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BHP GROUP LIMITED - Quarterly Activities Report

Release Date: 17/10/2024 07:30
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Quarterly Activities Report

BHP Group Limited 
BHP Group Limited ABN 49 004 028 077 
Registered in Australia 
Registered Office: Level 18, 171 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 
Share code: BHG 
ISIN: AU000000BHP4 

                                                       17 October 2024

Operational review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

Strong operational performance with increased copper, iron ore and coal

"BHP had a strong start to the 2025 financial year, with production up across
all major commodities for the quarter. Copper production was up 4% due to
higher grade and recoveries at Escondida, and WAIO production was up 3% as we
unlocked capacity by completing the debottlenecking work at the port. 

We are also seeing signs of stabilisation in our steelmaking coal business with
production up 20% in the quarter, excluding the recently divested Blackwater
and Daunia mines.

We added to our copper growth prospects in the quarter, announcing a proposed
50/50 joint venture in Argentina with Lundin Mining to advance what we consider
to be one of the most significant global copper discoveries in decades.

In Canada, our Jansen Stage 1 potash project is 58% complete after a productive
summer period with first production scheduled in around two years.

China has announced a series of monetary easing policies in an effort to
support economic growth, and has indicated more significant fiscal stimulus is
on the horizon. Upcoming stimulus is likely to focus on relieving local debt,
stabilising the property market and bolstering business confidence."

                                                                     Mike Henry
                                                    BHP Chief Executive Officer


Operational excellence                                              Social value
On track to meet FY25 production guidance                           Climate Transition Action Plan
Strong operational performance with copper production increasing    We released our second Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP)
4% driven by higher concentrator feed grades and recoveries at      which lays out our climate strategy and GHG emissions goals and
Escondida. Production at WAIO increased 2% following                targets, and provides an in depth view of our plans and how
commissioning of the Port Debottlenecking Project (PDP1) and        we're progressing against them. The CTAP will be put to a
completion of the South Flank ramp up.                              shareholder advisory vote at our upcoming AGM on 30 October
                                                                    2024. We also announced collaborations with India's JSW Steel
                                                                    and Carbon Clean and Steel Authority of India to support
                                                                    decarbonisation technology in steelmaking.
Portfolio                                                           Outlook
Increased exposure to copper                                        Copper outlook supports growth pipeline
In July, we agreed to jointly acquire Filo Corp. with Lundin        We published our outlook for the copper market, including copper
Mining through a Canadian plan of arrangement. In September, the    demand, copper supply and long-term copper pricing. We expect
Filo Corp shareholders approved the plan of arrangement. We also    copper demand to grow by 70% by 2050, as a result of traditional
agreed to form a 50/50 joint venture with Lundin Mining to          economic growth, electrification and the energy transition, and
consolidate and advance the Filo del Sol and Josemaria copper       digital infrastructure (including data centres). We will be
projects. We expect the transaction to complete in Q3 FY25,         hosting an investor site visit to our Chilean copper assets in
subject to regulatory approvals.                                    November 2024 to outline our attractive organic copper growth
                                                                    pipeline in the region.

                                                Quarter performance               Production guidance
                                             -----------------------------     -------------------------
                                                                               Current FY25
Production                                   Q1 FY25 v Q4 FY24  v Q1 FY24        guidance
------------------------------------------   ------- --------- -----------     -------------
Copper (kt)...............................    476.3      (6%)       4%         1,845 - 2,045
   Escondida (kt).........................    304.2      (2%)      11%         1,180 - 1,300   Unchanged
   Pampa Norte (kt)/i/....................     60.1      (9%)     (23%)/i/     240 - 270/i/    Unchanged
   Copper South Australia (kt)............     73.4     (18%)       2%            310 - 340    Unchanged
   Antamina (kt)..........................     36.3      (5%)      12%            115 - 135    Unchanged
   Carajas (kt)...........................      2.3       10%      10%                   --           --
Iron ore (Mt).............................     64.6      (7%)       2%          255 - 265.5   
   WAIO (Mt)..............................     63.4      (7%)       2%            250 - 260    Unchanged
   WAIO (100% basis) (Mt).................     71.6      (7%)       3%            282 - 294    Unchanged
   Samarco (Mt)...........................      1.3      23%        4%              5 - 5.5    Unchanged
Steelmaking coal - BMA (Mt)...............      4.5      (8%)     (19%)/ii/       16.5 - 19   
   BMA (100% basis) (Mt)..................      9.0      (8%)     (19%)/ii/         33 - 38    Unchanged
Energy coal - NSWEC (Mt)..................      3.7      (2%)       2%              13 - 15    Unchanged
Nickel - Western Australia Nickel (kt)....     19.6     (15%)      (3%)                  --           --
i  Q1 FY24 includes 9.5 kt from Cerro Colorado which entered care and
   maintenance in December 2023. Excluding these volumes, Q1 FY25 production
   decreased 13%. Production guidance for FY25 is for Spence only. Refer to
   production and sales report and copper for further information.
ii Q1 FY24 production includes 1.8 Mt (3.7 Mt on a 100% basis) from Blackwater
   and Daunia mines which were divested on 2 April 2024. Excluding these
   volumes, Q1 FY25 production increased 20%. Refer to production and sales
   report and steelmaking coal for further information.

[GRAPHIC]  Further information in Appendix 1
           Detailed production and sales information for all operations in Appendix 2

                   BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 September 2024

Segment and asset performance | FY25 YTD v FY24 YTD


Production                  Total copper production increased 4% to 476 kt. Copper production guidance for FY25 remains
                            unchanged at between 1,845 and 2,045 kt.
476 kt Up 4%
                            Escondida 304 kt Up 11% (100% basis)
Q1 FY24 457 kt
                            Increased production primarily due to a higher concentrator feed grade of 1.00% (Q1 FY24: 0.85%)
FY25e 1,845 - 2,045 kt      and higher recoveries as mining progressed into areas of higher-grade ore as planned. This was
                            partially offset by planned lower cathode production, as the integration of the FullSaL project
                            continued. The project remains on track for first production later in FY25. 

