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BARLOWORLD LIMITED - Joint announcement regarding the Standby Offer

Release Date: 28/02/2025 09:00
Code(s): BAW BAWP BAW37 BAW38 BAW41 BAW42 BAWGL2 BAWGL1 BAW39 BAW40     PDF:  
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Joint announcement regarding the Standby Offer

BARLOWORLD LIMITED                                                K2024528179 (SOUTH AFRICA) PROPRIETARY LIMITED
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                    (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1918/000095/06)                              (Registration number: 2024/528179/07)
(JSE share code: BAW)                                             ("Newco" or the "Offeror")
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026639)
(Share code: BAWP)
(JSE ISIN: ZAE000026647)
(A2X code: BAW)
(Bond issuer code: BIBAW)
("Barloworld" or the "Company")


Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, capitalised words and expressions have the meanings given to them in the
Circular (defined below).


       Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders are referred to:

       (i)      the joint firm intention announcement released on SENS and on A2X News Service ("ANS") on Wednesday,
                11 December 2024 and to the circular to Barloworld shareholders dated 29 January 2025 ("Circular")
                regarding the Newco Offer, which offer contemplated:

                a.   the acquisition by Newco of all of the Barloworld Ordinary Shares, other than those held by the Excluded
                     Shareholders, by way of a scheme of arrangement in terms of section 114(1) read with section 115 of the
                     Companies Act, read with the Companies Regulations, for the Per Share Scheme Consideration, being
                     ZAR120 per Barloworld Ordinary Share; or

                b.   if a Standby Offer Trigger Event Occurs, an offer in terms of section 117(1)(c)(v) of the Companies Act,
                     read with the Companies Regulations; and

       (ii)     the announcement released by Barloworld on SENS and ANS on Wednesday, 26 February 2025, in which
                Barloworld advised Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders that the resolution tabled at the General Meeting in
                order to approve the Scheme was not passed by the requisite majority of votes of Barloworld Ordinary
                Shareholders present and entitled to vote thereon.


       Given that the Scheme was not approved by Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders, the Standby Offer has been triggered,
       as contemplated in section 7 of the Circular.

       In terms of the Standby Offer, Newco offers to acquire all Barloworld Ordinary Shares from Barloworld Ordinary
       Shareholders (other than Excluded Shareholders) for the Per Share Standby Offer Consideration, being ZAR120 per
       Barloworld Ordinary Share.

       The Standby Offer is subject to the fulfilment or where applicable waiver of:

       (i)      each of the Scheme Conditions, save for those set out in paragraphs 6.3(a)(i), 6.3(a)(ii), 6.3(a)(iii), 6.3(a)(iv) or
                6.3(a)(ix) of the Circular; and

       (ii)     Valid Acceptances of the Standby Offer having been received from Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders
                holding at least 90% of all Barloworld Ordinary Shares (other than the Barloworld Ordinary Shares held before
                the Newco Offer by Newco, ZTHM, Entsha, and their respective Related or Inter-related Persons, Persons
                Acting in Concert, nominees or Subsidiaries as contemplated in section 124(1) of the Companies Act)
                ("Acceptance Condition").

       Newco shall be entitled in its sole discretion to waive the Acceptance Condition in part or in whole.

       The full terms of the Standby Offer together with details of the procedure for acceptance of the Standby Offer are set
       out in the Circular (see section 7 of the Circular). In addition, answers to "Frequently Asked Questions" will be posted
       on Barloworld's website in the coming weeks to guide Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders through the process, required
       actions and timings relating to the Standby Offer.

