (6%)).

                                                                               Gross revenue is adjusted with a total of 18.8% to
                                                                               cater for export trading margin, penalty discount
                                                                               percentage and tolling margin.

                      (vii)    Provide details of allowances made for          Provision was made for private royalties of 1.5% and
                               royalties payable, both to Government and       government royalties of 5% of revenue.

                      (viii)   State type, extent and condition of plant       All plant and equipment are not yet currently in
                               and equipment that is significant to the        operation. The categories of plant and equipment are:
                               existing operation(s).
                                                                               •   Mining fleet vehicles (new or refurbished)
                                                                               •   Mining infrastructure (including water reticulation,
                                                                                   roads, buildings, and utilities) (new)
                                                                               •   Crushing equipment (new)
                                                                               •   Generators (new)
                                                                               •   Concentrate plant (new)
                      (ix)     Provide details of all environmental, social    The following costs were provided for:
                               and labour costs considered
                                                                               •   Environmental rehabilitation costs
                                                                               •   Water use licenses and other environmental
                                                                                   consultation costs
                                                                               •   All costs in terms of the Social and Labour Plan

5.7   Risk Analysis   (i)      Report an assessment of technical,              Uncertainty abounds, 18 principal uncertainties
                               environmental, social, economic, political      identified among hundreds or possible thousands of
                               and other key risks to the project. Describe    risks that may or may not impact on the successful
                               actions that will be taken to mitigate and/or   development and mining of the Rietberg mine. The
                               manage the identified risks.                    primary uncertainties are ranked via a process of
                                                                               combining similar or discounting others as superfluous
                                                                               for this level of debate.

                                                                               Each uncertainty is then categorised under the
                                                                               following to provided context, Political, Economic,
                                                                               Social, Technical, Legal or Environmental (PESTLE).

                                                                               Ranking of each uncertainty on a scale of 1 – 10 on a
                                                                               chart reflecting their Impact vs Predictability
5.8   Economic        (i)     At the relevant level (Scoping Study, Pre-        Financial modelling was based on on-going Life of
      Analysis                feasibility, Feasibility or on-going Life-of      Mine.
                              Mine), provide an economic analysis for the
                              project that includes:

                      (ii)    Cash Flow forecast on an annual basis using       Cash flow forecast prepared - based on annual
                              Mineral Reserves or an annual production          production schedule prepared from surveyed
                              schedule for the life of the project              inventory and computer modelled mine plan.

                      (iii)   A discussion of net present value (NPV),          Net Present Value calculated at R344 million
                              internal rate of return (IRR) and payback
                              period of capital                                 IRR calculated at 34.5%.

                                                                                Payback period calculated at 37 months

                      (iv)    Sensitivity or other analysis using variants in   Range of sensitivity analyses performed on the
                              commodity price, grade, capital and               following variables:
                              operating costs, or other significant             • LME Copper price
                              parameters, as appropriate and discuss the        • ZAR:USD exchange rate
                              impact of the results.                            • Sales volume
                                                                                • Inflation: RSA and USA
                                                                                • Operating expenditure and Capital expenditure
                                                                                The Net Present Value result is most sensitive to the
                                                                                following variables:
                                                                                • LME Copper price
                                                                                • Sales volume
                                                                                • Exchange rate

Section 6: Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Reserves

6.1   Estimation and     (i)     Describe the Mineral Resource estimate            The resource estimate used as basis as described in
      modelling                  used as a basis for the conversion to a           section 4.2
      techniques                 Mineral Reserve.

                         (ii)    Report the Mineral Reserve Statement with         The mineral reserve statement consists primarily of
                                 sufficient detail indicating if the mining is     underground in-situ resource and historical blasted ore
                                 open pit or underground plus the source           left behind in the accessible ore draw points on various
                                 and type of mineralisation, domain or ore         underground levels.
                                 body, surface dumps, stockpiles and all
                                 other sources.

                         (iii)   Provide a reconciliation reporting historic       Parameters, assumptions and modifying factors are
                                 reliability of the performance parameters,        generally in line with known historical data.
                                 assumptions and modifying factors including
                                 a comparison with the previous Reserve
                                 quantity and qualities, if available. Where
                                 appropriate, report and comment on any
                                 historic trends (e.g. global bias)

6.2   Classification    (i)     Describe and justify criteria and methods         Based on the technical feasibility, mine plan and
      Criteria                  used as the basis for the classification of the   scheduling portions of the Measured and Indicated
                                Mineral Reserves into varying confidence          declared resource were classified as Proven. Modifying
                                categories, based on the Mineral Resource         factors (Section 5.1) as determined by the mining
                                category, and including consideration of the      feasibility study were also applied.
                                confidence in all the modifying factors.
                                                                                  A smaller portion of the Measured and Indicated
                                                                                  resource was assigned to Probable, again taking into
                                                                                  consideration various mining limitations, and
                                                                                  modifying factors (Section 5.1) as well as accessibility.

