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KIBO ENERGY PLC - Kibo Strategy Update

Release Date: 16/01/2024 09:00
Code(s): KBO     PDF:  
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Kibo Strategy Update

Kibo Energy PLC (Incorporated in Ireland)
(Registration Number: 451931)
(External registration number: 2011/007371/10)
LEI Code: 635400WTCRIZB6TVGZ23
Share code on the JSE Limited: KBO
Share code on the AIM: KIBO
ISIN: IE00B97C0C31
('Kibo' or 'the Company')

Dated: 16 January 2024

                           Kibo Energy PLC ('Kibo' or the 'Company')

                                        Kibo Strategy Update

Kibo Energy PLC (AIM: KIBO; AltX: KBO), the renewable energy-focused developer of sustainable
energy solutions, is pleased to provide an interim strategy update in relation to its development
approach. This follows the Company's 2023 operational update as announced in an RNS dated 3 July
2023. This RNS aims to outline the Company's strategic concept and, whilst progress has been
limited given constraints around funding, recent advancements as part of its commitment to
developing long-term sustainable energy solutions in Southern Africa, the UK and Ireland.
Kibo's strategy revolves around its commitment to being a developer of sustainable clean energy
solutions by integrating both established and cutting-edge technologies in renewable energy
generation, waste-to-energy and energy storage. The primary focus is to deliver enduring, low- or
zero-carbon energy-generation solutions across Southern Africa, the UK and Ireland.
A number of these clean energy opportunities are in various stages of development and others still in
the opportunity screening phase.
In pursuit of this objective, the Company has and continues to establish formal relationships with
pivotal and leading industry entities, including sustainable technology original equipment
manufacturers, specialising in energy storage, biomass production and pioneers in biofuel
Operationally, the Company:
       * is currently formulating a joint development agreement with a multinational food and
         beverage producer ("the Client") intended to be funded equally (i.e., 50-50) by Kibo and the
         Client. The objective of this collaboration is to build and operate a pilot plant that will produce
         bio-coal as a preliminary step towards the establishment of a comprehensive production-scale
         facility. This initiative, subject to a successful pilot plant and financing, will enable the Client
         to transition from the use of fossil coal to bio-coal in its comprehensive boiler fleet, without
         any reconfiguration, aligning with established Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
         compliance standards; and

       * has received conditional preliminary approval for development funding, subject to due
         diligence, from a prominent development banking institution in Southern Africa for one of
         the Company's existing waste-to-energy projects.

The table below indicates the status of Kibo's project portfolio at present. Timelines beyond Q1 2024
remain as advised and the Company will advise should these change in light of the below. This does
not include opportunities that are currently the subject of advanced due diligence and commercial

                                         Kibo Group Project Portfolio

                   Kibo      Strategic                     Development
    Entity                                  Projects                                 Current Status
                  Equity     Domain                           Status

                                                                               – CM T-1 contract began on 1
                                                                            October 2023 (see MED Unaudited
                                                                             Interim results for the six months
                                          Pyebridge (9     In care and             ended 30 June 2023)
                                             MW)           maintenance
                                                                             – Placed in care and maintenance,
                                                                             pending funding (see MED RNS
                                                                                  dated 1 December 2023)

                                                                            Ready for construction and awaiting
                                          Bordesley (5   Advanced project
                                                                             funding (see MED RNS dated 25
                                             MW)          development
                                                                                       August 2023)

 MAST Energy
 Developments    57.86%
                             Power                                           – Planning consent granted in Q2
                                                                            2023 (see MED Results for the year
                                                                            ended 31 December 2022 as per the
                                                                            MED RNS dated 28 April 2023 and
                                                                            MED Unaudited Interim results for
                                           Rochdale      Advanced project   the six months ended 30 June 2023)
                                           (4.4 MW)       development
                                                                              – Shovel ready and awaiting
                                                                            funding (see MED RNS dated 25
                                                                            August 2023 and MED Unaudited
                                                                            Interim results for the six months
                                                                                  ended 30 June 2023)

