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BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO PLC - Transaction in own shares

Release Date: 29/10/2024 09:00
Code(s): BTI     PDF:  
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Transaction in own shares

British American Tobacco p.l.c.
Incorporated in England and Wales
(Registration number: 03407696)
Short name: BATS
Share code: BTI
ISIN number: GB0002875804
British American Tobacco p.l.c. (the "Company"

British American Tobacco p.l.c.

29 October 2024


British American Tobacco p.l.c. (the "Company") announces that in accordance with the authority granted by
shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 24 April 2024 it purchased the following number
of its ordinary shares of 25 pence each ("Shares") from Merrill Lynch International as part of its buyback
programme announced on 18 March 2024:

 Date of purchase:                                               28 October 2024
 Number of ordinary shares of 25 pence each purchased:           94,547
 Highest price paid per share (pence):                           2,682.00p
 Lowest price paid per share (pence):                            2,657.00p
 Volume weighted average price paid per share (pence):           2,670.3003p

The Company intends to cancel the purchased shares.

Following the purchase and cancellation of these shares, the Company will have 2,212,858,863 ordinary shares
in issue (excluding treasury shares) which carry voting rights and will hold 133,271,256 ordinary shares in
treasury. This information may be used by shareholders to determine whether they are required to notify their
interest, or a change to their interest, in the Company under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency

In accordance with Article 5(1)(b) of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 as it applies in the UK, a
schedule of individual trades carried out by Merrill Lynch International on 28 October 2024 is set out below.


Investor Relations
Victoria Buxton: +44 (0)20 7845 2012 |

Schedule of purchases - aggregate information

                                                        Daily total
                                                                       Daily weighted
                                       Transaction      volume (in
   Issuer name          ISIN Code                                     average price of Platform
                                          date          number of
                                                                      shares acquired
    British American
                       GB0002875804    28/10/2024          94,547   2,670.3003p       LSE
     Tobacco p.l.c.
    British American
                       GB0002875804    28/10/2024            0       0.0000p          CHIX
     Tobacco p.l.c.
    British American
                       GB0002875804    28/10/2024            0       0.0000p         BATE
     Tobacco p.l.c.

