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NEPI ROCKCASTLE N.V - Dealings in securities by a director of NEPI Rockcastle and correction to dealings in securities announcements

Release Date: 22/10/2024 16:00
Code(s): NRP     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by a director of NEPI Rockcastle and correction to dealings in securities announcements

Incorporated and registered in the Netherlands
Registered number: 87488329
Share code: NRP
ISIN: NL0015000RT3
("NEPI Rockcastle")


Shareholders are advised of the following information relating to dealings in securities by a director of NEPI Rockcastle
under the JSE Listings Requirements and the Market Abuse Regulation ("MAR") in Europe.

Name of director / person discharging managerial responsibilities and       Andre van der Veer
relationship to director / person discharging managerial responsibilities
and reason for the notification:
Initial notification / amendment according to MAR:                          Initial notification
Transaction date:                                                           18 October 2024
Class of securities / description and type of the financial instrument:     Ordinary shares of EUR0.01 each
Number of securities / volume:                                              1 020
Price per security:                                                         ZAR 142.33
Total value:                                                                ZAR 145 176.60
Nature of transaction:                                                      On-market purchase through the JSE
Nature and extent of director's interest:                                   Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal received:                                                 Yes

Reference is made to the dealings in securities announcement published on 28 June 2024 which included, inter alia, the
on-market purchase through Euronext Amsterdam of 3 598 NEPI Rockcastle shares by George Aase on 25 June 2024.
Shareholders are advised of a further dealing in securities by George Aase on 25 June 2024 as set out below:

Name of director / person discharging managerial responsibilities and       George Aase
relationship to director / person discharging managerial responsibilities
and reason for the notification:
Initial notification / amendment according to MAR:                          Initial notification
Transaction date:                                                           25 June 2024
Class of securities / description and type of the financial instrument:     Ordinary shares of EUR0.01 each
Number of securities / volume:                                              284
Highest traded price per security on the market on the day:                 EUR 7.05
Weighted average price per security:                                        EUR 6.87958
Lowest traded price per security on the market on the day:                  EUR 6.80
Total value:                                                                EUR 1 953.80
Nature of transaction:                                                      On-market purchase through Euronext
Nature and extent of director's interest:                                   Direct beneficial
Clearance to deal received:                                                 Yes

Shareholders are further referred to the dealings in securities announcement published on 11 October 2024, which
included, inter alia, information on the receipt of 2 567 shares by André van der Veer, a director of NEPI Rockcastle,
in terms of an election to receive the interim dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2024 by way of an issue of new
shares ("scrip issue"). Reconciliations of the share register following the completion of the scrip issue show that,
inadvertently, no election to receive the interim dividend as a scrip issue was made on behalf of André van der Veer in
respect of a portion of his shareholding. Accordingly, the number of shares reflected as being received by André van
der Veer is reduced to 2 480 for a total value of ZAR 350 339.38 (equivalent to EUR 17 673.79), with the remainder
being settled in cash.

For further information please contact:

NEPI Rockcastle N.V.
Rudiger Dany/Eliza Predoiu                +31 20 237 4770

JSE sponsor
Java Capital                              +27 (0)78 456 9999

Euronext Listing Agent
ING Bank                                  +31 20 563 6685

Media Relations                 

22 October 2024

Date: 22-10-2024 04:00:00
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