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MULTICHOICE GROUP LIMITED - Summary consolidated financial results and cash dividend declaration for the year ended 31 March 2022

Release Date: 09/06/2022 13:00
Code(s): MCG     PDF:  
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Summary consolidated financial results and cash dividend declaration for the year ended 31 March 2022

MultiChoice Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2018/473845/06)
JSE share code: MCG
ISIN: ZAE000265971
("MCG" or "the company") 




During the year ended 31 March 2022 (FY22), MultiChoice Group (MCG or the group) continued to scale its core 
business platform and expand its ecosystem by increasing the variety of services offered to customers. The group 
added 0.9m 90-day active subscribers to close the year on 21.8m subscribers, an increase of 5% year-on-year (YoY). 
The subscriber base in the Rest of Africa maintained its solid growth trajectory, increasing 7% YoY primarily on 
the back of investment in successful local content productions and live sporting events. The South Africa business 
reached the 9m subscriber milestone, but growth rates were subdued due to the tough ongoing economic environment 
and elevated prior year numbers as consumers prioritised video entertainment during the COVID-19-related lockdowns. 
The 90-day subscriber base comprises 12.8m households (59%) in the Rest of Africa and 9.0m households (41%) in South Africa.

Group revenue increased 3% (7% organic) to ZAR55.1bn, with the stronger ZAR resulting in a reduction in revenue
contribution from the Rest of Africa and Technology businesses upon translation. Subscription revenues amounted 
to ZAR45.3bn, representing solid 5% organic growth. Advertising revenues rebounded after the negative impact of 
COVID-19 in the prior year, growing 37% YoY (40% organic). Irdeto's revenues were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, 
silicon shortages, and supply chain disruptions, which resulted in a 9% reduction on an organic basis.

Despite the ZAR1.1bn impact from the normalisation of content costs that were deferred into the current financial 
year from the prior year, group trading profit remained flat at ZAR10.3bn (1% organic growth). Trading profit margins 
were steady at 19%, benefiting from a 14% (24% organic) narrowing in trading losses in the Rest of Africa, the recovery 
in advertising revenue and a continued focus on cost control across the business. Total content costs increased 9% 
(13% organic) mainly due to acquisition of rights to popular sporting events such as Euro 2020, the British and 
Irish Lions Rugby Tour and the Tokyo Olympics, as well as a continued ramp up in local content investment and 
non-recurring content refunds received in the prior year.

The group's well-established cost optimisation programme delivered another ZAR1.2bn in cost savings, with major
contributions from renegotiated contracts for sports rights and international general entertainment content.

Core headline earnings, the board's measure of sustainable business performance, increased by 6% YoY to ZAR3.5bn. 
This represents a strong recovery from the 26% decrease reported at the half-year as activities normalised in the 
second half relative to the prior year and a weaker ZAR reduced realised losses on foreign exchange contracts.

Consolidated free cash flow of ZAR5.5bn decreased ZAR0.2m or 3% YoY. This was due to several once-off payments,
including the ZAR0.6bn in tax security deposits made in relation to the ongoing Nigerian tax audit, ZAR0.3bn 
in chipset prepayments to secure the FY23 set-top box supply amidst a global chipset shortage and a ZAR0.2bn 
prepayment made on additional satellite capacity for the Rest of Africa.

                                                               2022        2021          YoY
Year ended 31 March                                           ZAR'm       ZAR'm     % change
Revenue                                                       55 240     53 338            4
Operating profit                                              10 296     10 458           (2)
Trading profit                                                10 334     10 290            -
Free cash flow                                                 5 549      5 721           (3)
Core headline earnings per ordinary share (SA cents)             814        767            6
Earnings per ordinary share (SA cents)                           318        506          (37)
Headline earnings per ordinary share (SA cents)                  381        496          (23)
Net asset value per ordinary share (SA cents)                  1 896      2 228          (15)
Dividend per ordinary share (SA cents)                           565        565            -

                                           2022      2022
                                2021   Currency   Organic       2022        YoY   YoY organic
As at 31 March              Reported     impact    growth   Reported   % change      % change
90-day-active subscribers     20 862        n/a       942     21 804          5             5
South Africa                   8 931        n/a        80      9 011          1             1
Rest of Africa                11 931        n/a       862     12 793          7             7
90-day-active ARPU (ZAR)
Blended                          185         (6)       (2)       177         (4)           (1)
South Africa                     277          -        (8)       269         (3)           (3)
Rest of Africa                   115        (11)        6        110         (4)            5
Subscribers                   16 356        n/a       284     16 640          2             2
South Africa                   8 177        n/a       (17)     8 160          -             -
Rest of Africa                 8 179        n/a       301      8 480          4             4
Blended                          232         (8)        5        229         (1)            2
South Africa                     299          -        (4)       295         (1)           (1)
Rest of Africa                   165        (16)       14        163         (1)            8