       The timeline applicable to the Standby Offer is set out below:

       Description                                                                                                      Date

       Standby Offer Opening Date, being the date and time on which the                             Friday, 28 February 2025
       Standby Offer opens, which is 09:00 on

       Minimum period for which the Standby Offer remains open                                         Monday, 14 April 2025

       Announcement as to whether or not the Standby Offer is unconditional                               Friday, 9 May 2025
       as to acceptances to be made by no later than 16:30 on

       Acceptances may be withdrawn if the Standby Offer has not been                                    Friday, 6 June 2025
       declared wholly unconditional by midnight on

       The Standby Offer becomes wholly unconditional by no later than                           Thursday, 11 September 2025
       (subject to note 4 below) ("Standby Offer Finalisation Date) or is

       Latest date by which announcement is made that the Standby Offer is                         Friday, 12 September 2025
       unconditional in all respects, subject to receipt of TRP compliance

       First payment date: payment of Per Share Standby Offer Consideration                        Friday, 19 September 2025
       to Standby Offer Participants who have Validly Accepted the Standby
       Offer by the Standby Offer Finalisation Date (see note 9)

       Standby Offer LDT, being the last day to trade in Barloworld Ordinary                       Monday, 22 September 2025
       Shares in order to participate in the Standby Offer (being the first Tuesday
       falling five Business Days or more after the Standby Offer Finalisation Date,
       which date will be three Business Days prior to the Standby Offer Closing

       Barloworld Ordinary Shares trade "ex" the Standby Offer (two Business                      Tuesday, 23 September 2025
       Days prior to the Standby Offer Closing Date)

       Standby Offer Record Date in order to be eligible to participate in the                     Friday, 26 September 2025
       Standby Offer, being the close of business on the first Friday following the
       Standby Offer LDT

       Standby Offer Closing Date, being the closing date and time of the                          Friday, 26 September 2025
       Standby Offer, which (subject to any extension contemplated in the
       Circular) will be 12:00 on the first Friday falling ten Business Days or more
       after the Standby Offer Finalisation Date; provided that if that Friday is
       not a Business Day, the Standby Offer Closing Date will be the Business
       Day preceding that Friday (or such other date as the JSE may direct)

       Payment of the Per Share Standby Offer Consideration to Standby Offer                              see notes 8 and 9
       Participants who accept the Standby Offer after the Standby Offer
       Finalisation Date

       Results of the Standby Offer to be released on SENS and the ANS on (first                  Monday, 29 September 2025
       Business Day after the Standby Offer Closing Date)

       Results of the Standby Offer to be published in the South African press on                Tuesday, 30 September 2025
       (second Business Day after the Standby Offer Closing Date)