Average realised price      A new collective agreement with Union N(degrees)1 of Operators and Maintainers was signed and
                            became effective for 36 months from 2 August 2024. The associated industrial action did not have
US$4.24/lb Up 17%           a material impact on production during the quarter as a result of mitigating actions taken by
                            management, including mine resequencing and prioritisation of ore movement.
Q1 FY24 US$3.63/lb                                     
                            During Q1 FY25, one access ramp into the PL1 high grade mining area was impacted by geotechnical
                            instability. We utilised alternative access ramps and completed stabilisation works, and as a
                            result no material production impacts are expected.

                            Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 1,180 and 1,300 kt, weighted to the
                            second half. Concentrator feed grade for FY25 is expected to remain above 0.90%.

                            Pampa Norte 60 kt Down 23%

                            Spence production decreased 13% as expected, as a result of lower cathode production in line with
                            an expected decline in stacked feed grade and planned quarterly maintenance at the concentrator.
                            Concentrator feed grade and recoveries are in line with prior periods.

                            Production guidance for Spence remains unchanged at between 240 and 270 kt for FY25.

                            Cerro Colorado remains in temporary care and maintenance (having contributed 9.5 kt in Q1 FY24).

                            Copper South Australia 73 kt Up 2%

                            Higher production primarily driven by strong underlying operational performance, particularly at
                            Carrapateena following the commissioning of Crusher 2 in Q3 FY24 which has enabled higher
                            productivity from the sub-level cave and resulted in an increase in ore mined and milled. We also
                            completed planned major maintenance at Olympic Dam on the hoist and underground materials
                            handling system, and annual planned maintenance at the refinery. Production was lower at
                            Prominent Hill due to minor pit geotechnical instability and ventilation constraints which
                            impacted trucking capacity and ore mined, both of which have since been rectified.

                            Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 310 and 340 kt, weighted to the second

                            Other copper

                            At Antamina, copper production increased 12% to 36 kt as a result of higher ore grade and
                            recoveries, partially offset by planned lower concentrator throughput. Zinc production was 46%
                            lower at 19 kt, as a result of planned lower feed grades. FY25 copper production guidance of
                            between 115 and 135 kt and zinc production guidance of between 90 and 110 kt remain unchanged.

                            Carajas produced 2.3 kt of copper and 1.7 troy koz of gold.


                   BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 September 2024

Iron ore

Production                  Iron ore production increased 2% to 65 Mt. Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at
                            between 255 and 265.5 Mt.
65 Mt Up 2%
                            WAIO 63.4 Mt Up 2% | 71.6 Mt (100% basis)
Q1 FY24 63 Mt
                            Production increased as a result of strong supply chain performance with increased capacity
FY25e 255 - 265.5 Mt        unlocked by PDP1. Higher volumes were delivered from the Central Pilbara hub (South Flank and
                            Mining Area C) following the completion of South Flank ramp up in FY24. We continue to progress
                            the multi-year Rail Technology Program (RTP1), with tie-in activity increasing in FY25.
Average realised price      
                            Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 250 and 260 Mt (282 and 294 Mt on a  
US$80.10/wmt Down 18%       100% basis).
Q1 FY24 US$98.04/wmt        Samarco 1.3 Mt Up 4% | 2.6 Mt (100% basis)]   
                            Production increased due to early resumption of Pelletizing Plant No. 4 enabling improved
                            performance. Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 5 and 5.5 Mt. The second
                            concentrator at Samarco is expected to come online during Q3 FY25, which will increase production
                            capacity to ~16 Mtpa of pellets (100% basis) once fully ramped up, which is expected to be by the
                            end of FY26.

                            BHP Brasil, Samarco and Vale have been engaging in negotiations with the Brazilian State and
                            Federal Governments and other public entities to seek a settlement of obligations under the
                            Framework Agreement, the Federal Public Prosecution Office Claim, and other claims by government
                            entities relating to the Samarco dam failure. Those negotiations are ongoing.

                            BHP Group Limited and BHP Group (UK) Limited are defendants to a group action claim in the
                            English High Court, brought by over 600,000 claimants seeking damages in relation to the Fundao
                            Dam failure in 2015. The liability hearing for the group action will begin on 21 October 2024.



Steelmaking coal

Production                  BMA 4.5 Mt Down 19% | 9 Mt (100% basis)

4.5 Mt Down 19%             Production increased 20% (excluding 1.8 Mt from Blackwater and Daunia in Q1 FY24), due to
                            increased stripping enabled by improved truck productivity as well as Q1 FY24 being impacted by
Q1 FY24 5.6 Mt              the extended longwall move at Broadmeadow. We maintain our focus on restoring value chain
                            stability, with an increase in raw coal inventory, which will continue into CY26.
FY25e 16.5 - 19 Mt
                            During the quarter we completed planned maintenance at Goonyella Riverside and Hay Point Coal
                            Terminal, and commenced a longwall move at Broadmeadow.
Average realised price      

US$214.86/t Down 9%         Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 16.5 and 19 Mt (33 and 38 Mt on a 100%
Q1 FY24 US$237.07/t

                   BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 September 2024

Energy coal

Production                  NSWEC 3.7 Mt Up 2%

3.7 Mt Up 2%                Production increased 2%, including a higher proportion of washed coal in line with our strategy
                            of prioritising higher quality coals. This was enabled by a drawdown of inventory to offset the
Q1 FY24 3.6 Mt              impacts of reduced truck availability and unfavourable weather conditions.

FY25e 13 - 15 Mt            Production guidance for FY25 remains unchanged at between 13 and 15 Mt.

                            The modification to extend mining consent to 30 June 2030 is currently being assessed by the NSW
Average realised price      Government with an outcome anticipated in Q3 FY25.
US$124.32/t Down 1%

Q1 FY24 US$125.66/t

Group & Unallocated


Production                  Western Australia Nickel 19.6 kt Down 3%

19.6 kt Down 3%             Production decreased as we commenced the temporary suspension of operations at Nickel West.
                            Operations will be suspended from October 2024 and handover activities will be completed by
Q1 FY24 20.2 kt             December 2024. We continue to support the workforce through this transition period and have made
                            redeployment offers to a large portion of our frontline employees.

