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Results of Annual General Meeting ("AGM")
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1947/026616/06)
Share Code: CAT ISIN: ZAE000043345
Preference share code: CATP ISIN: ZAE000043352
("the company")
Shareholders are advised that all the resolutions contained in the notice convening the AGM were approved
by the requisite majorities of shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at the AGM of the
company held on Tuesday, 5 December 2023. The company has 359 303 097 ordinary shares in issue.
Details of the resolutions and the voting are contained in the table below.
Resolution proposed Total number Number of Number of Number of
of votes cast: votes in votes abstentions:
% of issued favour: % of against: % of % of issued
share capital total votes total votes share capital
cast cast
Ordinary resolutions:
Ordinary resolution 1: To adopt the 289 493 189 289 493 189 - 175 872
annual financial statements for the 80,57% 100,00% 0,00% 0,05%
year ended 30 June 2023
Ordinary resolution 2: To place the 289 654 061 213 350 592 76 303 469 15 000
unissued ordinary shares under the 80,62% 73,66% 26,34% 0,00%
control of the directors
Ordinary resolution 3:
3.1 To re-elect Mr. ACG Molusi as 286 156 325 280 138 267 6 018 058 3 512 736
director of the company 79,64% 97,90% 2,10% 0,98%
3.2 To re-elect Ms T Slabbert as 289 654 061 283 636 003 6 018 058 15 000
director of the company 80,62% 97,92% 2,08% 0,00%
Ordinary resolution 4: To appoint 289 654 061 246 908 707 42 745 354 15 000
Mazars South Africa as the 80,62% 85,24% 14.76% 0,00%
independent auditors and to register
Mr. Miles Fisher as the designated
Ordinary resolution 5:
5.1 To re-elect Mr. JH Phalane as 289 654 061 264 751 108 24 902 953 15 000
member and chairman of the Audit 80,62% 91,40% 8.6% 0,00%
and Risk Committee
5.2 To re-elect Mr. ACG Molusi as 286 156 325 273 452 644 12 703 681 3 512 736
member of the Audit and Risk 79.64% 95,56% 4.44% 0,98%
5.3 To re-elect Mr. NA Nemukula as 289 654 061 276 950 380 12 703 681 15 000
member of the Audit and Risk 80,62% 95.61% 4.39% 0,00%
Ordinary resolution 6: To authorise 289 654 061 289 654 061 - 15 000
any director or the company secretary 80,62% 100,00% 0,00% 0,00%
to sign documentation to give effect to
ordinary and special resolutions
Special resolutions:
Special resolution 1: To approve the 289 654 061 287 496 812 2 157 249 15 000
general authority for the company and/ 80,62% 99,26% 0,74% 0,00%
or subsidiary to acquire the company's
own shares
Special resolution 2: To approve the 289 654 061 289 415 491 238 570 15 000
remuneration of the non-executive 80,62% 99.92% 0,08% 0,00%
Special resolution 3: To approve 289 654 061 289 311 877 342 184 5 000
financial assistance to related or inter- 80,62% 99.88% 0,12% 0,00%
related companies
Special resolution 4: To approve 289 654 061 252 852 086 36 801 975 15 000
financial assistance for subscription for 80,62% 87,29% 12.71% 0,00%
or purchase of securities
Non-binding advisory resolutions:
Advisory resolution 1: To approve the 289 654 061 240 353 150 49 300 911 15 000
remuneration policy as set out in the 80.62% 82.98% 17.02% 0,00%
corporate governance and risk
management report
Advisory resolution 2: To approve the 289 654 061 240 353 150 49 300 911 15 000
implementation of the remuneration 80.62% 82.98% 17,02% 0,00%
policy as set out in the corporate
governance and risk management
By order of the board.
5 December 2023
AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited
Date: 05-12-2023 12:32:00
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