Schedule of purchases - individual transactions

Number of shares         Transaction price        Market            Time of transaction
purchased                (per share)
207                      2,664.00                 LSE               09:00:44
208                      2,664.00                 LSE               09:00:44
84                       2,663.00                 LSE               09:01:03
465                      2,663.00                 LSE               09:01:03
1,567                    2,663.00                 LSE               09:01:03
22                       2,664.00                 LSE               09:01:50
23                       2,664.00                 LSE               09:01:50
25                       2,664.00                 LSE               09:01:50
26                       2,664.00                 LSE               09:01:50
23                       2,661.00                 LSE               09:02:47
24                       2,661.00                 LSE               09:02:47
24                       2,661.00                 LSE               09:02:47
25                       2,661.00                 LSE               09:02:47
1,755                    2,661.00                 LSE               09:02:47
7                        2,664.00                 LSE               09:05:36
8                        2,664.00                 LSE               09:05:36
8                        2,664.00                 LSE               09:05:36
8                        2,664.00                 LSE               09:05:36
780                      2,664.00                 LSE               09:05:36
4                        2,662.00                 LSE               09:06:58
6                        2,662.00                 LSE               09:06:58
6                        2,662.00                 LSE               09:06:58
6                        2,662.00                 LSE               09:06:58
531                      2,662.00                 LSE               09:06:58
5                        2,659.00                 LSE               09:07:47
5                        2,659.00                 LSE               09:07:47
6                        2,659.00                 LSE               09:07:47
8                        2,659.00                 LSE               09:07:47
252                      2,660.00                 LSE               09:07:47
369                      2,660.00                 LSE               09:07:47
65                       2,658.00                 LSE               09:08:37
108                      2,657.00                 LSE               09:08:38
181     2,665.00   LSE   09:24:03
184     2,667.00   LSE   09:34:44
544     2,666.00   LSE   09:38:01
3       2,665.00   LSE   09:38:18
4       2,665.00   LSE   09:38:18
4       2,665.00   LSE   09:38:18
16      2,671.00   LSE   10:08:07
13      2,670.00   LSE   10:08:49
3       2,673.00   LSE   10:15:16
16      2,673.00   LSE   10:15:16
17      2,673.00   LSE   10:15:16
1,423   2,673.00   LSE   10:15:16
8       2,671.00   LSE   10:31:06
8       2,671.00   LSE   10:31:06
15      2,671.00   LSE   10:31:06
15      2,671.00   LSE   10:31:06
1,261   2,671.00   LSE   10:31:06
7       2,669.00   LSE   10:32:34
7       2,669.00   LSE   10:32:34
18      2,669.00   LSE   10:32:34
21      2,669.00   LSE   10:32:34
640     2,669.00   LSE   10:32:34
161     2,672.00   LSE   10:52:29
968     2,672.00   LSE   10:52:29
3       2,671.00   LSE   10:54:51
10      2,673.00   LSE   11:01:55
14      2,673.00   LSE   11:01:55
12      2,672.00   LSE   11:04:33
12      2,671.00   LSE   11:05:09
3       2,670.00   LSE   11:06:41
3       2,670.00   LSE   11:06:41
3       2,670.00   LSE   11:06:41
310     2,670.00   LSE   11:06:41
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:06:56
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:06:56
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:06:56
8       2,669.00   LSE   11:06:56
5       2,674.00   LSE   11:25:09
13      2,674.00   LSE   11:25:09
1,292   2,674.00   LSE   11:25:09
1,245   2,674.00   LSE   11:39:01
8       2,673.00   LSE   11:39:09
10      2,673.00   LSE   11:39:09
11      2,673.00   LSE   11:39:10
4       2,672.00   LSE   11:41:26
6       2,672.00   LSE   11:41:26
1,213   2,672.00   LSE   11:41:26
9       2,671.00   LSE   11:44:00
14      2,671.00   LSE   11:44:00
700     2,670.00   LSE   11:47:04
4       2,670.00   LSE   11:47:05
11      2,670.00   LSE   11:47:05
14      2,670.00   LSE   11:47:05
75      2,670.00   LSE   11:47:05
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:47:59
4       2,669.00   LSE   11:47:59
8       2,669.00   LSE   11:47:59
4       2,668.00   LSE   11:48:01
256     2,668.00   LSE   11:48:01
5       2,667.00   LSE   11:50:41
5       2,667.00   LSE   11:50:41
8       2,667.00   LSE   11:50:41
173     2,667.00   LSE   11:50:41
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:56:56
3       2,669.00   LSE   11:56:56
3       2,668.00   LSE   12:00:00
