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PICK N PAY STORES LIMITED - Confirmation of director and company secretary participation in rights offer

Release Date: 23/07/2024 17:32
Code(s): PIK     PDF:  
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Confirmation of director and company secretary participation in rights offer

Pick n Pay Stores Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 1968/008034/06
JSE share code: PIK
ISIN: ZAE000005443
("Pick n Pay" or "the Company")


Pick n Pay shareholders are referred to the announcements released on the Stock Exchange News Service
("SENS") of the JSE Limited ("JSE") and the A2X News Service ("ANS") of the A2X Market on Tuesday, 9 July
2024 and Thursday, 11 July 2024 relating to the Company's fully underwritten renounceable rights offer
to qualifying Pick n Pay shareholders ("Rights Offer").

In accordance with paragraph 7.C.16 of Section 7 of the JSE Listings Requirements, notice is hereby
provided that the following directors and company secretary of Pick n Pay hold shares in the Company
and intend to follow their rights, either in full or in part, under the terms of the Rights Offer:

 Name                                                Designation
 Gareth Ackerman                                     Non-executive director and Board Chair
 Jonathan Ackerman                                   Non-executive director
 Suzanne Ackerman                                    Non-executive director
 David Robins                                        Non-executive director
 James Formby                                        Lead independent non-executive
 David Friedland                                     Independent non-executive director
 Aboubakar Jakoet                                    Independent non-executive director
 Lerena Olivier                                      Executive director
 Sean Summers                                        Executive director
 Vaughan Pierce                                      Company Secretary

The full details of the director and company secretary participation in the Rights Offer (and that of all
associates as contemplated by the JSE Listings Requirements), including all dealings in Letters of
Allocation, will be disclosed on SENS and ANS on implementation of the Rights Offer, on Monday, 5 August

By order of the Board
Cape Town
23 July 2024

Transaction Sponsor:
Rand Merchant Bank
(a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 23-07-2024 05:32:00
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