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IMPERIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED - Finalisation announcement in relation to the unbundling of MOTUS and name change of Imperial Holdings

Release Date: 14/11/2018 11:50
Code(s): IPL     PDF:  
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Finalisation announcement in relation to the unbundling of MOTUS and name change of Imperial Holdings

Imperial Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1946/021048/06)
Share code: IPL
ISIN: ZAE000067211
(“Imperial Holdings” or “the Company”)

                            NAME CHANGE OF IMPERIAL HOLDINGS

1.    Introduction
      Imperial Holdings ordinary shareholders and deferred ordinary shareholders (collectively
      “Imperial Holdings Shareholders” or “Shareholders”) are referred to the circular to Shareholders
      dated 27 September 2018 (“Circular”) and the Motus pre-listing statement dated 27 September
      2018 (“Motus PLS”), which set out the details of the proposed unbundling by Imperial Holdings
      of all its shares in its wholly-owned subsidiary, Motus Holdings Limited (“Motus”), to Imperial
      Holdings Ordinary Shareholders by way of a distribution in specie (“the Unbundling”) and the
      proposed listing of Motus in the Specialty Retailers sector of the main board of the securities
      exchange operated by the JSE Limited (“JSE”) (“the Listing”).

      Capitalised terms used in this announcement bear the same meanings ascribed to them in the
      Circular or the Motus PLS, as the case may be.

2.    Fulfilment of Suspensive Conditions and implementation of the Unbundling and Listing
      Further to the SENS announcement published on 30 October 2018, Shareholders are advised
      that the remaining Suspensive Condition relating to the TRP issuing a compliance certificate in
      respect of the Unbundling in terms of section 115 of the Companies Act has been fulfilled. The
      Unbundling and Listing have accordingly become unconditional.

      Motus (and the Motus Shares) will list on the main board of the JSE on Thursday 22 November
      2018 under the ticker code ‘MTH’.

      As indicated in the Circular, upon implementation of the Unbundling, Imperial Holdings will
      distribute the Motus Distribution Shares to its Ordinary Shareholders by way of a distribution in
      specie in terms of section 46 of the Companies Act and section 46 of the Income Tax Act, such
      that each Ordinary Shareholder will receive 1 Motus Share for every 1 Ordinary Share held on
      the Record Date, being Monday 26 November 2018. Ordinary Shareholders will receive their
      Motus Distribution Shares in Dematerialised form only. Accordingly, all Ordinary Shareholders
     must appoint a central securities depository participant (“CSDP”) under the terms of the Financial
     Markets Act, 2012 (“FMA”), directly or through a broker, to receive such shares on their behalf.
     Should an Ordinary Shareholder not appoint a CSDP under the terms of the FMA, directly or
     through a broker, to receive Motus Distribution Shares on its behalf, it will be issued with a
     statement of allocation, representing its Distribution Shares, by the Company’s transfer
     secretaries, Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited (“Transfer Secretaries”). Such
     Ordinary Shareholders can instruct the Transfer Secretaries to transfer their Motus Distribution
     Shares represented by the statement of allocation to their appointed CSDP or can instruct the
     Transfer Secretaries to issue them with a share certificate at any time following the Unbundling.
     Should any Ordinary Shareholder be in any doubt as to what action they should take, they are
     to consult their broker, CSDP, banker, attorney or other professional advisor.

     Foreign Shareholders are referred to paragraphs 8.5 through 8.8 of the Circular, and
     Shareholders are generally advised to refer to the Circular and the Motus PLS for the full terms
     and conditions of the Unbundling and the Listing.

     Acting Chief Executive for Imperial Holdings, Mohammed Akoojee: “We are pleased that the
     unbundling and separate listing of Motus was supported and is now unconditional. As we look
     forward to a new chapter with Imperial Logistics and Motus being listed as separate entities, the
     key priorities of both management teams are to continue to position their companies as market
     leaders in their respective industries and to ensure that each delivers on its strategic, financial
     and operational objectives and targets over the next three to five years.”

3.   Tax considerations
     From a South African perspective, Imperial Holdings intends to rely on the provisions of section
     46 of the Income Tax Act in respect of the Unbundling, which section provides relief from income
     tax, CGT, dividends tax and STT which would ordinarily be payable in respect of an unbundling
     of this nature. Imperial Holdings will distribute the Motus Distribution Shares as a dividend in
     specie out of retained earnings.

