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TIGER BRANDS LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 21/02/2025 15:45
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Results of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1944/017881/06)
Share code: TBS
ISIN: ZAE000071080
("Tiger Brands" or "the Company")

Results of annual general meeting

Shareholders are advised that the voting results, in respect to the ordinary
and special resolutions as set out in the notice of AGM dated 22 January 2025,
presented to shareholders at the annual general meeting of Tiger Brands'
shareholders held on Thursday, 20 February 2025 ("AGM"), in-person and by
way of electronic participation are as follows:

Ordinary resolutions       Number of       Percentage   Percentage   Percentage   Percentage
                           shares voted    of shares    for*         against*     abstained
                                           voted                                  **
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91.02%       99,94%        0,06%         0,02%
number 1.1: Re-election
of director – Mr FNJ
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       97,50%        2,50%         0,02%
number 1.2: Re-election
of director – Ms GJ
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,42%        0,58%         0,02%
number 1.3: Re-election
of director – Ms LA
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,95%        0,05%         0,02%
number 1.4: Re-election
of director – Mr OM
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,95%        O,05%         0,02%
number 2.1: Election of
audit committee member –
Mr FNJ Braeken
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,68%        0,32%         0,02%
number 2.2: Election of
audit committee member -
Ms TE Mashilwane
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91.02%       99,71%        0,29%         0,02%
number 2.3 Election of
audit committee member -
Adv M Sello
Ordinary resolutions           Number of   Percentage   Percentage   Percentage    Percentage
                            shares voted    of shares         for*     against*   abstained**
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,72%        0,28%         0,02%
number 2.4: Election of
audit committee member -
Mr DG Wilson
Ordinary Resolution          154,284,564       91,02%       99,87%        0,13%         0,02%
number 3.1: Election of
social, ethics and
transformation committee
member – Mr TN Kruger
Ordinary Resolution         154,284,164       91,02%       99.85%        0,15%         0,02%
number 3.2: Election of
social, ethics and
transformation committee
member – Ms TE

Ordinary Resolution         154,284,164       91,02%       99.87%        0,13%         0,02%
number 3.3: Election of
social, ethics and
transformation committee
member – Adv M Sello
Ordinary Resolution         154,284,564       91,02%       99.81%        0,19%         0,02%
number 3.4: Election of
social, ethics and
transformation committee
member – Ms LA Swartz
Ordinary Resolution         154,284,564       91,02%       99,94%        0,06%         0,02%
number 4: Deloitte &
Ordinary resolution         154,284,564       91,02%       99,94%        0,06%         0,02%
number 5: General
Ordinary Resolution         154,281,956       91,01%       99,72%        0,28%         0,02%
number 6: Approval of
the remuneration policy
Ordinary Resolution         154,281,956       91,01%       99,43%        0,57%         0,02%
number 7: Endorsement of
the implementation
report of the
remuneration policy

Special resolutions           Number of   Percentage   Percentage   Percentage    Percentage
                           shares voted    of shares         for*     against*   abstained**
Special Resolution          154,284,484      91,02%       98,76%      1,24%            0,02%
number 1: To provide
financial assistance to
related and inter-
related companies
Special Resolution         154,284,084       91,02%       99.91%        0,09%          0,02%
number 2.1: Remuneration
payable to the chairman
of the board
Special Resolution          154,284,484       91,02%       99,49%        0,51%         0,02%
number 2.2: Remuneration
payable to the lead
independent director
Special Resolution         154,284,084       91,02%       99,83%        0,17%          0,02%
number 2.3: Remuneration
payable to non-executive
Special Resolution          154,284,484      91,02%       99,95%        0,05%          0,02%
number 3: Remuneration
payable to non-executive
directors participating
in sub-committees
Special Resolution         154,281,956       91.01%       88,60%       11,40%          0,02%
number 4: Remuneration
payable to non-executive
directors in respect of
unscheduled /
extraordinary meetings
Special Resolution        154,281,956        91,01%       88,18%         11,82%        0,02%
number 5: Non-resident
directors' fees
Special Resolution                                  WITHDRAWN
number 6: Amendments to
the memorandum of

Special Resolution        154,281,182        91,01%         100%         0,00%        0,02%
number 7: General
authority to repurchase

* based on the total number of shares voted in person or by proxy at the AGM.
** based on the total number of the Company's shares in issue, being 180 327 980.


21 February 2025

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Date: 21-02-2025 03:45:00
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