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NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED - Nedbank Group and Nedbank Limited Change to the Boards of Directors

Release Date: 27/06/2024 13:00
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Nedbank Group and Nedbank Limited – Change to the Boards of Directors

Nedbank Group Limited                                    Nedbank Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)           (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1966/010630/06                      Registration No. 1951/000009/06
JSE share code: NED                                      JSE alpha code: BINBK
NSX share code: NBK
A2X share code: NED
ISIN: ZAE000004875
JSE alpha code: NEDI
(Nedbank Group or Group)


As part of the Group's ongoing board continuity planning, the boards of Nedbank Group and Nedbank
Limited (the boards) are pleased to announce that Dr Mavis (May) Ann Hermanus has been appointed
as an independent non-executive director and member of the Nedbank Group Sustainability and Climate
Resilience Committee with effect from 15 July 2024. The appointment has been made in terms of the
Group's policy on the nomination and appointment of directors.

May (PhD, Engineering and the Built Environment) is a Visiting Adjunct-Professor at the University of
Witwatersrand. For the past 30 years, she has worked on health and safety in mining, environmental
protection, and sustainability in Africa. She started as an NGO volunteer and became the head of the
National Union of Mineworkers' (NUM) health and safety unit. She also participated in UN's International
Labour Organisation forums. She has held many positions, such as Non-executive Director at Aveng
Ltd, Director of the Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry, Executive Director of CSIR's Natural
Research Unit, Chairperson of the Mine Health and Safety Council, the Board of the Mining
Qualifications Authority, and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Minerals and Energy for
Mine Safety and Health and a variety of other roles locally and internationally. She is the Chairperson
of Tshiamiso Trust and was Chairperson of AngloGold's employee share option scheme. May also
serves as a director of the Institute for Social Dialogue.

Daniel Mminele, Nedbank Group's Chairperson, welcomed May to the boards and said that: 'Nedbank
is privileged to have someone with May's credentials joining the organisation. May's appointment
strengthens the board's skills and experience in the key areas of sustainability and ESG, and enhances
the group's race and gender diversity profile. May's extensive experience and skills from the private
and public sectors will enrich our business and support our purpose to use our financial expertise to do
good for individuals, families, businesses and society'.

27 June 2024

Sponsors to Nedbank Group in South Africa:
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Sponsor to Nedbank Group in Namibia:
Old Mutual Investment Services (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd

Debt Sponsor to Nedbank Limited in South Africa:
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 27-06-2024 01:00:00
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