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NORTHAM PLATINUM LIMITED - Condensed reviewed interim financial results for the six months ended 31 December 2020

Release Date: 19/03/2021 07:05
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Condensed reviewed interim financial results for the six months ended 31 December 2020

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 1977/003282/06)
Share code: NHM ISIN: ZAE000030912
Debt issuer code: NHMI
Bond code: NHM002       Bond ISIN: ZAG000129024
Bond code: NHM006       Bond ISIN: ZAG000158577
Bond code: NHM007       Bond ISIN: ZAG000158593
Bond code: NHM009       Bond ISIN: ZAG000158866
Bond code: NHM011       Bond ISIN: ZAG000159237
Bond code: NHM012       Bond ISIN: ZAG000160136
Bond code: NHM014       Bond ISIN: ZAG000163650
Bond code: NHM015       Bond ISIN: ZAG000164922
Bond code: NHM016       Bond ISIN: ZAG000167750
Bond code: NHM018       Bond ISIN: ZAG000168097
Bond code: NHM019       Bond ISIN: ZAG000168105
Bond code: NHM020       Bond ISIN: ZAG000172594

(“Northam” or the “company” or the “group”)

31 DECEMBER 2020

Key features

                                                              Reviewed            Reviewed
                                                              6 months            6 months
                                                              ended 31            ended 31
                                                              December            December     Variance
                                                                  2020                2019           %
 Normalised headline earnings                  R000          3 270 084           1 883 912         73.6
 Normalised headline earnings per share        cents             641.5               369.6         73.6
 Sales revenue                                 R000         11 884 898           7 824 901         51.9
 Operating profit                              R000          5 191 659           2 959 543         75.4
 Operating profit margin                        %                 43.7                37.8         15.6
 Profit for the period                         R000          2 099 031           1 147 600         82.9
 Total comprehensive income for the period     R000          2 083 307           1 147 636         81.5
 Headline earnings per share                   cents             599.9               328.3         82.7
 Earnings per share                            cents             599.9               328.0         82.9
 Cash generated from operating activities      R000          3 144 590           2 033 332         54.7
 EBITDA                                        R000          5 411 578           3 192 549         69.5
 Capital expenditure                           R000          1 298 511           1 352 238        (4.0)

Financial results

Despite the backdrop of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, Northam has delivered a solid
performance for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (“H1 F2021”), whilst maintaining the health and
safety of its employees. In addition, Northam’s growth strategy remains on track and the group continues
to return significant value to shareholders through the ongoing purchase of Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited
(“Zambezi”) preference shares, trading under the share code ZPLP.

The financial results achieved were underpinned by satisfactory performance from all operations.
Normalised headline earnings is calculated taking into account the headline earnings adjusted for items
relating to the 2015 Zambezi broad-based black economic empowerment (“BEE”) transaction (“BEE
transaction”); these include the Zambezi preference share dividends associated with the BEE financing
structure as well as the loss on derecognition of the Zambezi preference share liability. Stripping out the
impact of the BEE transaction resulted in normalised headline earnings increasing to R3.3 billion (31
December 2019 (“H1 F2020”): R1.9 billion and 30 June 2020 (“F2020”): R3.4 billion), which equates to
normalised headline earnings per share, based on the total number of 509 781 212 issued shares, of
641.5 cents (H1 F2020: 369.6 cents and F2020: 676.3 cents). This is an increase of 73.6%.

Sales revenue increased by 51.9% from R7.8 billion in H1 F2020 to R11.9 billion for the period under
review. This increase is attributable to a 49.7% increase in the average 4E basket price to USD2 160/oz
(H1 F2020: USD1 443/oz), a 9.0% weaker ZAR/USD exchange rate realised and a 4.4% decrease in
refined 4E ounces sold.

A 37.6% increase in cost of sales and a corresponding 51.9% increase in revenue, resulted in operating
profit increasing from R3.0 billion in H1 F2020 to R5.2 billion for the period under review. This translates to
an operating profit margin of 43.7% (H1 F2020: 37.8%).

Production growth across the group and favourable rand denominated Platinum Group Metals prices are
expected to positively impact the free cash flow generation in the short to medium-term.

The board of directors of Northam (“board”) has resolved not to declare an interim dividend for the 2021
financial year (H1 F2020 and F2020: R Nil per share). The board is of the view that at this time the most
efficient way to return value to shareholders is to purchase the Zambezi preference shares.

About this announcement

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of Northam and is only a summary of
the information in the group’s full condensed reviewed interim financial results for H1 F2021 and does not
contain full or complete details. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based
on the full condensed reviewed interim financial results accessible via the JSE link at and on the company’s website at
ended-31-december-2020. Shareholders can also access the full condensed reviewed interim financial
results by logging in/registering on the JSE ShareHub link which is also
available on the Northam website at

The full condensed reviewed interim financial results are also available for inspection at no charge at the
company’s registered office and the offices of its sponsor, One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary
Limited (17 Fricker Road, Illovo), during normal business hours.

19 March 2021

Sponsor and Debt Sponsor
One Capital

Date: 19-03-2021 07:05:00
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