      1.   All dates and times above are South African local times unless otherwise stated.
      2.   The above dates and times are reflected on the basis of a 24-hour clock (with a day being a period of 24 hours
           running from midnight (00:00) to midnight (24:00)). The above dates and times are subject to change in
           accordance with the terms of the Circular. Any such change will be released on SENS and the ANS, and, if
           required, published in the South African press.
      3.   The Standby Offer must remain open for at least 30 Business Days after the Standby Offer Opening Date.
      4.   This date is dependent upon the Standby Offer Conditions set out in paragraph 7.2 of the Circular being fulfilled
           or, where waiver is permitted, waived by no later than this date (being the Long Stop Date) and may be
           extended in accordance with paragraph 6.3(d) of the Circular. Any change to this date will be advised to
           Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders by release on SENS and the ANS and, if required, publication in the South
           African press.
      5.   In the event that the Standby Offer Conditions are not fulfilled or, where waiver is permitted, not waived on or
           before the Long Stop Date, Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders are reminded that because the Standby
           Offer is conditional, if they notify their CSDPs or Brokers, as the case may be, of their acceptance of the Standby
           Offer in anticipation of the Standby Offer Conditions being fulfilled or, where waiver is permitted, waived, they
           will not be able to trade their Barloworld Ordinary Shares, unless they exercise their right to withdraw their
           acceptance of the Standby Offer (which they may do in the circumstances contemplated in Companies
           Regulation 105), from the date they notify their CSDPs or Brokers, as the case may be, of their acceptance of
           the Standby Offer until the date that an announcement is made on SENS and the ANS that the Standby Offer
           has lapsed.
      6.   In the event that the Standby Offer Conditions are not fulfilled or, where waiver is permitted, not waived on or
           before the Long Stop Date, Certificated Ordinary Shareholders are reminded that because the Standby Offer
           is conditional, if they surrender their Documents of Title and accept the Standby Offer in anticipation of the
           Standby Offer Conditions being fulfilled or, where waiver is permitted, waived, they will not be able to trade
           their Barloworld Ordinary Shares, unless they exercise their right to withdraw their acceptance of the Standby
           Offer (which they may do in the circumstances contemplated in Companies Regulation 105), from the date
           they surrender their Documents of Title until the date that an announcement is made on SENS and the ANS that
           the Standby Offer has lapsed and their Documents of Title are returned.
      7.   Barloworld Ordinary Shareholders Offerees are advised that should they notify their CSDPs or Brokers, as the
           case may be, of their acceptance of the Standby Offer, in the case of Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders,
           or should they surrender Documents of Title and accept the Standby Offer, in the case of Certificated Ordinary
           Shareholders, for their Barloworld Ordinary Shares on or before the Standby Offer Closing Date, or any extended
           Standby Offer Closing Date, they are not permitted to sell or trade their Barloworld Ordinary Shares, unless they
           exercise their right to withdraw their acceptance of the Standby Offer (which they may do in the circumstances
           contemplated in Companies Regulation 105), until the date that an announcement is made on SENS and the
           ANS that the Offer has lapsed and, in the case of Certificated Shareholders, the Documents of Title are returned
      8.   The Per Share Standby Offer Consideration due to Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders who have Validly
           Accepted the Standby Offer after the Standby Offer Finalisation Date but before the Standby Offer Closing
           Date will be credited to their accounts with their CSDPs or Brokers within a period of six Business Days after the
           acceptance of the Standby Offer by such Barloworld Ordinary Shareholder. The Per Share Standby Offer
           Consideration due to Dematerialised Ordinary Shareholders who have validly accepted the Standby Offer on
           the Standby Offer Closing Date will be credited to their accounts with their CSDPs or Brokers within a period of
           six Business Days after the Standby Offer Closing Date.
      9.   The Per Share Standby Offer Consideration due to Certificated Ordinary Shareholders who have Validly
           Accepted the Standby Offer (including by completing the relevant section of the Form of Surrender, Transfer
           and Acceptance attached to the Circular (blue)) will be settled by way of EFT, in accordance with Companies
           Regulation 102(12), which requires the Per Share Standby Offer Consideration to be settled within 6 Business
           Days after the later of: (i) the Standby Offer being declared wholly-unconditional; and (ii) acceptance of the
           Standby Offer by a Barloworld Ordinary Shareholder.
      10. No Dematerialisation or re-materialisation of Barloworld Ordinary Shares may take place from the
          commencement of business on Tuesday, 23 September 2025 to Friday, 26 September 2025 (both dates


     The Independent Board

     The Independent Board (to the extent that the information relates to Barloworld), individually and collectively, accepts
     responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief,
     that the information contained in this announcement is true and that this announcement does not omit anything that
     is likely to affect the importance of the information included.


     The board of directors of Newco (to the extent that the information relates to Newco), individually and collectively,
     accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and certifies, to the best of its knowledge
     and belief, that the information contained in this announcement is true and that this announcement does not omit
     anything that is likely to affect the importance of the information included.

28 February 2025

Exclusive financial adviser, corporate broker and transaction sponsor to Barloworld
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Legal adviser to Barloworld
DLA Piper

Communications adviser to Barloworld
ByDesign Communications

Joint financial advisers to the Offeror
Deutsche Bank
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Tamela Holdings Proprietary Limited

Legal adviser to the Offeror

South African legal adviser on competition law and legal due diligence to the Offeror
Webber Wentzel

International legal adviser on competition law and legal due diligence to the Offeror

Communications adviser to the Offeror
FTI Consulting

Date: 28-02-2025 09:00:00
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