3       2,668.00   LSE   12:00:00
134     2,668.00   LSE   12:00:00
5       2,667.00   LSE   12:00:12
7       2,667.00   LSE   12:00:12
132     2,667.00   LSE   12:00:12
4       2,666.00   LSE   12:03:15
7       2,666.00   LSE   12:03:15
8       2,666.00   LSE   12:03:15
278     2,666.00   LSE   12:03:15
12      2,667.00   LSE   12:08:04
1,130   2,667.00   LSE   12:14:57
4       2,665.00   LSE   12:19:10
5       2,665.00   LSE   12:19:10
5       2,665.00   LSE   12:19:10
493     2,665.00   LSE   12:19:10
5       2,664.00   LSE   12:20:27
6       2,664.00   LSE   12:20:27
6       2,664.00   LSE   12:20:27
7       2,663.00   LSE   12:20:27
8       2,663.00   LSE   12:20:27
51      2,664.00   LSE   12:20:27
744     2,664.00   LSE   12:20:27
12      2,668.00   LSE   12:29:28
10      2,667.00   LSE   12:34:00
3       2,668.00   LSE   12:43:56
11      2,668.00   LSE   12:43:56
12      2,668.00   LSE   12:43:56
183     2,668.00   LSE   12:43:56
1,009   2,668.00   LSE   12:43:56
13      2,668.00   LSE   12:45:47
11      2,667.00   LSE   12:47:25
4       2,666.00   LSE   12:52:00
6       2,666.00   LSE   12:52:00
239     2,666.00   LSE   12:52:00
13      2,667.00   LSE   12:53:21
12      2,667.00   LSE   12:54:46
3       2,665.00   LSE   12:57:55
11      2,665.00   LSE   12:57:55
7       2,664.00   LSE   12:59:02
7       2,664.00   LSE   12:59:02
14      2,664.00   LSE   12:59:02
41      2,664.00   LSE   12:59:02
589     2,664.00   LSE   12:59:02
5       2,663.00   LSE   12:59:14
7       2,662.00   LSE   12:59:33
7       2,663.00   LSE   12:59:33
14      2,662.00   LSE   12:59:33
91      2,663.00   LSE   12:59:33
455     2,663.00   LSE   12:59:33
5       2,662.00   LSE   12:59:39
207     2,662.00   LSE   12:59:39
1,537   2,662.00   LSE   12:59:40
6       2,666.00   LSE   13:12:03
6       2,666.00   LSE   13:12:03
10      2,666.00   LSE   13:12:04
12      2,665.00   LSE   13:13:03
12      2,665.00   LSE   13:14:10
10      2,667.00   LSE   13:16:06
1,237   2,667.00   LSE   13:16:06
169     2,665.00   LSE   13:18:13
169     2,665.00   LSE   13:18:13
822     2,665.00   LSE   13:18:13
6       2,664.00   LSE   13:22:06
6       2,664.00   LSE   13:22:06
10      2,664.00   LSE   13:22:06
13      2,664.00   LSE   13:22:06
3       2,663.00   LSE   13:22:27
4       2,663.00   LSE   13:22:27
4       2,663.00   LSE   13:22:27
364     2,663.00   LSE   13:22:27
8       2,662.00   LSE   13:29:16
9       2,662.00   LSE   13:29:16
458     2,662.00   LSE   13:29:16
13      2,663.00   LSE   13:35:00
12      2,663.00   LSE   13:39:05
13      2,663.00   LSE   13:39:05
6       2,661.00   LSE   13:53:10
10      2,661.00   LSE   13:53:10
13      2,661.00   LSE   13:53:10
16      2,661.00   LSE   13:53:10
91      2,661.00   LSE   13:53:10
992     2,665.00   LSE   14:01:55
10      2,666.00   LSE   14:05:45
15      2,666.00   LSE   14:05:45
15      2,666.00   LSE   14:05:45
17      2,666.00   LSE   14:05:45
13      2,667.00   LSE   14:06:29
1,080   2,667.00   LSE   14:06:29
11      2,666.00   LSE   14:07:56
12      2,666.00   LSE   14:07:56
5       2,665.00   LSE   14:08:14
1,395   2,665.00   LSE   14:08:14
10      2,666.00   LSE   14:18:45
10      2,666.00   LSE   14:18:45
11      2,666.00   LSE   14:18:45
12      2,666.00   LSE   14:18:45
1,163   2,666.00   LSE   14:18:45
8       2,664.00   LSE   14:21:42
12      2,664.00   LSE   14:21:42
13      2,664.00   LSE   14:21:42
13      2,664.00   LSE   14:21:42
470     2,665.00   LSE   14:27:15
665     2,665.00   LSE   14:27:15
5       2,664.00   LSE   14:30:01
8       2,664.00   LSE   14:30:57
48      2,669.00   LSE   14:34:29
390     2,669.00   LSE   14:34:30
884     2,669.00   LSE   14:34:30
11      2,671.00   LSE   14:35:56
12      2,672.00   LSE   14:38:20
13      2,672.00   LSE   14:38:20
3       2,670.00   LSE   14:38:30
5       2,670.00   LSE   14:38:30
12      2,670.00   LSE   14:38:30
12      2,670.00   LSE   14:38:30
56      2,669.00   LSE   14:39:39
12      2,668.00   LSE   14:39:53
12      2,668.00   LSE   14:39:53
13      2,668.00   LSE   14:39:53
13      2,668.00   LSE   14:39:53
196     2,669.00   LSE   14:39:53
8       2,667.00   LSE   14:39:55
1,715   2,667.00   LSE   14:39:55
3       2,666.00   LSE   14:42:19
4       2,666.00   LSE   14:42:19
259     2,666.00   LSE   14:42:19
3       2,665.00   LSE   14:43:02
5       2,665.00   LSE   14:43:02
208     2,665.00   LSE   14:43:02
3       2,666.00   LSE   14:45:47
3       2,665.00   LSE   14:50:57
229     2,665.00   LSE   14:50:57
5       2,666.00   LSE   14:57:28
144     2,664.00   LSE   15:03:57
295     2,665.00   LSE   15:06:04
1,182   2,666.00   LSE   15:07:22
411     2,667.00   LSE   15:13:19
698     2,667.00   LSE   15:13:20
523     2,668.00   LSE   15:13:33
841     2,668.00   LSE   15:13:33
1,145   2,668.00   LSE   15:14:08
82      2,667.00   LSE   15:14:10
1,355   2,667.00   LSE   15:16:14
230     2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
242     2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
245     2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
