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RH BOPHELO LIMITED - Correction Announcement Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Results For The Period Ended 31 August 2021

Release Date: 02/12/2021 17:30
Code(s): RHB     PDF:  
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Correction Announcement – Unaudited Condensed Interim Financial Results For The Period Ended 31 August 2021

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number: 2016/533398/06)
JSE & RSE Share Code: RHBE, ISIN: ZAE000244737
(“RHB” or “the Company”)


Shareholders are referred to the announcement published by the Company on the Stock Exchange News Service
on 26 November 2021 (“the short form announcement”) wherein shareholders were notified that the full long
form announcement on the summarised unaudited consolidated interim financial statements (“long form
announcement”) was available.

The results, financial position and cash flows for the current and previous reporting periods were presented and
disclosed correctly in the long form and short form announcements. However, it was determined post publication
that correction disclosures are required to ensure alignment of the long form announcement to the previously
published interim financial statements for the period ended 31 August 2020. In the prior period disclosures, the
Company’s basic, diluted and headline earnings per share were disclosed at R2,79 per share rather than R1,39
per share. Although the basic, diluted and headline earnings per share figures were restated in the long form
and short form announcements released on 26 November 2021, these figures were not annotated as “restated”.

Shareholders are therefore advised that the short form announcement and the long form announcement have
been amended as follows –

The comparative figures of the basic, diluted and headline earnings per share for 31 August 2020 have now
been annotated as “restated” from R2,79 to R1,39 in the long form and short form announcements.

The corrected short form announcement and long form announcement for the period ended 31 August 2021 can
be found on the Company’s website via this link ( These
documents can also be requested from the Company Secretary via the email (

2 December 2021


Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited,
FAIDA Securities Rwanda Limited

Date: 02-12-2021 05:30:00
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