Average realised price      We expect costs to remain elevated during the transition to suspension in the first half and we
                            plan to invest ~US$300 m per annum beginning in January 2025 to preserve optionality for a
US$16,359/t Down 20%        potential restart.
Q1 FY24 US$20,354/t         No production guidance has been provided for FY25. 
Quarterly performance | Q1 FY25 v Q4 FY24


Copper                                                             Iron ore
476 kt Down 6%      Lower production due to planned maintenance,   65 Mt Down 7%       Lower production at WAIO as a result of
                    in particular across Copper SA, lower                              planned equipment maintenance and increased RTP1 tie-in
Q4 FY24 505 kt      concentrator throughput and production across  Q4 FY24 69 Mt       activity.
                    leaching at Escondida due to mine sequencing,                    
                    and planned lower grades at Spence.                              
Steelmaking coal                                                   Energy coal       
4.5 Mt Down 8%      Lower production as a result of the ramp down  3.7 Mt Down 2%      Slightly lower production due to operational
                    and commencement of the longwall move at                           challenges from truck availability and wet
Q4 FY24 4.9 Mt      Broadmeadow in Q1 FY25, and higher yield and   Q4 FY24 3.8 Mt      weather, partially offset by a drawdown of
                    lower strip ratio in the prior quarter as a                        inventory.
                    result of mine sequencing.                                       
19.6 kt Down 15%    Lower production as transition of operations                     
                    to temporary suspension commenced.                               
Q4 FY24 23.0 kt                                                                      
                   BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 September 2024

Appendix 1

Average realised prices/i/

                                                        Q1 FY25 v Q4 FY24 v Q1 FY24
                                                        ------- --------- ---------
Copper (US$/lb)/ii/....................................   4.24      (7%)      17%
Iron ore (US$/wmt, FOB)................................  80.10     (12%)     (18%)
Steelmaking coal (US$/t)/iii/.......................... 214.86     (12%)      (9%)
Thermal coal (US$/t)/iv/............................... 124.32       1%       (1%)
Nickel metal (US$/t)/v/................................ 16,359     (11%)     (20%)

i    Based on provisional, unaudited estimates. Prices exclude sales from equity
     accounted investments, third party product and internal sales, and represent
     the weighted average of various sales terms (for example: FOB, CIF and CFR),
     unless otherwise noted. Includes the impact of provisional pricing and
     finalisation adjustments.
ii   Sales from Carrapateena and Prominent Hill acquired through the purchase of
     OZL are included from Q4 FY24.
iii  From FY25, steelmaking coal refers to hard coking coal which is generally
     those steelmaking coals with a Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR) of 35 and
     above, and includes coals across the spectrum from Premium Coking to Semi
     Hard Coking coals. Comparative periods include impacts from weak coking
     coal, which refers generally to those steelmaking coals with a CSR below 35,
     which were sold by Blackwater and Daunia mines, divested on 2 April 2024.
iv   Export sales only. Includes thermal coal sales from steelmaking coal mines.
v    Relates to refined nickel metal only, excludes intermediate products and
     nickel sulphate.

Current year unit cost guidance

Unit cost                                               FY25 guidance/i/
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------
Escondida (US$/lb).....................................     1.30 - 1.60      Unchanged
Spence (US$/lb)........................................    2.00 - 2.30       Unchanged
Copper South Australia (US$/lb)........................ 1.30 - 1.80/ii/      Unchanged
WAIO (US$/t)...........................................   18.00 - 19.50      Unchanged
BMA (US$/t)............................................      112 - 124       Unchanged
i  FY25 unit cost guidance is based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.66 and
   USD/CLP 842.
ii Calculated using the following assumptions for by-products: gold
   US$2,000/oz, and uranium US$80/lb

Medium term guidance/i/

                                                           Production         Unit cost
                                                            guidance         guidance/ii/
                                                        ----------------  ------------------
Escondida/iii/......................................... 900 - 1,000 ktpa  US$ 1.50 - 1.80/lb
Spence.................................................        ~250 ktpa  US$2.05 - 2.35/lb
WAIO (100% basis) .......................................      >305 Mtpa  <US$       17.50/t
BMA (100% basis) ........................................   43 - 45 Mtpa  <US$         110/t
i   Medium term refers to a five year time horizon unless otherwise noted.
ii  Unit cost guidance is based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.66 and USD/CLP
iii Medium term refers to FY27 onwards. Production for FY25 and FY26 are
    expected to average between 1,200 and 1,300 kt.

Major projects

                                                                               Capital       First
                                                                              expenditure  production
Commodity  Project and ownership           Project scope / capacity              US$M      target date         Progress
---------  ---------------------  ------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------------------
 Potash      Jansen Stage 1       Design, engineering and construction of an    5,723       End-CY26    Project is 58% complete
             (Canada)             underground potash mine and surface
             100%                 infrastructure, with capacity to produce
                                  4.15 Mtpa.
 Potash      Jansen Stage 2       Development of additional mining              4,859           FY29    Project is 4% complete
             (Canada)             districts, completion of the second shaft
             100%                 hoist infrastructure, expansion of
                                  processing facilities and addition of rail
                                  cars to facilitate production of an
                                  incremental 4.36 Mtpa.

The operating expenditure related to Potash for FY25 is expected to be ~US$300 m.


Minerals exploration and evaluation expenditure was US$104 m for Q1 FY25 (Q1
FY24: US$105 m) of which US$91 m was expensed (Q1 FY24: US$93 m).

                   BHP | Operational Review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

Appendix 2

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Group production and sales summary
By commodity

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.
Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure has been adjusted since it was previously reported.