246     2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
252     2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
1,076   2,670.00   LSE   15:24:49
200     2,669.00   LSE   15:24:50
476     2,669.00   LSE   15:26:13
2,000   2,669.00   LSE   15:26:13
3,489   2,669.00   LSE   15:27:08
477     2,670.00   LSE   15:30:18
4,291   2,670.00   LSE   15:30:18
30      2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
236     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
239     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
254     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
509     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
983     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:40
230     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:46
316     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:46
340     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:46
509     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:46
983     2,671.00   LSE   15:33:46
3,179   2,672.00   LSE   15:35:41
2,118   2,674.00   LSE   15:38:52
563     2,673.00   LSE   15:41:11
1,069   2,673.00   LSE   15:41:11
646     2,671.00   LSE   15:42:03
1,042   2,671.00   LSE   15:42:03
1,343   2,670.00   LSE   15:42:29
216     2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
229     2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
246     2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
309     2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
310     2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
1,268   2,672.00   LSE   15:48:06
237     2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
243   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
243   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
246   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
323   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
563   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
856   2,673.00   LSE   15:54:12
22    2,674.00   LSE   15:57:30
488   2,674.00   LSE   15:57:30
414   2,672.00   LSE   16:00:10
318   2,673.00   LSE   16:06:31
16    2,673.00   LSE   16:09:40
273   2,673.00   LSE   16:09:40
376   2,675.00   LSE   16:19:24
392   2,677.00   LSE   16:26:39
51    2,677.00   LSE   16:27:10
270   2,677.00   LSE   16:27:10
240   2,677.00   LSE   16:27:30
371   2,680.00   LSE   16:29:36
17    2,682.00   LSE   16:33:00
98    2,682.00   LSE   16:33:00
153   2,682.00   LSE   16:33:00
157   2,682.00   LSE   16:33:00
287   2,682.00   LSE   16:35:49
257   2,682.00   LSE   16:36:37
236   2,682.00   LSE   16:38:30
217   2,680.00   LSE   16:40:18
224   2,678.00   LSE   16:43:09
146   2,681.00   LSE   16:52:52
304   2,681.00   LSE   16:52:52
308   2,681.00   LSE   16:52:52
599   2,682.00   LSE   16:55:50
5     2,682.00   LSE   16:57:57
47    2,682.00   LSE   16:57:57
441   2,682.00   LSE   16:57:57
488   2,680.00   LSE   17:00:47
97    2,680.00   LSE   17:01:24
248   2,680.00   LSE   17:01:24
183   2,679.00   LSE   17:01:43
863   2,680.00   LSE   17:09:31
556   2,680.00   LSE   17:09:40
329   2,680.00   LSE   17:09:48
242                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:10:00
201                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:10:06
224                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:11:03
351                      2,679.00                 LSE               17:11:58
382                      2,678.00                 LSE               17:12:44
243                      2,679.00                 LSE               17:13:51
456                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:16:51
239                      2,679.00                 LSE               17:17:02
164                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:17:12
225                      2,680.00                 LSE               17:17:24
295                      2,678.00                 LSE               17:19:05
387                      2,677.00                 LSE               17:20:41
788                      2,679.00                 LSE               17:26:57
649                      2,679.00                 LSE               17:27:00
104                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:19
225                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:19
528                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:19
106                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:31
134                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:31
199                      2,681.00                 LSE               17:29:39
70                       2,682.00                 LSE               17:29:52
167                      2,682.00                 LSE               17:29:52

29 October 2024

Sponsor: Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a BofA Securities

Date: 29-10-2024 09:00:00
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