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Dividend Timetable
Hammerson plc
(Incorporated in England and Wales)
(Company number 360632)
LSE and Euronext Dublin share code: HMSO JSE share code: HMN
("Hammerson" or "the Company")
Dividend Timetable
26 February 2025
The Board of Directors of the Company has recommended a final cash dividend of 8.07 pence per ordinary
share ("Share") for the period ended 31 December 2024 (the "Final 2024 Dividend"), subject to approval
by the shareholders of the Company at the 2025 Annual General Meeting (the "AGM"). The Final 2024
Dividend will be paid as a non-Property Income Distribution, and treated as an ordinary UK company
The Company will not be offering a scrip dividend alternative but, for shareholders who wish to receive
their dividend in the form of Shares, the Dividend Reinvestment Plan ("DRIP") will be available. The terms
and conditions of the DRIP for UK shareholders can be found at www.signalshares.com. Shareholders
registered on the South African Branch Register should contact their Central Securities Depository
Participant ("CSDP") or Broker for further information.
The expected timetable for the payment of the Final 2024 Dividend is set out below.
Expected Timetable of Events
1. Currency conversion date (Sterling/Rand) Monday, 14 April
2. Currency conversion announcement released by 10.00 am (UK Time) Tuesday, 15 April
/ 11.00 am (SA time)
3. Last day to effect removal of shares between the United Kingdom Tuesday, 22 April
("UK") and South African ("SA") Registers
4. Last day to trade on the JSE to qualify for the dividend Tuesday, 22 April
5. Shares become "ex-dividend" on the JSE at the commencement of Wednesday, 23 April
6. Last day to trade on the LSE and on Euronext Dublin to qualify for Wednesday, 23 April
the dividend
7. Shares become "ex-dividend" on the LSE and on Euronext Dublin at Thursday, 24 April
the commencement of trading
8. Dividend record date (applicable to both the UK principal register Friday, 25 April
and the SA branch register)
9. Date on which removal of shares between the UK and SA registers Tuesday, 29 April
becomes permissible
10. Last date to trade for SA Shareholders to be eligible to participate in Thursday, 8 May
and vote at the AGM
11. Last day for receipt of DRIP mandates by CSDPs and SA Transfer Monday, 12 May
12. Last day for receipt of DRIP elections by UK Registrars Monday, 12 May
13. Record date for UK and SA Shareholders to participate in and vote at Tuesday, 13 May
the AGM
14. Attending, voting or appointment of proxy deadline Tuesday, 13 May
15. Annual General Meeting, 9.00 am (UK Time) / 10.00 am (SA time) Thursday, 15 May
16. Dividend Payment Date (UK, ROI and SA) Tuesday, 3 June
17. DRIP purchases settlement date UK and ROI (subject to market Thursday, 5 June
conditions and the purchase of shares in the open market)
18. DRIP purchases settlement date SA (subject to market conditions Wednesday, 18 June
and the purchase of shares in the open market)
19. Results of Dividend Reinvestment Plan announcement released Wednesday, 18 June
1. The removal of shares to and from the UK principal register and the SA branch register will not be
permitted between Wednesday, 23 April 2025 to Friday, 25 April 2025, both dates inclusive.
2. Shareholders registered on the SA branch register should note that, in accordance with the
requirements of Strate, no dematerialisation or rematerialisation of shares will be possible from
Wednesday, 23 April 2025 to Friday, 25 April 2025, both dates inclusive.
3. The final dividend should be regarded as a 'foreign dividend' for SA income tax and dividends tax
purposes and the funds will be paid from the United Kingdom. Any shareholder who is in any doubt
as to their tax position should seek independent professional advice.
4. Shareholders registered on the SA branch register will be paid in SA Rand.
5. Those shareholders who hold their shares on the UK principal register and already participate in the
DRIP need not complete a DRIP mandate form for each dividend as such forms provide an ongoing
authority to participate in the DRIP until cancelled in writing or online at www.signalshares.com. If
you are unsure whether you have submitted a DRIP election you can check your account online at:
www.signalshares.com. Alternatively, you can contact the UK Registrar, MUFG Corporate Markets
(formerly Link Group), by email at drip.enquiries@cm.mpms.mufg.com or by phone on 0371 664 0381
or +44 (0) 371 664 0381 from overseas. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary
by provider. Calls from outside the UK will be charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are
open between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and
6. Shareholders on the UK principal register who wish to participate in the DRIP should complete an
application form online at: www.signalshares.com.
7. Shareholders registered on the SA branch register who hold their shares through the Strate system
and who wish to participate in the DRIP should contact their CSDP.
8. DRIP terms and conditions for SA shareholders can be found on the Company's website at
9. As at 26 February 2025, the Company had a total of 490,818,902 ordinary shares in issue, with
1,300,825 of those ordinary shares held in Treasury.
10. The dates above are subject to change. Any changes made will be communicated as soon as
practicably possible.
11. Payment of the Final 2024 Dividend is subject to shareholder approval at the Company's 2025 Annual
General Meeting.
12. The Board retains the discretion to withdraw or modify the terms of the Final 2024 Dividend at any
time, because there are certain situations in which the Board may decide that it is no longer
appropriate to pay the Final 2024 Dividend, or it may not be permissible for the Company to do so.
For further information contact:
Richard Crowle
Senior Assistant Company Secretary
Tel: +44 (0)20 7887 1000
Hammerson has its primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and secondary inward listings on the
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Euronext Dublin.
Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited
Date: 26-02-2025 09:01:00
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