                                                                              – EPC and O&M contracts under
                                                                              review, further updates to follow
                                                                               (see MED Results for the year
                                                                            ended 31 December 2022 as per the
                                                                            MED RNS dated 28 April 2023 and
                                          Hindlip Lane                      MED Unaudited Interim results for
                                                          Concept stage     the six months ended 30 June 2023)
                                           (7.5 MW)
                                                                              – Shovel ready and awaiting
                                                                            funding (see MED RNS dated 25
                                                                            August 2023 and MED Unaudited
                                                                            Interim results for the six months
                                                                                  ended 30 June 2023)
                                                                         – EPC and O&M contracts under
                                                                         review, further updates to follow
                                                                          (see MED Results for the year
                                                                       ended 31 December 2022 as per the
                                                                       MED RNS dated 28 April 2023 and
                                   Stather Road                        MED Unaudited Interim results for
                                                    Concept stage      the six months ended 30 June 2023)
                                    (2.5 MW)
                                                                         – Planning consent granted (see
                                                                        MED RNS dated 25 August 2023
                                                                       and MED Unaudited Interim results
                                                                        for the six months ended 30 June

                                                                                       – Technical
                                    CHP project                                       workstream in
                                      to supply                                   collaboration with a
                                     base-load                                     potential OEM to
                                     electricity                                   align and integrate
                                   generation in                                    plant designs and
                                   South Africa                                   specifications with
                                        with 4                                      feedstock supply
                                      potential   Phase 1 (2.7 MW +
                                                                     developmen        – Integrated
                                       revenue    study on synthetic
                                                                       t stage –     Environmental
                                       streams:     oil production)
                        Waste to                                      financial   Authorisation (EA)
Sustineri (SA)   65%                 electricity,
                        Energy                                       close ready    has been granted
                                   gate fees and
                                    potentially                                        – Advanced
                                     from heat                                     discussions with a
                                     and steam                                   development banking
                                      output as                                       institution for
                                    well as the                                  development funding
                                   production of                                  currently underway
                                   synthetic fuel
                                        oil and                                      Milestones TBD
                                                   Phase 2 (targeted Pre-concept
                                       naphtha                                      once Phase 1 has
                                                        20 MW)           stage
                                                                                      been executed

                                                     concept and
                         Long      12.3 MW in        commercial
   National                        development                           Status remains unchanged from
                        Duration                    development
 Broadband       51%                                                     previous update currently under
Solutions (SA)                                                                       review
                        Storage     36.32 MW
                                     target for    Under assessment

                                                                        TANESCO due diligence on Kibo
                                     300 MW                               ongoing as part of the MOU
                                                   Original project.
                                    short-term                         programme and currently underway
Mbeya Power                                         Fully permitted
                                   conversion to
   Project       100%   Biofuel                     with Bankable       The Company has also entered into
('MPP') (TZ)                                       Feasibility Study   negotiations with potential strategic
                                                      completed        investor for the further development
                                                                                    of the MPP

                                    (10 MW, 2
                                    MW long-                             Status remains unchanged from
                        Waste to      duration                         previous update as parties continue
UK Portfolio     100%
                        Energy         energy                             to seek agreement on further
                                    storage and                           development plan for project
                                   5.5m m3 bio-
This announcement contains inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations
(EU) no. 596/2014.


For further information please visit or contact:

 Louis Coetzee                Kibo Energy PLC              Chief Executive Officer
 James Biddle     +44 207 628 3396                Beaumont Cornish Limited     Nominated Adviser
 Roland Cornish
 Claire Noyce     +44 20 3764 2341                Hybridan LLP                 Joint Broker
 Damon Heath      +44 207 186 9952                Shard Capital Partners LLP   Joint Broker
 Zainab Slemang   Lifa Communications          Investor and Media
 van Rijmenant                                                                 Relations Consultant

16 January 2024
Corporate and Designated Adviser
River Group

Date: 16-01-2024 09:00:00
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