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THUNGELA RESOURCES LIMITED - 2021 Annual Results short-form announcement and maiden cash dividend declaration

Release Date: 22/03/2022 09:00
Code(s): TGA     PDF:  
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2021 Annual Results short-form announcement and maiden cash dividend declaration

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2021/303811/06
JSE Share Code: TGA
LSE Share Code: TGA
ISIN: ZAE000296554
Tax number: 9111917259
(‘Thungela’ or the ‘Company’ and, together with its affiliates, the 'Group')

2021 Annual Results short-form announcement and maiden cash dividend declaration



   •   Improvement in safety performance: Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate decreased
       to 1.35 in 2021 (2020: 1.51)
   •   Profit for the reporting period of R6.9 billion (2020: loss of R362 million)
   •   Robust cash generation: net cash of R8.7 billion (2020: net debt of R388 million)
   •   Maiden cash dividend declared of R18.00 per share. R2.5 billion returned to
       shareholders in total
   •   SACO Employee and Nkulo Community Partnership Trusts to receive inaugural dividend
       of R273 million in keeping with commitment to create shared value
   •   Strategy to maximise the potential of our existing asset base to create sustainable long-
       term value while ensuring attractive returns to shareholders; Elders production
       replacement and Zibulo North shaft life extension projects to be submitted for Board
       approval in 2022 and Q1 2023 respectively
   •   Group operational outlook updated to reflect poor Transnet Freight Rail performance and
       the ongoing uncertainty regarding the expected recovery thereof, as well as our
       continued focus to improve productivity and cost management in an environment marked
       by increased inflationary pressures
   •   Thungela set to benefit from continued strong coal fundamentals in 2022 and beyond


 Financial Overview (IFRS)
 Rand million unless otherwise stated                 31 December        31 December      % change
                                                             2021               2020
 Revenue                                                   26 282              3 750           601
 Operating costs                                          (17 322)            (3 872)          347
 Profit / (loss) for the reporting period                   6 938               (362)            -
 Earnings / (losses) per share (cents)                      6 108               (531)            -
 Headline earnings / (losses) per share                     6 657               (531)            -
 Alternative Performance Measures
 Adjusted EBITDA                                            9 978                286          3389
 Adjusted EBITDA margin (%)                                    38                7.6        30.4pp
 Adjusted operating free cash flow                          3 923               (249)            -
 Net cash / (debt)                                          8 663               (388)            -
 Capital expenditure                                        2 323                604           285
 Environmental liability coverage (%)                          52                 47           5pp
pp – percentage points change year on year

Message from July Ndlovu, Chief Executive Officer

“I am delighted to report Thungela's first set of full-year results as a publicly listed company
since its debut on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange on 7
June 2021.

Our exceptional performance shows the magnitude of what we have been able to accomplish
since Demerger.

We faced several challenges, most notably COVID-19 and rail infrastructure constraints due to
the underperformance of Transnet Freight Rail (TFR).

Despite these, Thungela has successfully transitioned from a loss-making Group with a net debt
position, to a profitable, highly cash-generative pure-play thermal coal business. Profit for the
reporting period stands at R6.9 billion, following a loss of R362 million the previous year. This
was driven by solid operational performance and a favourable price environment. Our net cash
position at year end was R 8.7 billion.

Our robust cash flow generation and financial strength allow us to declare a maiden dividend of
R18.00 per share. We are returning a total of R2.5 billion to our shareholders, which represents
a pay-out of 63% of 2021 Adjusted operating free cashflow, well above the minimum pay-out of
30% per our dividend policy. We recognise that our shareholder base is diverse and to balance
the interests of shareholders we will also seek authorisation from shareholders at the
forthcoming AGM for a potential future share buyback programme, if appropriate.

Furthermore, the SACO Employee and Nkulo Community Partnership Trusts, the two share
ownership schemes that we established to enable employees and our communities to share in
the value we create, will accordingly receive R273 million in dividends.

