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ACCELERATE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED - Financial results for the year ended 31 March 2023

Release Date: 19/07/2023 15:30
Code(s): APF APF09 APF16 APF18 APF19 APF14     PDF:  
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Financial results for the year ended 31 March 2023

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration No 2005/015057/06)
JSE code: APF ISIN code: ZAE000185815
Bond company code: APFE
(REIT status approved)
("Accelerate" or "the company" or "the Fund")


Key indicators
                                                                2023       2022
Revenue (R'000) (continued operations)                       895 774    897 376
(excl. COVID-19 effects)
Remaining COVID-19 rental assistance granted (R'000)         (15 348)   (35 127)
Fair value adjustment on Investment Properties (R'000)      (809 183)  (428 722)
Basic gain/(loss) per share (R)                               (52.27)      6,46
Diluted gain/(loss) per share (R)                             (52.27)      6,42
Weighted average lease expiry (years)                            3,3        3,9
Lease escalations                                               7,6%       7,0%
Vacancies by GLA                                               16,4%      21,2%
Vacancies by revenue                                            7,1%       9,1%
Interest cover ratio                                            1,8x       2,1x
Net asset value per share (R)                                   4,13       6,21
Loan-to-value                                                  44,8%      42,8%
Distributable income (R'000)#                                 56 840    210 527
Final distribution per share (cents)*                              -   21.98051

# Net of once off tax deductible items of R110 million.
* In order to further strengthen the financial position of the company and due to the liquidity requirements of 
  capital spend on properties over the next 12 months the Accelerate board has elected not to declare a 

Vacancies reduced to 16,4% from 21,2% in FY2022

Weighted average lease expiry 3,3 years

Cost-to-income ratio: 23,4% down from 25,8% in FY2022

Financial performance and trading
At Fourways Mall we have seen an 18% year on year growth in trading densities from December 2021 (3 131 per m2) to 
December 2022 (3 699 per m2) as well as an 12% year on year increase in parking revenue. These trading figures 
exclude the benefit of any new leasing underway.

Eden Meander has seen continued double digit growth in trading densities and turnover figures year on year with an
average trading density for the year ended 31 December 2022 of R2 522 per m2 per month vs R2 215 per m2 per month 
for the year ended 31 December 2021 (14% year on year growth). The seasonal trade continues to be strong in the 
George area with the trading density jumping to R4 752 per m2 for December 2022 (December 2021: 4 215 per m2).

Cedar Square has also shown positive growth in trading with a 7,7% year on year growth in trading densities to 
2 366 per m2 per month. We have also seen a reduction on vacancies at Cedar to 4,8% with all retail space being 
occupied and only some upstairs office space remaining which is currently under negotiation.

Trading at some of the smaller centres such as the Buzz and Waterford has also improved to well above pre-COVID-19
levels with vacancies at both of these centres close to 0%.

Revenue from continued operations remained stable at R895 million with our cost to income ratio reducing from 
25,8% to 23,4%. This resulted in a distributable income (net of once off tax deductible items of R110 million) 
of R56,8 million (FY2022 R210 million).

Focus on strengthening APF's financial position

APF's financial strategy in the financial period was to meet the following targets:
- Improving revenue streams of core assets
- Effective disposal of non-core buildings
- Managing and reducing finance costs
- Increasing tenor of debt
- Reducing administration costs
- Effective and efficient cash flow management

Sale of non-core assets to re-invest in our core portfolio/reduced debt
The following non-core property disposals have been concluded by 31 March 2023:

Property                              Amount
Cascades Shopping Centre         R16 500 000
Corporate Park                   R17 000 000
32 Steeldale                     R26 000 000
8 Charles Crescent               R55 200 000
Meschape                         R32 000 000
Total                           R146 700 000

Held for sale at 31 March 2023:

Property                               Price       Timing of transfer
The Leaping Frog                R125 000 000                July 2023
Ford Fourways                    R77 000 000                July 2023
Brooklyn Place                   R25 400 000                July 2023
Cherry Lane                      R65 000 000              August 2023
Total                           R292 400 000 

Proactive treasury management

Areas of Focus

Diversification of funding 
Creating a more balanced pool of suitable funders to manage prudential exposure limits, encourage competitive 
pricing, build adequate liquidity buffers and enhance funding flexibility.                                                                                                                                            

Our funding base has been improved to include seven core relationship funders.

