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ADVTECH LIMITED - Voluntary announcement to shareholders: ADvTECH acquires prime location for new university campus in Sandton

Release Date: 01/10/2024 11:00
Code(s): ADH     PDF:  
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Voluntary announcement to shareholders: ADvTECH acquires prime location for new university campus in Sandton

ADvTECH Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1990/001119/06)
JSE code: ADH ISIN: ZAE000031035
("ADvTECH" or "the group")


In a significant development for its Tertiary Division, the ADvTECH Group (ADvTECH) announced today
that it has acquired a prime Sandton location where it will create a new University campus after
concluding an agreement to purchase a former training and conference centre from FNB.

In line with the Group's strategic intent, and its journey to full University accreditation, The IIE's Varsity
College Sandton and Vega Bordeaux will relocate to the new campus in time for the start of the 2026
academic year. The acquisition has received Competition Commission approval and will result in a R419
million capital investment over the next two years.

Commenting on the new University campus, ADvTECH CEO, Geoff Whyte said: "We are delighted to have
secured an excellent location in the heart of Sandton where we can co-locate and expand two of our
biggest tertiary brands."

Centrally located off Grayston Drive, the spacious 47 000 m2 property is easily accessible by both road and
public transport and will double student capacity from the current Varsity College and Vega campuses to
9 000 students.

Significant investment will go into renovating and adding to the existing facility – including the
development of additional lecture facilities and a new sports centre.

"This new campus is an example of ADvTECH's continued investment in the delivery of superior,
technology-enhanced teaching and learning, and will further strengthen our position as the leading
provider of private education in Africa," added Whyte.

ADvTECH currently has a portfolio of eight tertiary brands across 33 campuses providing a comprehensive
set of qualifications ranging from skills development to PhD. The Sandton campus will offer undergraduate
to postgraduate qualifications.

1 October 2024
Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 01-10-2024 11:00:00
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