6.3   Reporting         (i)     Discuss the proportion of Probable Mineral        Most of the Probable reserve was derived from
                                Reserves, which have been derived from            Measured resource. The classification as Probable is
                                Measured Mineral Resources (if any),              primarily due to it only being accessible towards the
                                including the reason(s) therefore.                end of life of mine.

                        (ii)    Present details of for example open pit,          Broken stock present within numerous underground
                                underground, residue stockpile, remnants,         draw points is declared as reserve, these have been
                                tailings, and existing pillars or other sources   estimated by various survey techniques and sampling
                                in respect of the Mineral Reserve statement       as best as possible. These stocks are categorised as
                                                                                  probable. Crown pillars and so-called "skins" are
                                                                                  considered as measured resource for possible later

                        (iii)   Present the details of the defined reference      The point of reference is the ROM stockpile, crushing
                                point for the Mineral Reserves. State where       and screening pad at the centralised Nababeep plant
                                the reference point is the point where the        operation.
                                run of mine material is delivered to the
                                processing plant. It is important that, in all    Secondary crushing, screening, and mixing will take
                                situations where the reference point is           place before delivering to the plants.
                                different, such as for a saleable product, a
                                clarifying statement is included to ensure
                                that the reader is fully informed as to what
                                is being reported. State clearly whether the
                                tonnages and grades reported for Mineral
                                Reserves are in respect of material delivered
                                to the plant or after recovery.

                        (iv)    Present a reconciliation with the previous        No other reserve estimates are available for
                                Mineral Reserve estimates. Where                  reconciliation and comparison.
                                appropriate, report and comment on any
                                historic trends (e.g. global bias).               Reportedly, 5.5Mt at 1.26% Cu ore was extracted and
                                                                                  milled from Rietberg Mine.

                        (v)     Only Measured and Indicated Mineral               Of the declared Measured and Indicated resource, 50%
                                Resources can be considered for inclusion in      were converted and included in the reserves.
                                the Mineral Reserve.

                        (vi)    State whether the Mineral Resources are           Reported resources (this document) are exclusive of
                                inclusive or exclusive of Mineral Reserves.       mineral reserves.

Section 7: Audits and Reviews

7.1   Audits and        (i)     State type of review/audit (e.g.                  To date, no external audits and reviews were done. All
      Reviews                   independent, external), area (e.g.                technical and feasibility reports are available either
                                laboratory, drilling, data, environmental         online or at the company.
                                compliance etc), date and name of the
                                reviewer(s) together with their recognized
                                professional qualifications.

                        (ii)    Disclose the conclusions of relevant audits       None.
                                or reviews. Note where significant
                                deficiencies and remedial actions are

 Section 8: Other Relevant Information

 8.1                      (i)      Discuss all other relevant and material          None or not applicable.
                                   information not discussed elsewhere.

 Section 9: Qualification of Competent Person(s) and other key technical staff. Date and Signature Page

 9.1                      (i)      State the full name, registration number and      CPRs &             Category         Prof      Reg No.
                                   name of the professional body or RPO, for         Technical                           Body
                                                                                     Deon Tobias        Resource &
                                   all the Competent Person(s). State the                                                SACNASP   400020/00
                                                                                     Vermaakt           Reserve
                                   relevant experience of the Competent                                 Mine
                                                                                     Sergio Jones                        ECSA      2023206819
                                   Person(s) and other key technical staff who                          Planning
                                   prepared and are responsible for the Public       Gordon Thompson    Mining           ECSA      200890039
                                   Report.                                           Ferdinand Nel      Finance          SAICA

                                                                                     Jacolien Wyethe    Processing       UP        8834660

                          (ii)     State the Competent Person's relationship        All CPRs and technical persons as listed above are
                                   to the issuer of the report.                     employed by Copper 360 and/or its affiliated

                          (iii)    Provide the Certificate of the Competent         Certificates available on request.
                                   Person (Appendix 2), including the date of
                                   sign-off and the effective date, in the Public


Any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement have not been reviewed or reported on by the Company's
external auditors.

7 August 2024
Designated advisor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 07-08-2024 09:51:00
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