                                            2022      2022
                                 2021   Currency   Organic      2022
                                 IFRS     impact    growth      IFRS        YoY   YoY organic
As at 31 March                  ZAR'm      ZAR'm     ZAR'm     ZAR'm   % change      % change
Segmental results             
Revenue1                       53 410     (1 923)    3 590    55 077          3             7
South Africa                   34 327          -     1 288    35 615          4             4
Rest of Africa1                17 234     (1 779)    2 463    17 918          4            14
Technology                      1 849       (144)     (161)    1 544        (16)           (9)
Trading profit                 10 290        (58)      102    10 334          -             1
South Africa                   11 132          -      (100)   11 032         (1)           (1)
Rest of Africa                 (1 408)      (144)      339    (1 213)        14            24
Technology                        566         86      (137)      515         (9)          (24)

1 Total group revenue and Rest of Africa revenue presented above includes losses of ZAR163m 
 (FY21: gains of ZAR72m) related to fair-value movements on Nigeria futures contracts.

Revenue and costs by nature
Revenue                        53 410     (1 923)    3 590    55 077          3             7
Subscription fees1             44 683     (1 596)    2 174    45 261          1             5
Advertising                     2 848        (88)    1 149     3 909         37            40
Set-top boxes                   1 789        (83)      164     1 870          5             9
Technology contracts and
licensing                       1 849       (144)     (161)    1 544        (16)           (9)
Other revenue                   2 241        (12)      264     2 493         11            12
Operating expenses             43 120     (1 865)    3 488    44 743          4             8
Content                        17 951       (749)    2 275    19 477          9            13
Set-top box purchases           5 165       (224)      809     5 750         11            16
Staff costs                     5 911       (278)      126     5 759         (3)            2
Sales and marketing             2 351        (82)      366     2 635         12            16
Transponder costs               2 623       (114)     (113)    2 396         (9)           (4)
Other                           9 119       (418)       25     8 726         (4)            -

1 Subscription fees presented above includes losses of ZAR163m (FY21: gains of ZAR72m) 
  related to fair-value movements on Nigeria futures contracts.


MCG continued its strategic shift of differentiation through local content. The investment in local content 
was stepped up to produce 6 028 additional hours, representing growth of 32% YoY and accounting for 47% of total 
general entertainment content spend. As a result, the total local content library is now approaching 70 000 hours.

The group paid direct cash taxes of ZAR3.6bn and remains one of the largest taxpayers in Africa. The amount was 
lower than the prior year due to a lower third top-up tax payment and reduced profitability in South Africa.

On 29 October 2021, the group increased its shareholding in KingMakers from 20% to 49.23%. USD300m of the transaction
was economically hedged at an all-in rate of ZAR:USD14.56, with the remaining USD12m settled out of the group's USD
cash reserves. The transaction was primarily funded by a ZAR4bn term loan concluded in November 2021. Product and
market expansion plans are fully funded through the MCG investment and KingMakers had USD203m (ZAR3.0bn) of cash
available at 31 December 2021.

The strength of the MCG balance sheet remains a core focus in supporting new investment opportunities and providing
short-term funding for the Rest of Africa. Some ZAR8.1bn in net assets, including ZAR6.2bn in cash and cash
equivalents, combined with ZAR5.0bn in available facilities, provide ZAR11.2bn in financial flexibility to fund the
group's operations. This strong financial position is after ZAR4bn was utilised to settle the MCG and Phuthuma Nathi
(PN) dividends in September and an early ZAR0.5bn repayment of the KingMakers term loan in March to reduce the impact
of non-deductible interest costs in future years.

The group operates in numerous markets across Africa and internationally, resulting in significant exposure to 
foreign exchange volatility. This can have a notable impact on reported revenue and trading profit metrics, particularly 
in the Rest of Africa where revenues are earned in local currencies while the cost base is largely US dollar denominated.
Where relevant in this short-form announcement, amounts and percentages have been adjusted for the effects of foreign
currency, as well as acquisitions and disposals to better reflect underlying trends. These adjustments (non-IFRS
performance measures) are quoted in brackets as organic, after the equivalent metrics reported under IFRS. These
non-IFRS performance measures constitute pro forma financial information in terms of the JSE Limited Listings

The company's external auditor has not reviewed or reported on forecasts included in this short-form announcement.


Mr SJZ Pacak retired as an independent non-executive director with effect from 1 April 2021.

Mr JH du Preez was appointed as an independent non-executive director with effect from 1 April 2021.

Mr JA Mabuza, the group's lead independent director, sadly passed away on 16 June 2021.