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt          317.3    308.7    339.1    370.5    361.0    361.0    317.3       14%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt          221.3    207.7    239.2    258.5    264.8    264.8    221.3       20%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4     35.7     35.7     38.8      (8)%
               Copper South Australia         kt           23.5     27.4     23.3     32.1     21.8     21.8     23.5      (7)%
               Antamina                       kt           32.5     39.2     33.9     38.3     36.3     36.3     32.5       12%
               Carajas                        kt            1.2      1.8      3.2      2.2      2.4      2.4      1.2      100%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cathode                        kt          139.7    128.7    126.8    134.4    115.4    115.4    139.7     (17)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt           52.0     46.9     49.0     50.7     39.4     39.4     52.0     (24)%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           39.5     27.2     22.1     26.5     24.4     24.4     39.5     (38)%
               Copper South Australia         kt           48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2     51.6     51.6     48.2        7%
               Total                          kt          457.0    437.4    465.9    504.9    476.4    476.4    457.0        4%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Lead           Payable metal in concentrate   t              96      105       --      131       21       21       96     (78)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t              96      105       --      131       21       21       96     (78)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Zinc           Payable metal in concentrate   t          35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839   19,374   19,374   35,669     (46)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t          35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839   19,374   19,374   35,669     (46)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    89,024   94,794   79,284  100,113   85,779   85,779   89,024      (4)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy oz    48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410   46,963   46,963   48,063      (2)%
               Pampa Norte                    troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    36,228   42,051   36,427   48,355   32,928   32,928   36,228      (9)%
               Carajas                        troy oz       802    1,256    2,083    1,672    1,845    1,845      802      130%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined gold                   troy oz    53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139   37,385   37,385   53,028     (29)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139   37,385   37,385   53,028     (29)%
               Total                          troy oz   142,052  150,622  128,412  149,252  123,164  123,164  142,052     (13)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz    2,582    3,074    2,620    3,317    3,150    3,150    2,582       22%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy koz    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    1,546    1,546    1,168       32%
               Pampa Norte                    troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      260      310      252      312      223      223      260     (14)%
               Antamina                       troy koz      798      975      713      873      878      878      798       10%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined silver                 troy koz      261      221      248      265      206      206      261     (21)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      261      221      248      265      206      206      261     (21)%
               Total                          troy koz    2,843    3,295    2,868    3,582    3,356    3,356    2,843       18%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium        Payable metal in concentrate   t             825      986      863      929      672      672      825     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         t             825      986      863      929      672      672      825     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum     Payable metal in concentrate   t             612      481      824      699    1,084    1,084      612       77%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Pampa Norte                    t             329      145      203      117      182      182      329     (45)%
               Antamina                       t             283      336      621      582      902      902      283      219%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Iron ore       Western Australia Iron
                  Ore (WAIO)                  kt         62,004   64,460   60,299   68,173   63,363   63,363   62,004        2%
               Samarco                        kt          1,231    1,302    1,174    1,041    1,285    1,285    1,231        4%
               Total                          kt         63,235   65,762   61,473   69,214   64,648   64,648   63,235        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
   coal/1/     BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA)  kt          5,601    5,717    6,035    4,922    4,515    4,515    5,601     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Energy coal    NSW Energy Coal (NSWEC)        kt          3,613    3,855    4,149    3,751    3,675    3,675    3,613        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Nickel         Western Australia Nickel       kt           20.2     19.6     18.8     23.0     19.6     19.6     20.2      (3)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Cobalt         Western Australia Nickel       t             192      182      179      181      294      294      192       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Includes BMA thermal coal sales.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Group production and sales summary
By commodity

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.
Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure has been adjusted since it was previously reported.

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt          298.0    316.5    281.6    378.8    429.3    429.3    298.0       44%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt          209.5    211.7    204.0    261.3    310.8    310.8    209.5       48%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3     44.0     44.0     31.3       41%
               Copper South Australia         kt           22.2     31.6     17.1     28.0     30.4     30.4     22.2       37%
               Antamina                       kt           32.8     38.3     31.3     37.4     39.6     39.6     32.8       21%
               Carajas                        kt            2.2       --      2.3      2.8      4.5      4.5      2.2      105%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cathode                        kt          131.9    137.6    120.1    142.3    110.7    110.7    131.9     (16)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      kt           49.2     52.2     44.3     54.6     37.6     37.6     49.2     (24)%
               Pampa Norte                    kt           36.6     31.1     22.1     26.5     24.1     24.1     36.6     (34)%
               Copper South Australia         kt           46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2     49.0     49.0     46.1        6%
               Total                          kt          429.9    454.1    401.7    521.1    540.0    540.0    429.9       26%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Lead           Payable metal in concentrate   t             154       91      108        9      125      125      154     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t             154       91      108        9      125      125      154     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Zinc           Payable metal in concentrate   t          33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118   19,609   19,609   33,912     (42)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Antamina                       t          33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118   19,609   19,609   33,912     (42)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    87,703   98,969   70,493   92,433   99,138   99,138   87,703       13%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy oz    48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410   46,963   46,963   48,063      (2)%
               Pampa Norte                    troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    34,176   47,482   28,136   40,507   44,761   44,761   34,176       31%
               Carajas                        troy oz     1,533       --    1,583    1,840    3,371    3,371    1,533      120%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined gold                   troy oz    54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687   40,326   40,326   54,036     (25)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy oz    54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687   40,326   40,326   54,036     (25)%
               Total                          troy oz   141,739  154,318  112,203  145,120  139,464  139,464  141,739      (2)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz    2,527    2,938    2,431    3,137    3,126    3,126    2,527       24%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Escondida                      troy koz    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    1,546    1,546    1,168       32%
               Pampa Norte                    troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      258      364      189      311      295      295      258       14%
               Antamina                       troy koz      745      785      587      694      782      782      745        5%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined silver                 troy koz      219      222      188      329      202      202      219      (8)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         troy koz      219      222      188      329      202      202      219      (8)%
               Total                          troy koz    2,746    3,160    2,619    3,466    3,328    6,454    5,273       22%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium        Payable metal in concentrate   t             481      895      394    1,554      677      677      481       41%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper South Australia         t             481      895      394    1,554      677      677      481       41%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum     Payable metal in concentrate   t             564      468      677      678      862      862      564       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Pampa Norte                    t             303      162      219      134      181      181      303     (40)%
               Antamina                       t             261      306      458      544      681      681      261      161%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Iron ore       Western Australia Iron
                  Ore (WAIO)                  kt         64,180   62,606   61,868   67,323   63,408   63,408   64,180      (1)%
               Samarco                        kt          1,136    1,329    1,258    1,043    1,002    1,002    1,136     (12)%
               Total                          kt         65,316   63,935   63,126   68,366   64,410   64,410   65,316      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
   coal/1/     BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA)  kt          5,325    5,706    6,359    4,904    4,273    4,273    5,325     (20)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Energy coal    NSW Energy Coal (NSWEC)        kt          3,307    4,250    3,932    3,678    3,951    3,951    3,307       19%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Nickel         Western Australia Nickel       kt           18.9     20.0     18.8     23.2     19.9     19.9     18.9        5%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Cobalt         Western Australia Nickel       t             192      110      179      181      294      294      192       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Includes BMA thermal coal sales.