Improving credit metrics and rating

Disposal of non-core assets to enhance revenue with accretive spend on core assets, manage costs and a continued 
focus on appropriate LTV and ICR levels.

Funds from the sale of non-core assets to the value of R146 million in the financial period, with a further 
R292 million in the pipeline. 

The fund has applied for and received approval from its funders to temporarily reduce overall ICR covenant levels 
to 1,7x up to and including the 31st March 2023 reporting period. The Fund is in negotiation with funders to 
extend this covenant relief for a minimum further two periods due to the progress made through the reduction of 
debt and improvement of revenue streams being counteracted by the 425 basis points increase in interest rates 
since February 2022.

Restructuring debt

We engage with funders regarding our cost of funding and expiry profile to extend our debt expiry profile, reduce 
our overall cost of funding and manage our concentration of expiry risk.

54% of the Funds debt is expiring up until 31 December 2023. The concentration of expiries is due to shorter term 
re-financing of debt during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The bulk of the balance expiring is held by key relationship funders and is in the process of being termed out. 

Treasury snapshot
Total debt                                      Short-term portion of debt          Weighted average debt term
R4,5 billion (March 2022: R4,5 billion)         R2,4 billion                        1,3 years 
                                                (March 2022:R648 million)           (March 2022: 1,6 years)

Debt hedged                                     Weighted average swap term          Blended interest rate
75,6% (March 2022: 70,8%)                       2,0 years (March 2022:2,3 years)    9,7% (September 2022: 8,1%)
Undrawn facilities                              LTV#                                ICR
R218 million (2022: R223 million)               44,8% (September 2022: 42,8%)       1,8x (March 2022: 2,1x)
# Takes into account vendor loan receivables.

Auditor's review
This short form announcement is extracted from audited information, but is not itself audited. The auditors, 
Ernst & Young Inc have issued their unmodified opinion on the audited consolidated financial statements 
(including key audit matters) for the year ended 31 March 2023 and a copy of the audit opinion, together 
with the underlying audited consolidated financial statements are available for inspection at the company's 
registered address and on the company's website at

Annual general meeting
The company's annual general meeting (AGM) will be held at Accelerate's registered office, in the main boardroom, 
Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Management Office, 1st Floor, Cnr Willow Avenue and Cedar Road, Fourways, 
Johannesburg on Friday, 1 September 2023 at 10h00. Further details on the company's AGM will be included in 
Accelerate's notice of AGM and integrated annual report to be posted to shareholders on or before Monday, 
31 July 2023. A PDF of the integrated annual report and notice of AGM will be available to download at on the same day of distribution.

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of Accelerate. It is a summary of the 
information as set out on the full announcement.

Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the full 
announcement published on the company's website ( and on 

Copies of the full announcement may also be requested from the registered office of Accelerate Property Fund 
Limited and the Company's sponsor at no charge during office hours.

The seperate financial statement of Accelerate will be published on the company's website. 

19 July 2023

Investor relations
Articulate Capital Partners: Morne Reinders
Tel: 082 480 4541

Company secretary
Ms Margi Pinto
Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Management Office, 1st Floor, Cnr Willow Ave and Cedar Rd,
Fourways, Johannesburg, 2055

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
(Registration number 1962/000738/06)
Baker Street, Rosebank, 2196
PO Box, 61344, Marshalltown, 2107

Debt sponsor
Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
1 Merchant Place, corner of Fredman Drive and Rivonia Road,
Sandton, 2196

Date: 19-07-2023 03:30:00
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