Mr JJ Volkwyn was appointed as the lead independent director with effect from 1 July 2021.

Mr FLN Letele retired as a non-executive director with effect from 1 December 2021.

No other changes have been made to the directorate of the group.


The board has declared a gross dividend of ZAR2.5bn or 565 SA cents per listed ordinary share for FY22. This dividend
declaration is subject to approval of the MultiChoice South Africa Holdings Proprietary Limited (MCSAH) dividend at 
its annual general meeting on Wednesday, 24 August 2022. The finalisation date for the dividend declaration by the 
company will be Thursday, 25 August 2022. Subject to the aforementioned MCSAH approval, dividends will be payable 
to the company's shareholders recorded in the register on the record date, being Friday, 9 September 2022. The last
date to trade cum dividend will be on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 (shares trade ex-dividend from Wednesday, 7 September 2022).
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or re-materialised between Wednesday, 7 September 2022 and 
Friday, 9 September 2022, both dates inclusive. The dividend payment date will be Monday, 12 September 2022. 
The dividend will be declared from income. It will be subject to the dividend tax rate of 20%, yielding a net dividend 
of 452 SA cents per listed ordinary share to those shareholders not exempt from paying dividend tax. Dividend tax will 
be 113 SA cents per listed ordinary share. The issued ordinary share capital as at 9 June 2022 was 442.5m ordinary 
shares (including 17.0m shares held in treasury). The company's income tax reference number is 9485006192.


The preparation of the short-form announcement was supervised by the group's chief financial officer, 
Tim Jacobs CA(SA). These results were made public on 9 June 2022.


Bank of New York Mellon maintains a Global BuyDIRECTSM plan for MultiChoice Group Limited. For additional information,
visit Bank of New York Mellon's website at or call Shareholder Relations at 1-888-BNY-ADRS or
1-800-345-1612 or write to: Bank of New York Mellon, Shareholder Relations Department - Global BuyDIRECT, 462 South 4th
Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY 40202, United States of America, (PO Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233-5000)


This short-form announcement contains forward-looking statements as defined in the United States Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "believe", anticipate", "intend", "seek", "will", "plan", "could", 
"may", "endeavour" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, but are not 
the exclusive means of identifying such statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and 
uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances and should be considered in light of various 
important factors. While these forward-looking statements represent our judgements and future expectations, a number 
of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially 
from our expectations. The key factors that could cause our actual results performance, or achievements to differ 
materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, among others, changes to IFRS and the interpretations, 
applications and practices subject thereto as they apply to past, present and future periods; ongoing and future 
acquisitions, changes to domestic and international business and market conditions such as exchange rate and interest 
rate movements; changes in the domestic and international regulatory and legislative environments; changes to domestic 
and international operational, social, economic and political conditions; the occurrence of labour disruptions and 
industrial action and the effects of both current and future litigation. We are not under any obligation to 
(and expressly disclaim any such obligation to) revise or update any forward-looking statements contained in this 
short-form announcement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. We cannot give any assurance 
that forward-looking statements will prove to be correct and investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any 
forward-looking statements contained herein.


This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors and is only a summary of the information contained
in the full summary consolidated financial statements. The full summary consolidated financial statements were released
on SENS on 9 June 2022 and can be viewed on the company's website Copies
of the full summary consolidated financial statements may also be inspected at the company's registered office and at
the offices of the company's sponsor, at no charge, during office hours. Copies of the full summary consolidated
financial statements may be requested by contacting the company secretary at Any investment
decision should be based on the full audited consolidated financial statements, as well as the full summary
consolidated annual financial statements which are available at 
published on SENS and on the company's website. The information in this short-form announcement has been extracted
from the audited consolidated annual financialstatements on our website, but the announcement itself has not been audited.
the full audited consolidated annualfinancial statements, including the audit opinion of the external auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.,
which sets out key audit matters and the basis for its unmodified opinion is available at:

On behalf of the board

Imtiaz Patel                                   Calvo Mawela
Chair                                          Chief executive officer


9 June 2022


Independent non-executive directors        Non-executive directors         Executive directors
JJ Volkwyn (Lead independent director)     MI Patel (Chair)                CP Mawela (CEO)
JH du Preez                                                                TN Jacobs (CFO)
E Masilela                                 
KD Moroka                                  
CM Sabwa                                   
FA Sanusi                                  
L Stephens                                 

Registered office: MultiChoice City, 144 Bram Fischer Drive, Randburg, 2194, South Africa. 
PO Box 1502, Randburg, 2125

Transfer secretaries: Singular Systems Proprietary Limited, Registration number 2002/001492/07, 
25 Scott Street, Waverley, 2090, South Africa. PO Box 1266, Bramley, 2018, South Africa.

Sponsor: Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 09-06-2022 01:00:00
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