                BHP | Operational Review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Production and sales
By asset

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.

Escondida, Chile/1/                           BHP interest 57.5%

               Material mined                 kt         87,462   95,168  103,872  102,752  100,416  100,416   87,462       15%
               Concentrator throughput        kt         33,332   34,752   31,653   34,377   32,488   32,488   33,332      (3)%
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %            0.85%    0.78%    0.92%    0.99%    1.00%    1.00%    0.85%      18%
               Production ex mill             kt          225.7    217.6    238.6    279.5    269.9    269.9    225.7       20%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt          221.3    207.7    239.2    258.5    264.8    264.8    221.3       20%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           52.0     46.9     49.0     50.7     39.4     39.4     52.0     (24)%
                  Oxide leach                 kt           17.5     17.0     14.4     13.8      7.8      7.8     17.5     (55)%
                  Sulphide leach              kt           34.5     29.9     34.6     36.9     31.6     31.6     34.5      (8)%
               Total copper                   kt          273.3    254.6    288.2    309.2    304.2    304.2    273.3       11%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410   46,963   46,963   48,063      (2)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    1,546    1,546    1,168       32%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
1   Shown on a 100% basis.

Pampa Norte, Chile                            BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4     35.7     35.7     38.8      (8)%
               Cathode                        kt           39.5     27.2     22.1     26.5     24.4     24.4     39.5     (38)%
               Total copper                   kt           78.3     59.8     61.6     65.9     60.1     60.1     78.3     (23)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold                                          troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver                                        troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum                                    t             329      145      203      117      182      182      329     (45)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Cerro Colorado/1/
               Material mined                 kt             --       --       --       --       --       --       --       --
               Ore stacked                    kt            154       --       --       --       --       --      154    (100)%
               Average copper grade - stacked %            0.58%      --       --       --       --       --    0.58%    (100)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt            9.5      1.6       --       --       --       --      9.5    (100)%
               Material mined                 kt         27,654   25,973   15,968   19,951   23,260   23,260   27,654     (16)%
               Ore stacked                    kt          5,113    4,744    6,008    5,926    4,928    4,928    5,113      (4)%
               Average copper grade - stacked %            0.60%    0.59%    0.56%    0.54%    0.73%    0.73%    0.60%      22%
               Concentrator throughput        kt          8,473    7,151    8,055    7,766    7,547    7,547    8,473     (11)%
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %            0.64%    0.65%    0.64%    0.70%    0.64%    0.64%    0.64%       0%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           38.8     32.6     39.5     39.4     35.7     35.7     38.8      (8)%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           30.0     25.6     22.1     26.5     24.4     24.4     30.0     (19)%
               Total copper                   kt           68.8     58.2     61.6     65.9     60.1     60.1     68.8     (13)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
               Payable molybdenum             t             329      145      203      117      182      182      329     (45)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Production and sales
By asset

Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted.

Escondida, Chile/1/                           BHP interest 57.5%

               Material mined                 kt
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %
               Production ex mill             kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt          209.5    211.7    204.0    261.3    310.8    310.8    209.5       48%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           49.2     52.2     44.3     54.6     37.6     37.6     49.2     (24)%
                  Oxide leach                 kt
                  Sulphide leach              kt
               Total copper                   kt          258.7    263.9    248.3    315.9    348.4    348.4    258.7       35%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    48,063   48,633   38,955   45,410   46,963   46,963   48,063      (2)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz    1,168    1,401    1,328    1,549    1,546    1,546    1,168       32%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis.

Pampa Norte, Chile                            BHP interest 100%
Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3     44.0     44.0     31.3       41%
               Cathode                        kt           36.6     31.1     22.1     26.5     24.1     24.1     36.6     (34)%
               Total copper                   kt           67.9     66.0     49.0     75.8     68.1     68.1     67.9        0%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold                                          troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver                                        troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Molybdenum                                    t             303      162      219      134      181      181      303     (40)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Cerro Colorado/1/
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore stacked                    kt
               Average copper grade - stacked %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt            8.8      3.7       --       --       --       --      8.8    (100)%
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore stacked                    kt
               Average copper grade - stacked %
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average copper grade -
                  concentrator                %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           31.3     34.9     26.9     49.3     44.0     44.0     31.3       41%
               Copper cathode (EW)            kt           27.8     27.4     22.1     26.5     24.1     24.1     27.8     (13)%
               Total copper                   kt           59.1     62.3     49.0     75.8     68.1     68.1     59.1       15%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     3,931    2,854    1,819    4,676    4,043    4,043    3,931        3%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      356      388      327      583      503      503      356       41%
               Payable molybdenum             t             303      162      219      134      181      181      303     (40)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023.

