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Results of Annual General Meeting
Miranda Mineral Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number 1998/001940/06
Share Code: MMH
ISIN: ZAE000074019
(“Miranda Holdings” or “the Company”)
The Board of Directors of Miranda Mineral Holdings Limited hereby advises that at the Annual General
Meeting ("AGM") of shareholders of Miranda Mineral Holdings Limited held today, 06 August 2018,
the following resolutions, as set out in the Notice of Annual General Meeting which was incorporated
in the Annual Integrated Report distributed to shareholders on 09 July 2018, were duly approved by
the requisite majority of votes. In this regard, Miranda Holdings confirms the voting statistics from the
AGM as follows:
Shareholders are advised that:
- the total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 1 288 086 443 shares;
- the total number of shares that were represented by shareholders present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual General Meeting was 469 938 344 shares being 36,48% of
the total number of shares in issue; and
- Abstentions are represented below as a percentage of the total number of shares in issue.
Resolutions Shares Voted
For Against Abstentions
Ordinary Business
1. Appointment of external auditors: Ernst & 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
Young inc 100% 0.00% 2.49%
2. Confirmation of appointment of Theo 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
Botoulas as CEO 100% 0.00% 2.49%
3. Confirmation of appointment of Adriaan 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
Moolman Botha as the financial director 100% 0.00% 2.49%
469,938,344 0 32,081,495
4. Re-election of Dr Lelau Mohuba as a 100% 0.00% 2.49%
5. Re-election of Gideon Joubert as a director 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
6. Re-election of Peter Cook as a director 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
7. General authority to issue shares for cash 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
8. Approval of Related Party Agreement 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
9. General Authority to sign all required 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
documents to give effect to the ordinary and 100% 0.00% 2.49%
special resolutions
10. Placement of the authorised but unissued 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
shares under the control of the directors 100% 0.00% 2.49%
Special Resolutions
1. Approval in respect of the disposal of 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
Miranda Coal 100% 0.00% 2.49%
2. Name Change 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
3. Inter-company financial assistance in terms 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
of Section 45 of the Companies Act, No71 of 100% 0,00% 2.49%
2008, as amended from time to time
4. Financial assistance in terms of Section 44
of the Companies Act, No71 of 2008, as 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
amended from time to time 100% 0,00% 2.49%
5. Financial assistance in relation to the 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
Rozynenbosch B-BBEE Transaction 100% 0,00% 2.49%
6. General Authority to repurchase shares 469,938,344 0 32,081,495
100% 0.00% 2.49%
06 August 2018
Sponsor and Corporate Advisor
River Group
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