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SPEAR REIT LIMITED - Dealings by an Associate of a Director and Implementation of B-BBEE Transaction

Release Date: 24/02/2025 10:35
Code(s): SEA     PDF:  
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Dealings by an Associate of a Director and Implementation of B-BBEE Transaction

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2015/407237/06)
Share Code: SEA
ISIN: ZAE000228995
LEI: 378900F76170CCB33C50
Approved as a REIT by the JSE
("Spear" or "the Company")


Shareholders are referred to the Company's SENS announcement dated 18 February 2025 ("Prior
Announcement") and Spear's acquisition of the Western Cape property portfolio of Emira Property Fund Limited,
implemented in October 2024 ("Acquisition"). As advised in the SENS announcement dated 17 July 2024, the
applicable competition authorities in terms of the Competition Act, No. 89 of 1998, approved the Acquisition subject
to certain conditions, which inter alia, required Spear to implement a transaction or transactions to increase its
Black ownership percentage.

In furtherance of the above and in addition to the acquisitions detailed in the Prior Announcement, Manaus Capital
Proprietary Limited ("Associate"), an associate of Bongani Raziya ("Director"), a non-executive director of the
Company, acquired a further 308 980 ordinary shares in Spear ("Transaction Shares") in a series of on-market
transactions, as detailed in the table below ("Transaction"). The Associate is a verified 100% Black-owned entity
and has undertaken to Spear that it will remain Black-owned, as a long-term investor into Spear. For a period of
36 months following the Transaction, the Associate will not be permitted to dispose of any of the Transaction

In order to facilitate the Transaction, Spear Holdco Limited ("Spear Holdco"), a subsidiary of Spear, provided a
limited guarantee ("Guarantee") in favour of Nedbank Limited ("Nedbank") for the financial obligations of the
Associate in terms of the term loan facility ("Facility") which Nedbank made available to it, the proceeds of which
were used by the Associate to acquire a portion of the Transaction Shares on the open market, as detailed in the
table below.

As part of the Transaction, the Associate entered into a cession and pledge agreement, in terms of which it pledged
and ceded the Transaction Shares in security to and in favour of Nedbank for the fulfilment of its financial
obligations under the Facility. In addition, the Associate concluded a counter indemnity in favour of Spear Holdco
for its potential obligations under the Guarantee provided to Nedbank ("Indemnity") and entered into a
reversionary cession and pledge agreement in terms of which it pledged and ceded the reversionary rights in the
Transaction Shares in security to and in favour of Spear Holdco for the fulfilment of its financial obligations under
the Indemnity.

In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, details of the acquisition of
the Transaction Shares by the Associate are disclosed in the table below.

 NATURE OF TRANSACTIONS                          Purchase of shares by the Associate of the Director
                                                 (on-market transactions)
 DATE OF TRANSACTIONS                            1)   18 February 2025
                                                 2)   20 February 2025
 NUMBER OF SECURITIES                            1)   293 430
 TRANSACTED                                      2)   15 550
 PRICE PER SECURITY                              1)   High: R9.90
                                                      Low: R9.79
                                                      Average: R9.90
                                                 2)   R9.89
 TOTAL RAND VALUE OF SECURITIES                  1)   R2 903 659.62
 TRANSACTED                                      2)   R153 789.50
 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ASSOCIATE                  The Director is a director and shareholder of the Associate
 NATURE AND EXTENT OF INTEREST                    Indirect, beneficial

In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, details of encumbrances
created over the Transaction Shares in favour of Nedbank and Spear Holdco are disclosed in the table below.

 NATURE OF TRANSACTIONS                     1)   Pledge and cession in securitatem debiti of the Transaction
                                                 Shares, as security for the financial obligations of the
                                                 Associate to Nedbank in terms of the Facility
                                            2)   Reversionary pledge and cession in securitatem debiti of the
                                                 reversion rights of the Associate in the Transaction Shares,
                                                 as security for the financial obligations of the Associate to
                                                 Spear Holdco in terms of the Indemnity
 TRANSACTION DATE                           The agreements became effective on 12 February 2025
 NATURE AND AMOUNTS OF                      1)   Repayment obligations of the Associate under the Facility in
 FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS                           relation to the loan advanced to it by Nedbank, including the
                                                 capital amount of R30 million, plus interest and charges
                                            2)   Indemnity provided by the Associate holding Spear Holdco
                                                 harmless against the potential payment obligations and
                                                 liabilities incurred by Spear Holdco under the Guarantee
                                                 provided by it in favour of Nedbank. Spear Holdco's liability
                                                 under the Guarantee is limited to an amount of up to
                                                 R30 million
 TERM OF FINANCIAL OBLIGATION               36 months
 NUMBER OF SHARES TO BE PLEDGED             308 980
 TOTAL VALUE OF SHARES TO BE                R3 057 449.12
 PLEDGED                                    (based on the acquisition price of the Transaction Shares, as set
                                            out above)

Clearance for the above was obtained in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements.

Cape Town
24 February 2025

PSG Capital

Date: 24-02-2025 10:35:00
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