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PEPKOR HOLDINGS LIMITED - Listing of New Financial Instruments

Release Date: 07/03/2025 11:00
Code(s): PPH PEP02 PEP04 PEP05 PEP06 PEP07 PEP08 PEP10 PEP09     PDF:  
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Listing of New Financial Instruments

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2017/221869/06)
Share code: PPH
ISIN: ZAE000259479
Debt code: PPHI
LEI: 3789006D677C34F69875
Bond code: PEP09 ISIN: ZAG000212655
Bond code: PEP10 ISIN: ZAG000212663
("Pepkor" or the "Group")


Pepkor successfully raised R2.1 billion in the South African bond market following an auction held
on Wednesday, 5 March 2025. The auction attracted substantial investor demand, resulting in an
oversubscription of 1.6 times the offered amount - demonstrating the market's confidence in
Pepkor's financial strength and growth prospects.

Pepkor's Domestic Medium Term Note Programme (the "Programme") forms part of its strategy
to diversify funding sources while reducing and optimising its cost of funding.

Proceeds from the notes raised will be used to refinance existing debt while further strengthening
the Group's liquidity and debt repayment profile. This will allow the Group to continue to invest in
growth initiatives and capitalise on new opportunities as they arise.

Pepkor's net debt as at 30 September 2024 amounted to R7.3 billion and remains well within
targeted gearing levels.

Pepkor therefore hereby notifies shareholders and noteholders that the JSE Limited has granted
the listing of its PEP09 and PEP10 Senior Unsecured Floating Rate Notes effective 10 March
2025, in terms of its Programme dated 2 March 2020 and guaranteed by Pepkor Trading
Proprietary Limited.

Debt Security Code:                     PEP09

ISIN:                                   ZAG000212655

Type of Debt Security:                  Floating Rate Notes

Nominal Issued:                         ZAR 1 041 000 000.00

Coupon Rate:                            3 Month JIBAR plus 102 basis points

Maturity Date:                          6 March 2028

Debt Security Code:                     PEP10

ISIN:                                   ZAG000212663

Type of Debt Security:                  Floating Rate Notes

Nominal Issued:                         ZAR 1 042 000 000.00

Coupon Rate:                            3 Month JIBAR plus 120 basis points

Maturity Date:                          6 March 2030

Issue Date:                             10 March 2025

Issue Price:                            100%

Interest Commencement Date:             10 March 2025

Interest Determination Date(s):         6 March, 6 June, 6 September and 6
                                        December of each year until the Maturity
                                        Date (as adjusted in accordance with the
                                        Applicable Business Day Convention), with
                                        the first Interest Rate Determination Date
                                        being 5 March 2025

First Interest Payment Date:            6 June 2025

Interest Payment Date(s):               6 March, 6 June, 6 September and 6
                                        December of each year until the respective
                                        Maturity Date

Last Day to Register:                   By 17h00 on 28 February, 31 May, 31
                                        August and 30 November of each year until
                                        the Maturity Date.

Books Close:                            1 March to 5 March, 1 June to 5 June, 1
                                        September to 5 September and 1
                                        December to 5 December (all dates
                                        inclusive) of each year until the Maturity

Business Day Convention:                Following Business Day

Final Maturity Amount:                  100 percent of Nominal Amount

Other:                                  The pricing supplement does not contain
                                        additional terms and conditions or changes
                                        to the terms and conditions as
                                        contained in the Programme

Summary of Additional Terms:            Not Applicable

Programme Amount:                       ZAR 10 000 000 000.00

Total Notes in Issue Under Programme:   ZAR 6 420 000 000.00, inclusive of these
                                        issuances of notes

Dealer:                                 FirstRand Bank Limited, acting through its
                                        Rand Merchant Bank division


7 March 2025

Equity and Debt Sponsor

Investec Bank Limited

Date: 07-03-2025 11:00:00
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