Listing of the Reitway Global Property Income Prescient Exchange Traded Fund ("RWINC") PRESCIENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY (RF) (PTY) LTD (Registration number 2002/022560/07) ("Prescient" or "the Manager") (Being the manager of the Prescient ETF Scheme) REITWAY GLOBAL PROPERTY INCOME PRESCIENT ETF ("RWINC") (being a portfolio under the Prescient ETF Scheme registered as such in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002 ("CISCA") Long Name: RW Global Income ETF Short Name: RWINCOME Share Code: RWINC ISIN: ZAE000343372 LISTING OF THE REITWAY GLOBAL PROPERTY INCOME PRESCIENT ETF IN THE EXCHANGE TRADED FUND SECTOR ON THE MAIN BOARD OF THE JSE LIMITED ("JSE") 1. INTRODUCTION This announcement is issued in compliance with paragraph 4.8 of the Debt & Specialist Securities Listings Requirements ("DSS Listings Requirements") for information purposes, following the JSE approving the listing by introduction of participatory interests in the Reitway Global Property Income Prescient ETF. The information set out below has been extracted from the Prescient ETF Programme Memorandum ("the Programme Memorandum") issued by the Manager on 26 May 2023 and amended on 14 March 2025 and the 18th Supplement ("the Supplement") issued on 14 March 2025 and relates to the listing of the Reitway Global Property Income Prescient ETF participatory interests in the "Exchange Traded Funds" sector on the Main Board of the JSE. 2. STRUCTURE The Reitway Global Property Income Prescient ETF portfolio is managed by Prescient, an approved manager of the Prescient ETF Scheme a scheme approved by the FCSA in terms of Act. The Manager has entered into an investment management agreement with the Asset Manager, Reitway Global Property (Pty) Ltd, in terms of which the Asset Manager will manage the underlying portfolio and execute transactions to reflect these changes on behalf of the Manager. Standard Bank of South Africa Limited will act as the independent Trustee and will fulfil its duties as specified in CISCA and the Regulations thereto. 3. SUMMARY OF THE LISTING 3.1 Issuer: Prescient ETF Scheme 3.2 ISIN: ZAE000343372 3.3 Share code: RWINC 3.4 Long name: RW Global Income ETF 3.5 Short name: RWINCOME 3.6 Issue size: 1,000 units 3.7 Issue price: 1000 cents (R10) 3.8 Investment Policy: The Reitway Global Property Income Prescient Exchange Traded Fund ("Reitway Global Property Income Prescient ETF") investment policy shall be to track as closely as possible the Reitway Global Property Income Index ("the Index") with the intention of allowing an investor to obtain market exposure to the constituent securities which are held in the portfolio. The Portfolio will be passively managed in that the Manager will not buy and sell securities based on economic, financial and/or market analysis but rather, will buy and sell securities solely for the purposes of ensuring that the portfolio tracks the Index. As such the investment objective and style of the portfolio will be full replication of the Index. Accordingly, the financial or other condition of any company or entity included in the Index will not result in the elimination of its securities from the portfolio, unless the securities of such company or entity are removed from the Index itself. Investors may obtain participatory interests in the portfolio on the secondary market or by subscribing for new participatory interest in the portfolio on the primary market. In order to achieve this object, the Manager may, subject to the Act and the Scheme Deed, create and issue or redeem and cancel an unlimited number of participatory interests in the portfolio The Manager shall further be entitled in its discretion and only on a temporary basis, to employ such other investment techniques and financial instruments, whether listed or unlisted, for the purposes of efficient portfolio management with the aim of reducing risk, reducing cost or generating capital or income for the Portfolio with an acceptable level of risk in line with the investment objective of the Portfolio, subject to the provision of the Scheme Deed, the DSS Listings Requirements and the Act from time to time. 4. SALIENT DATES AND TIMES Publication of the listing announcement on SENS and distribution of Friday, 14 March 2025 Supplement Listing Date at 09:00 Monday, 24 March 2025 5. DOCUMENTATION Copies of the Programme Memorandum and the Supplement can be obtained on the Prescient website at, from 14 March 2025. The distribution of the Supplement and the offer or sale of participatory interests may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. Persons in whose possession the Supplement or any other participatory interests come must inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. 14 March 2025 Listing Advisor Prescient Structured Product Advisory (Pty) Ltd Date: 14-03-2025 01:28:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.