                BHP | Operational Review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Copper South Australia, Australia             BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           26.2     30.6     27.4     34.7     27.9     27.9     26.2        6%
               Cathode                        kt           48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2     51.6     51.6     48.2        7%
               Total copper                   kt           74.4     85.2     83.1     91.9     79.5     79.5     74.4        7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  kt           (2.7)    (3.2)    (4.1)    (2.6)    (6.1)    (6.1)    (2.7)     126%
               Net copper                     kt           71.7       82       79     89.3     73.4     73.4     71.7        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    41,424   48,051   43,209   52,045   46,452   46,452   41,424       12%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139   37,385   37,385   53,028     (29)%
               Total gold                     troy oz    94,452  103,879   92,337  101,184   83,837   83,837   94,452     (11)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy oz    (5,196)  (6,000)  (6,782)  (3,690) (13,524) (13,524)  (5,196)     160%
               Net gold                       troy oz    89,256   97,879   85,555   97,494   70,313   70,313   89,256     (21)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz      271      323      282      333      254      254      271      (6)%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      261      221      248      265      206      206      261     (21)%
               Total silver                   troy koz      532      544      530      598      460      460      532     (14)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy koz      (11)     (13)     (30)     (21)     (31)     (31)     (11)     182%
               Net silver                     troy koz      521      531      500      577      429      429      521     (18)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium                                       t             825      986      863      929      672      672      825     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Olympic Dam
               Material mined                 kt          2,655    2,537    2,747    2,815    2,734    2,734    2,655        3%
               Ore milled                     kt          2,596    2,634    2,511    2,912    2,617    2,617    2,596        1%
               Average copper grade           %            1.96%    2.12%    1.96%    2.00%    1.99%    1.99%    1.96%       2%
               Average uranium grade          kg/t         0.56     0.62     0.57     0.58     0.60     0.60     0.56        7%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (ER and EW)     kt           48.2     54.6     55.7     57.2     51.6     51.6     48.2        7%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    53,028   55,828   49,128   49,139   37,385   37,385   53,028     (29)%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      261      221      248      265      206      206      261     (21)%
               Payable uranium                t             825      986      863      929      672      672      825     (19)%
Prominent Hill/2/
               Material mined                 kt          1,110    1,125    1,094    1,175      927      927    1,110     (16)%
               Ore milled                     kt          1,652    1,800    1,473    1,815    1,559    1,559    1,652      (6)%
               Average copper grade           %            0.85%    0.83%    0.86%    0.94%    0.73%    0.73%    0.85%    (14)%
               Concentrate produced           kt           23.8     23.6     22.3     28.4     19.6     19.6     23.8     (18)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           12.1     12.9     10.9     14.6      9.5      9.5     12.1     (21)%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    22,031   25,779   21,019   25,357   20,976   20,976   22,031      (5)%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz       63       65       62       90       63       63       63        0%
               Material mined                 kt          1,201    1,310    1,232    1,486    1,470    1,470    1,201       22%
               Ore milled                     kt          1,230    1,307    1,226    1,450    1,446    1,446    1,230       18%
               Average copper grade           %            1.29%    1.52%    1.52%    1.57%    1.45%    1.45%    1.29%      12%
               Concentrate produced           kt           37.6     49.2     45.9     62.0     59.2     59.2     37.6       57%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           14.1     17.7     16.5     20.1     18.4     18.4     14.1       30%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    19,393   22,272   22,190   26,688   25,476   25,476   19,393       31%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      208      258      220      243      191      191      208      (8)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Excludes prior year production previously reported and transferred during the period.
2   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Copper South Australia, Australia             BHP interest 100%

Copper         Payable metal in concentrate   kt           22.2     31.6     17.1     28.0     30.4     30.4     22.2       37%
               Cathode                        kt           46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2     49.0     49.0     46.1        6%
               Total copper                   kt           68.3     85.9     70.8     89.2     79.4     79.4     68.3       16%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  kt
               Net copper                     kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Gold           Payable metal in concentrate   troy oz    34,176   47,482   28,136   40,507   44,761   44,761   34,176       31%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687   40,326   40,326   54,036     (25)%
               Total gold                     troy oz    88,212  102,831   69,846   93,194   85,087   85,087   88,212      (4)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy oz
               Net gold                       troy oz
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Silver         Payable metal in concentrate   troy koz      258      364      189      311      295      295      258       14%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      219      222      188      329      202      202      219      (8)%
               Total silver                   troy koz      477      586      377      640      497      497      477        4%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable metal in concentrate
                  transfer to Olympic Dam/1/  troy koz
               Net silver                     troy koz
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Uranium                                       t             481      895      394    1,554      677      677      481       41%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Olympic Dam
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Average uranium grade          kg/t
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Copper cathode (ER and EW)     kt           46.1     54.3     53.7     61.2     49.0     49.0     46.1        6%
               Refined gold                   troy oz    54,036   55,349   41,710   52,687   40,326   40,326   54,036     (25)%
               Refined silver                 troy koz      219      222      188      329      202      202      219      (8)%
               Payable uranium                t             481      895      394    1,554      677      677      481       41%
Prominent Hill/2/
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Concentrate produced           kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            8.4     10.6      6.5      7.3     10.9     10.9      8.4       30%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    15,524   20,045   14,644   12,955   18,719   18,719   15,524       21%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz       53       59       38       48       73       73       53       38%
               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Concentrate produced           kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           13.8     21.0     10.6     20.7     19.5     19.5     13.8       41%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz    18,652   27,437   13,492   27,552   26,042   26,042   18,652       40%
               Payable silver concentrate     troy koz      205      305      151      263      222      222      205        8%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Excludes prior year production previously reported and transferred during the period.
2   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

                BHP | Operational Review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Antamina, Peru                                BHP interest 33.75%

               Material mined                 kt         63,310   61,539   56,233   62,481   64,094   64,094   63,310        1%
               Concentrator throughput        kt         14,246   14,824   14,312   14,534   13,096   13,096   14,246      (8)%
               Average head grade - copper    %            0.83%    0.90%    0.83%    0.91%    0.91%    0.91%    0.83%      10%
               Average head grade - zinc      %            1.17%    1.03%    0.68%    0.68%    0.67%    0.67%    1.17%    (43)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           32.5     39.2     33.9     38.3     36.3     36.3     32.5       12%
               Payable zinc                   t          35,669   33,475   18,409   15,839   19,374   19,374   35,669     (46)%
               Payable silver                 troy koz      798      975      713      873      878      878      798       10%
               Payable lead                   t              96      105       --      131       21       21       96     (78)%
               Payable molybdenum             t             283      336      621      582      902      902      283      219%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Carajas, Brazil/1/                            BHP interest 100%
               Material mined                 kt             74      115      163      134      180      180       74      143%
               Ore milled                     kt             70      119      163      135      161      161       70      130%
               Average copper grade           %            1.91%    1.69%    2.07%    1.68%    1.61%    1.61%    1.91%    (16)%
               Production ex mill             kt            5.2      7.6     12.9      8.8      9.9      9.9      5.2       90%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            1.2      1.8      3.2      2.2      2.4      2.4      1.2      100%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz       802    1,256    2,083    1,672    1,845    1,845      802      130%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

Iron ore
Iron ore production and sales are reported on a wet tonnes basis.

