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CDI Monthly Movement
Kore Potash plc
(Incorporated in England and Wales)
Registration number 10933682
ASX share code: KP2
AIM share code: KP2
JSE share code: KP2
CDI ISIN: AU000000KP25
("Kore Potash" or the "Company")
6 March 2025
CDI Monthly Movement
Kore Potash (ASX: KP2, AIM: KP2, JSE: KP2) advises the following movements in CDIs over its ordinary shares
during February 2025:
Balance – 31 January 2025 677,322,752
Net Movement* (9,858,840)
Balance – 28 February 2025 667,463,912
* Increase/(Decrease) in the number of CDIs quoted on ASX as a result of transfers between CDIs quoted
on ASX and ordinary shares quoted on AIM and JSE, as required by the ASX to be reported on a minimum
monthly basis.
A copy of the Appendix 4A lodged with the ASX is attached below.
For further information, please visit www.korepotash.com or contact:
Kore Potash
André Baya, CEO
Andrey Maruta, CFO Tel: +44 (0) 20 3963 1776
Tavistock Communications Tel: +44 (0) 20 7920 3150
Nick Elwes
Josephine Clerkin
SP Angel Corporate Finance – Nomad and Joint Broker Tel: +44 (0) 20 7470 0470
Ewan Leggat
Charlie Bouverat
Shore Capital – Joint Broker Tel: +44 (0) 20 7408 4050
Toby Gibbs
James Thomas
Questco Corporate Advisory – JSE Sponsor Tel: +27 (63) 482 3802
Doné Hattingh
This appendix is available as an online form
Only use this form if the online version is not available +Rule 4.11
Appendix 4A
Statement of CDIs on issue
Information and documents given to ASX become ASX's property and may be made public.
*Denotes minimum information required for first lodgement of this form.
Part 1 – Entity and announcement details
Question Question Answer
1.1 *Name of entity KORE POTASH PLC
We (the entity named above) provide
the following information about our
issued capital.1
1.2 *Registration type and number ARBN 621843614
Please supply your ABN, ARSN,
ARBN, ACN or another registration
type and number (if you supply
another registration type, please
specify both the type of registration
and the registration number).
1.3 *ASX issuer code KP2
1.4 *The announcement is * New announcement
Tick whichever is applicable. Ad Update/amendment to previous announcement
Ad Cancellation of previous announcement
1.4a *Reason for update N/A
Mandatory only if "Update" ticked in
Q1.4 above. A reason must be
provided for an update.
1.4b *Date of previous N/A
announcement to this update
Mandatory only if "Update" ticked in
Q1.4 above.
1.4c *Reason for cancellation N/A
Mandatory only if "Cancellation" ticked
in Q1.4 above.
1.4d *Date of previous N/A
announcement to this
Mandatory only if "Cancellation" ticked
in Q1.4 above.
1.5 *Date of this announcement Thursday, 6 March 2025
1 Listing rule 4.11 requires an entity that has a dual listing on ASX and an overseas exchange and has CDIs issued over quoted
securities, to complete an Appendix 4A and give it to ASX within 5 business days of the end of each month. An entity that has a
dual listing on ASX and an overseas exchange and that is proposing to issue new equity securities and to have quoted CDIs
over some or all of them, should notify ASX of the proposed issue of the underlying securities using an Appendix 3B and apply
for the CDIs to be quoted using an Appendix 2A.
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms
1 December 2019
This appendix is available as an online form Appendix 4A
Statement of CDIs on issue
Part 2 – Details of CDIs and other securities on issue
Question Question Answer
2.1 *Statement for month and year Month: February
Appendix 4A should be provided within 5 business Year: 2025
days of the calendar month end, regardless of whether
there is a change or not.
2.2 *Number and class of all ASX-quoted CDIs on issue:
Repeat the following information for each class of CDIs quoted on ASX
ASX security code: Security description: CDI ratio2:
Total number of CDIs Total number of CDIs Net difference3 (A-B):
quoted on ASX at end of quoted on ASX at end of
statement month (A): previous month (B):
667,463,912 677,322,752 (9,858,840)
Reason for change:
Net transfers of 9,858,840 securities between CDIs and ordinary shares as quoted / held
on AIM and JSE.
If the total number of CDIs quoted on ASX at the end of the statement month (A), is greater
than the total number of CDIs for which the entity has previously paid an initial listing fee or
an additional listing fee under Table 1A and 1C of Guidance Note 15A (C), the entity hereby
applies for +quotation of the difference (A – C) and agrees to the matters set out in
Appendix 2A of the ASX Listing Rules.
2.3 *Number and class of all issued securities not represented by CDIs quoted on ASX:
Repeat the following table for each class of issued securities not represented (in whole or in part) by CDIs quoted
on ASX
ASX security code: Security description:
Total number of securities Total number of securities Net difference (A-B):
at end of statement month at end of previous month
(A): (B):
3,710,406,049 3,700,547,209 9,858,840
Reason for change:
Net transfer of 9,858,840 securities between CDIs and ordinary shares as quoted / held
on AIM and JSE.
2 This is the ratio at which CDIs can be transmuted into the underlying security (e.g. 4:1 means 4 CDIs represent 1 underlying
security whereas 1:4 means 1 CDI represents 4 underlying securities).
3 The net difference should equal the number of underlying securities transmuted into CDIs during the month less the number of
CDIs transmuted into underlying securities during the month
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms
1 December 2019
This appendix is available as an online form Appendix 4A
Statement of CDIs on issue
ASX security code: Security description:
Total number of securities Total number of securities Net difference (A-B):
at end of statement month at end of previous month
(A): (B):
35,000,000 35,000,000 0
Reason for change:
Not applicable.
Introduced 01/12/19
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms
1 December 2019
Date: 06-03-2025 09:00:00
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