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JSE LIMITED - Acceptance of allocations of securities to directors, prescribed officers and the company secretary

Release Date: 13/03/2025 16:00
Code(s): JSE     PDF:  
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Acceptance of allocations of securities to directors, prescribed officers and the company secretary

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2005/022939/06)
Share Code: JSE
ISIN: ZAE000079711


The JSE LTIS 2018 Trust ("Trust") has acquired a total of 794 296 JSE
ordinary shares in the open market, with prior clearance, and on behalf of
participants in the JSE's Long-Term Incentive Scheme ("LTIS 2018"), as
previously disclosed. These JSE ordinary shares were acquired at a volume-
weighted average price ("VWAP") of R129.7689 per ordinary share.

Following the acquisition of the JSE ordinary shares by the Trust, the
executive directors, the prescribed officers and the Company Secretary have,
on 12 March 2025, accepted grants of restricted JSE ordinary shares, as
reflected below.

Executive      Role            Total number    Total Rand value    Nature of
                               of restricted   of restricted JSE   interest
                               JSE ordinary    ordinary shares
                               shares          awarded and
                               awarded and     accepted

L Fourie       Group CEO &     184 870         23 990 376          Direct
               Executive                                           beneficial

F Suliman      Group CFO &     63 648          8 259 530           Direct
               Executive                                           beneficial

A Greenwood    Prescribed      58 234          7 556 962           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

V Lee          Prescribed      30 990          4 021 538           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

Q Mthembu      Prescribed      22 122          2 870 747           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

M Randall      Prescribed      49 006          6 359 454           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

T Tsoaeli      Prescribed      43 334          5 623 405           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

V Reddy        Prescribed      64 706          8 396 826           Direct
               Officer                                             beneficial

GA Brookes     Group Company   16 000          2 076 302           Direct
               Secretary                                           beneficial

These ordinary shares are held by the LTIS 2018 participants on a direct
beneficial basis and are restricted until all vesting criteria (as defined)
are fulfilled.

The vesting of these restricted JSE ordinary shares is subject to –

(i)  the JSE achieving specified corporate performance targets over the
     measurement period; and
(ii) the LTIS 2018 participant remaining in the employ of the JSE for the
     vesting term (collectively "the vesting criteria").

To the extent that the vesting criteria are not fulfilled, the share awards
are forfeited.

The restricted shares will vest in two tranches, one-half on 1 March 2028
and the remaining half on 1 March 2029, subject to the vesting criteria
being met.

The individual allocations (grant and acceptance) were approved by the JSE's
Group Remuneration Committee.

13 March 2025

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 13-03-2025 04:00:00
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