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ADVTECH LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 05/06/2024 15:20
Code(s): ADH     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting

 ADvTECH Limited
 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
 (Registration number 1990/001119/06)
 Share code: ADH       ISIN: ZAE000031035
 ("ADvTECH" or "the Company")


In terms of section 3.94 of the JSE Listings Requirements, shareholders are hereby advised that at the
annual general meeting ("AGM") of shareholders of the Company held today, Wednesday 5 June 2024
all the proposed ordinary and special resolutions, as set out in the notice of annual general meeting
contained in the Integrated Annual Report, were approved by the requisite majority of shareholders
present or represented by proxy.

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

 Ordinary shares:

 Total number of issued ordinary shares:                                 554 750 973

 Total number of issued ordinary shares net of                           554 750 973
 treasury shares:

 Total Votable Ordinary Shares                                           554 750 973

The meeting was attended by shareholders representing 415 230 572 ADvTECH shares which
amounted to 74.85% of the total ordinary issued share capital of ADvTECH, voting in person or by proxy.

The resolutions proposed at the AGM, together with the percentage of shares abstained (as a
percentage of total issued share capital of the Company), as well as the percentage of votes carried for
and against each resolution (as a percentage of shares voted), are as follows:

 1.    Ordinary resolution number 1: Adoption of annual financial statements

        FOR                               AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
        414 659 392                       0                                571 180
        100%                              0.00%                            0.10%

 2.     Ordinary resolution number 2: Confirmation of appointment of GD Whyte

        FOR                               AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
        414 673 696                       0                                556 876
        100%                              0.00%                            0.10%
3.   Ordinary resolution number 3: Re-election of SS Lazar

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                    0                                556 876
      100%                           0.00%                            0.10%

4.   Ordinary resolution number 4: Re-election of JS Chimhanzi

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                    0                                556 876
      100%                           0.00%                            0.10%

5.   Ordinary resolution number 5: Re-election of KDM Warburton

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 642 417                    16 530                           571 625
      100%                           0.00%                            0.10%

6.   Ordinary resolution number 6: Re-election of KDM Warburton as member and chairman of the
     Audit and Risk Committee

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 642 417                    16 530                           571 625
      100%                           0.00%                            0.10%

7.   Ordinary resolution number 7: Re-election of JS Chimhanzi as member of the Audit and Risk

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      413 767 208                    906 488                          556 876
      99.78%                         0.22%                            0.10%

8.   Ordinary resolution number 8: Re-election of CB Thomson as member of the Audit and Risk

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                    0                                556 876
      100%                           0.00%                            0.10%

9.   Ordinary resolution number 9: Appointment of external auditors

      FOR                            AGAINST                          ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                      0                               556 876
      100%                             0.00%                           0.10%

10.   Ordinary resolution number 10: Signature of documents

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                      0                               556 876
      100%                             0.00%                           0.10%

11.   Non-binding advisory vote number 1 – Remuneration policy

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      410 516 873                      4 142 074                       571 625
      99.00%                           1.00 %                          0.10%

12.   Non-binding advisory vote number 2 – Implementation report

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      412 157 577                      2 508 370                       564 625
      99.40%                           0.60%                           0.10%

13.   Special resolution number 1: Approval of non-executive directors' fees

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      414 673 696                      0                               556 876
      100%                             0.00%                           0.10%

14.   Special resolution number 2: Authority to give loans or financial assistance to subsidiaries and
      related or inter-related companies

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      410 438 696                      4 235 000                       556 876
      98.98%                           1.02%                           0.10%

15.   Special resolution number 3: General authority to acquire the company's own shares

      FOR                              AGAINST                         ABSTAIN
      394 930 214                      19 743 482                      556 876
      95.24%                           4.76%                           0.10%
In a business update to shareholders at the AGM the Chairman indicated that enrolments for schools
and tertiary are up 4% and 7% respectively compared to prior year, as reported in our year end results.
This sets the Group up for another solid performance in the current financial year.

There have been no material changes since we published our enrolment numbers and the business
continues to trade in line with expectations.

 5 June 2024
 Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 05-06-2024 03:20:00
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