WAIO, Australia                               BHP interest 85%
               Newman Joint Venture           kt         13,234   15,468   15,032   14,368   13,358   13,358   13,234        1%
               Area C Joint Venture           kt         25,804   26,074   24,920   29,070   28,839   28,839   25,804       12%
               Yandi Joint Venture            kt          3,150    4,978    4,434    5,293    4,440    4,440    3,150       41%
               Jimblebar/1/                   kt         19,816   17,940   15,913   19,442   16,726   16,726   19,816     (16)%
               Total                          kt         62,004   64,460   60,299   68,173   63,363   63,363   62,004        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         69,448   72,670   68,131   76,773   71,593   71,593   69,448        3%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Lump                           kt
               Fines                          kt
               Total                          kt
               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%.

Samarco, Brazil                               BHP interest 50%
               Total                          kt          1,231    1,302    1,174    1,041    1,285    1,285    1,231        4%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Copper (continued)

Antamina, Peru                                BHP interest 33.75%

               Material mined                 kt
               Concentrator throughput        kt
               Average head grade - copper    %
               Average head grade - zinc      %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt           32.8     38.3     31.3     37.4     39.6     39.6     32.8       21%
               Payable zinc                   t          33,912   37,092   17,559   14,118   19,609   19,609   33,912     (42)%
               Payable silver                 troy koz      745      785      587      694      782      782      745        5%
               Payable lead                   t             154       91      108        9      125      125      154     (19)%
               Payable molybdenum             t             261      306      458      544      681      681      261      161%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

Carajas, Brazil/1/                            BHP interest 100%

               Material mined                 kt
               Ore milled                     kt
               Average copper grade           %
               Production ex mill             kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Payable copper                 kt            2.2       --      2.3      2.8      4.5      4.5      2.2      105%
               Payable gold concentrate       troy oz     1,533       --    1,583    1,840    3,371    3,371    1,533      120%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023.

Iron ore
Iron ore production and sales are reported on a wet tonnes basis.

WAIO, Australia                               BHP interest 85%
               Newman Joint Venture           kt
               Area C Joint Venture           kt
               Yandi Joint Venture            kt
               Jimblebar/1/                   kt
               Total                          kt

               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Lump                           kt         20,969   19,176   19,175   20,260   19,377   19,377   20,969      (8)%
               Fines                          kt         43,211   43,430   42,693   47,063   44,031   44,031   43,211        2%
               Total                          kt         64,180   62,606   61,868   67,323   63,408   63,408   64,180      (1)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         71,748   70,340   69,775   75,898   71,543   71,543   71,748        0%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%.

Samarco, Brazil                               BHP interest 50%
               Total                          kt          1,136    1,329    1,258    1,043    1,002    1,002    1,136     (12)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

                BHP | Operational Review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product.
BMA, Australia                                BHP interest 50%
               Blackwater/1/                  kt          1,295    1,182    1,070       25       --       --    1,295    (100)%
               Goonyella                      kt            827    1,736    1,824    2,047    1,359    1,359      827       64%
               Peak Downs                     kt          1,121      846    1,012    1,238    1,249    1,249    1,121       11%
               Saraji                         kt          1,010      701      759      817      940      940    1,010      (7)%
               Daunia/1/                      kt            545      431      524       13       --       --      545    (100)%
               Caval Ridge                    kt            803      821      846      782      967      967      803       20%
               Total/2/                       kt          5,601    5,717    6,035    4,922    4,515    4,515    5,601     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         11,202   11,434   12,070    9,844    9,030    9,030   11,202     (19)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Coking coal                    kt
               Weak coking coal               kt
               Thermal coal                   kt
               Total                          kt

               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included contribution from Blackwater and Daunia mines until their divestment on 2 April 2024.
2   Production figures include some thermal coal.

NSWEC, Australia                              BHP interest 100%
               Export                         kt
               Domestic/1/                    kt
               Total                          kt          3,613    3,855    4,149    3,751    3,675    3,675    3,613        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Domestic sales in FY24 were made under the NSW Government Coal Market Price
    Emergency (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023.

Nickel production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

Western Australia Nickel, Australia           BHP interest 100%

Mt Keith       Nickel concentrate             kt           42.7     43.8     32.4     42.6     35.9     35.9     42.7     (16)%
               Average nickel grade           %            16.7     16.8     15.2     17.8     17.1     17.1     16.7        2%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Leinster       Nickel concentrate             kt           66.0     63.4     60.3     76.6     72.5     72.5     66.0       10%
               Average nickel grade           %             8.1      8.0      7.8      9.0      8.8      8.8      8.1        9%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined nickel/1/              kt           13.8     12.6      8.8     14.7     12.1     12.1     13.8     (12)%
               Nickel sulphate/2/             kt            0.9      0.7      1.0      1.6      0.3      0.3      0.9     (67)%
               Intermediates and nickel
                  by-products/3/              kt            5.5      6.3      9.0      6.7      7.2      7.2      5.5       31%
               Total nickel                   kt           20.2     19.6     18.8     23.0     19.6     19.6     20.2      (3)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cobalt by-products             t             192      182      179      181      294      294      192       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   High quality refined nickel metal, including briquettes and powder.
2   Nickel sulphate crystals produced from nickel powder.
3   Nickel contained in matte and by-product streams.