     Imperial Holdings will advise Shareholders of the specified ratio at which expenditure must be
     allocated between the Motus Shares and Imperial Shares by way of an announcement to be
     released on SENS on or about Friday 23 November 2018. The allocated expenditure must be
     used in the determination of any profits, gains or losses derived on any future disposals of the
     unbundled Motus Shares or Imperial Shares.
       Imperial Holdings Shareholders are referred to Annexure 3 of the Circular for further information
       on the South African taxation considerations, as well as guidance on certain US federal income
       tax considerations, relating to the Unbundling. The above and Annexure 3 of the Circular are
       intended to comprise a general description of certain South African tax and US federal income
       tax considerations. It is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, legal and taxation
       advice. Imperial Holdings and its advisors cannot be held responsible for the taxation
       consequences of the Unbundling and Shareholders are therefore advised to consult their own
       taxation advisors in this regard.

4.     Salient dates and times, and name change from Imperial Holdings

       4.1 The remaining salient dates and times relating to the finalisation and implementation of the
           Unbundling are set out in the Circular. The date of listing for Motus on the JSE will be
           Thursday, 22 November 2018. Note that these dates and times have not changed from those
           dates and times set out in the Circular.

       4.2 Further to the approval by Shareholders of the name change of Imperial Holdings Limited to
           Imperial Logistics Limited (“the Name Change”), of which details were set out in the Circular,
           Shareholders are advised that the special resolution necessary for the Name Change,
           together with all prescribed documents, has been registered by the Companies and
           Intellectual Property Commission. Accordingly, the salient dates and times relating to the
           Name Change has been set out below:


     Name Change declaration information published on SENS                  Wednesday, 14 November
     Name Change declaration information published in the South               Thursday, 15 November
     African press
     Last day of trading as Imperial Holdings Limited                           Tuesday, 4 December
     Trading as Imperial Logistics Limited Shares on the JSE under           Wednesday, 5 December
     JSE code: IPL and ISIN: ZAE000067211 from commence of
     Record date for Name Change                                                   Friday, 7 December
     Date of issue of new replacement share certificates provided that
     the old share certificates have been lodged by 12:00 on the
     Record Date (share certificates received after this time will be
     posted within five business days of receipt) on or about                   Monday, 10 December
    Dematerialised Shareholders will have their accounts at the
    CSDP or broker updated                                                        Monday, 10 December

    1. All references to times set out above are to South African local times unless otherwise stated.
        The above dates and times are subject to change. Updates will be released on SENS and
        published in the South African press.
    2. Shareholders will not be able to dematerialise or rematerialise securities in the name of
        Imperial Holdings after the last day to trade.
    3. Share certificates and surrender forms received after 12:00 on the Record Date will have their
        replacement certificates posted within five business days of receipt of surrender forms.

“We extend our sincerest gratitude to our staff, previous leaders, board of directors, advisors and
funders for their invaluable counsel and support during this multifaceted restructuring of Imperial
Holdings over the past four years, which was among the most complex and ambitious undertaken in
the South African market in recent times.” said Akoojee.

“Standard Bank congratulates Imperial Holdings on reaching this key milestone in the group’s strategic
evolution. Imperial Holdings has continued to build on its legacy as a South African corporate
champion, successfully creating two new blue-chip standalone businesses, appropriately capitalised
and focused on generating enhanced value for shareholders. Standard Bank is proud to have played
an integral role in enabling Imperial Logistics and Motus to emerge as independent businesses and
wishes them every success in the next phase of their respective strategic journeys.” – Standard Bank

“The separation of the Imperial Logistics and Motus businesses is a significant milestone, allowing
each business greater focus going forward. The new loan facilities for each business were
oversubscribed signalling the market’s confidence in the future of Logistics and Motus.” – J.P. Morgan

“Bowmans congratulates Imperial Holdings and Motus on the unbundling and separate listing of the
Motus business. This latest development in the 70-year evolution of the group is the culmination of a
carefully considered and meticulously implemented strategy undertaken by the group over a period of
at least four years. We are appreciative of the opportunity afforded to us by the group, to support them
in our role as legal advisors on this pivotal transaction, particularly given the need for multidisciplinary
input across various workstreams, which aligns with our vision to be the pre-eminent African law firm
assisting our clients with their most important and complex matters. We wish Imperial Logistics and
Motus great success on their new paths into the future.” – Bowmans
“Whether it be land, water or air, TWB Attorneys have journeyed with Imperial Holdings in all terrains
and spheres as their longstanding attorneys. TWB are excited to have been involved in the unbundling
and to continue in that journey with both Imperial Logistics and Motus as they venture forth as dynamic
separately listed entities.” – TWB Attorneys

14 November 2018

Joint financial advisor and transaction sponsor           Legal advisers as to South African law
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited                                    Bowman Gilfillan Inc.
                                                        Tugendhaft Wapnick Banchetti and Partners
Joint financial advisor
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank                                                Legal advisers as to US law
                                                                Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

Independent reporting accountants and auditors                             Independent Expert
Deloitte & Touche                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Finance

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