                                                                       Quarter ended                        Year to date
                                                        -------------------------------------------  -------------------------
                                                         Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Sep      Sep       Var
                                                         2023     2023     2024     2024     2024     2024     2023       %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

BMA, Australia                                BHP interest 50%
               Blackwater/1/                  kt
               Goonyella                      kt
               Peak Downs                     kt
               Saraji                         kt
               Daunia/1/                      kt
               Caval Ridge                    kt
               Total/2/                       kt
               Total (100%)                   kt
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Coking coal                    kt          4,497    4,756    5,410    4,862    4,273    4,273    4,497      (5)%
               Weak coking coal               kt            529      752      927       42       --       --      529    (100)%
               Thermal coal                   kt            299      198       22       --       --       --      299    (100)%
               Total                          kt          5,325    5,706    6,359    4,904    4,273    4,273    5,325     (20)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Total (100%)                   kt         10,650   11,412   12,718    9,808    8,546    8,546   10,650     (20)%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Production and sales included contribution from Blackwater and Daunia mines until their divestment on 2 April 2024.
2   Production figures include some thermal coal.

NSWEC, Australia                              BHP interest 100%
               Export                         kt          3,087    3,942    3,558    3,254    3,416    3,416    3,087       11%
               Domestic/1/                    kt            220      308      374      424      535      535      220      143%
               Total                          kt          3,307    4,250    3,932    3,678    3,951    3,951    3,307       19%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   Domestic sales in FY24 were made under the NSW Government Coal Market Price
    Emergency (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023.

Nickel production is reported on the basis of saleable product.

Western Australia Nickel, Australia           BHP interest 100%
Mt Keith       Nickel concentrate             kt
               Average nickel grade           %

Leinster       Nickel concentrate             kt
               Average nickel grade           %
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Refined nickel/1/              kt           13.2     13.0      8.6     14.8     13.5     13.5     13.2        2%
               Nickel sulphate/2/             kt            0.8      0.7      0.8      1.5      0.6      0.6      0.8     (25)%
               Intermediates and nickel
                  by-products/3/              kt            4.9      6.3      9.4      6.9      5.8      5.8      4.9       18%
               Total nickel                   kt           18.9     20.0     18.8     23.2     19.9     19.9     18.9        5%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
               Cobalt by-products             t             192      110      179      181      294      294      192       53%
                                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------

1   High quality refined nickel metal, including briquettes and powder.
2   Nickel sulphate crystals produced from nickel powder.
3   Nickel contained in matte and by-product streams.

                BHP | Operational review for the year ended 30 September 2024

Variance analysis relates to the relative performance of BHP and/or its
operations during the three months ended September 2024 compared with the three
months ended September 2023, unless otherwise noted. Production volumes, sales
volumes and capital and exploration expenditure from subsidiaries are reported
on a 100% basis; production and sales volumes from equity accounted investments
and other operations are reported on a proportionate consolidation basis.
Numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to
rounding. Medium term refers to a five-year horizon, unless otherwise noted.

The following abbreviations may have been used throughout this report: billion
tonnes (Bt); cost and freight (CFR); cost, insurance and freight (CIF), carbon
dioxide equivalent (CO2-e), dry metric tonne unit (dmtu); free on board (FOB);
giga litres (GL); greenhouse gas (GHG); grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3),
grams per tonne (g/t); high-potential injury (HPI); kilograms per tonne (kg/t);
kilometre (km); million ounces per annum (Mozpa); metres (m), million pounds
(Mlb); million tonnes (Mt); million tonnes per annum (Mtpa); ounces (oz); OZ
Minerals Limited (OZL); part per million (ppm), pounds (lb); thousand ounces
(koz); thousand ounces per annum (kozpa); thousand tonnes (kt); thousand tonnes
per annum (ktpa); thousand tonnes per day (ktpd); tonnes (t); total recordable
injury frequency (TRIF); wet metric tonnes (wmt); and year to date (YTD).

In this release, the terms 'BHP', the 'Group', 'BHP Group', 'we', 'us', 'our'
and 'ourselves' are used to refer to BHP Group Limited and, except where the
context otherwise requires, our subsidiaries. Refer to Note 30 - Subsidiaries of
the Financial Statements in BHP's 2024 Annual Report for a list of our
significant subsidiaries. Those terms do not include non-operated assets.
Notwithstanding that this release may include production, financial and other
information from non-operated assets, non-operated assets are not included in
the BHP Group and, as a result, statements regarding our operations, assets and
values apply only to our operated assets unless stated otherwise. Our
non-operated assets include Antamina and Samarco. BHP Group cautions against
undue reliance on any forward-looking statement or guidance in this release.
These forward-looking statements are based on information available as at the
date of this release and are not guarantees or predictions of future
performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other
factors, many of which are beyond our control and which may cause actual
results to differ materially from those expressed in the statements contained
in this release.

Further information on BHP can be found at

Sponsor: J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited  

Authorised for lodgement by:
Stefanie Wilkinson
Group Company Secretary

Media Relations                         Investor Relations

Email:          Email:

Australia and Asia                      Australia and Asia

Josie Brophy                            John-Paul Santamaria
Mobile: +61 417 622 839                 Mobile: +61 499 006 018

Europe, Middle East and Africa          Europe, Middle East and Africa

Gabrielle Notley                        James Bell
Mobile: +61 411 071 715                 Tel: +44 20 7802 7144 Mobile: +44 7961 636 432

North America                           Americas

Megan Hjulfors                          Monica Nettleton
Mobile: +1 403 605 2314                 Mobile: +1 416 518 6293

Latin America

Renata Fernandez
Mobile: +56 9 8229 5357

BHP Group Limited ABN 49 004 028 077


Registered in Australia

Registered Office: Level 18, 171
Collins Street

Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia

Tel +61 1300 55 4757 Fax +61 3 9609

BHP Group is headquartered in Australia
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Date: 17-10-2024 07:30:00
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