Looking ahead, the Group remains committed to working with TFR, the South African
government and the industry, to resolve the rail issues experienced in 2021 and at the start of
2022. We remain cautiously optimistic that the challenges are transient. We have however
planned our operational performance on a gradual, rather than an immediate, recovery in rail

Thungela expects to benefit from continued robust demand which, coupled with shrinking global
thermal coal supply, has driven thermal coal prices to record levels. The market tightness
provides a rationale for capital allocation decisions that offer various opportunities to build on
our core - these could be either internal projects or acquisitive. Our investment criteria require
that they have a short investment payback period, compelling economics, meet our ESG
investment criteria and enhance cash returns.

A high level of cash generation since listing and a healthy balance sheet mean that we enter
2022 in a position of strength in a supportive environment where we expect strong thermal coal

In a world that is not devoid of volatility, we intend to show resilience and agility. We will
maintain our focus on what we can control: achieving our goal of becoming a fatality-free
business, realising further operational improvements and cost efficiencies, maximising the full
potential of our existing assets, with a near term focus on production replacement projects,
creating future diversification options and optimising capital allocation.

In driving our ESG aspirations, we will continue to challenge ourselves to reduce our carbon
intensity at every operation on an annual basis while we develop intermediate emission
reduction targets and chart our pathway to net-zero by 2050, subject to the requirements of the
countries in which we operate and the markets we serve. Our first goal is to finalise intermediate
carbon reduction targets by 2023."

Maiden dividend declared

Delivering attractive shareholder returns while maintaining disciplined capital allocation, balance
sheet flexibility, and sufficient funding available to withstand market and coal price volatility, is an
intrinsic part of our commitment to responsibly creating value.

The Board has therefore declared a cash dividend of R18.00 per share payable in May 2022.

Further details regarding the dividend payable to shareholders of Thungela may be found in a
separate announcement dated 22 March 2022 on SENS, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
news service, and on RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange.

Group operational outlook

 Operational outlook                           2022             2023               2024

 Export saleable production (Mt)            14 – 15              >16                >16

 FOB cost per export tonne1               870 – 890              870                870
 Capital – sustaining1                    1.6 – 1.8        1.6 – 1.8          1.6 – 1.8
 (Rand billion)
 Capital – expansionary1                  0.1 – 0.2        0.6 – 0.8          0.7 – 0.9
 (Rand billion)
 1)   Rand amounts in real money terms

Based on the operational and financial performance achieved in 2021, the Group is updating the
operational outlook.

The range for export saleable production is revised to between 14 Mt and 15 Mt for 2022, taking
into account a gradual rather than immediate recovery in TFR performance. In 2022 export
sales are expected to more closely align with export saleable production because the Group has
largely utilised available on-mine stockpile capacity. Export saleable production, subject to
TFR’s performance, is expected to recover and exceed 16 Mt from 2023.

Inflationary pressures are currently increasing across various commodities and consumables.
These, coupled with a lower production denominator in 2022 due to the constrained rail
availability, are likely to weigh on the Group’s unit cost. The Group expects the 2022 FOB cost
per export tonne to range between R870 and R890 per export tonne - the bottom end of the unit
cost range assumes the achievement of the upper end of the production guidance. The unit cost
includes a mining royalty amount of R20/tonne payable to the South African government. The
royalty could increase materially if current Benchmark coal prices, which are higher than the
Group’s working assumptions, were to prevail for the remainder of the year.

FOB cost per export tonne guidance for 2023 and 2024 is expected to moderate as a result of
higher export saleable production and continuous productivity improvements offsetting
geological inflation.

Taking into account the capital deferrals from 2021, sustaining capital for 2022 is expected to be
between R1.6 billion and R1.8 billion. Future sustaining capital has been reset to this range as a
result of reviewing capital expenditure through a ‘Thungela lens’.
In addition, the Group sets guidance for expansionary capital expenditure aimed at supporting
the execution of its strategy. The range is set between R100 million and R200 million in 2022,
increasing to between R700 million and R900 million by 2024; it includes the Elders production
replacement and Zibulo North shaft life extension projects that are currently scheduled to
commence in late 2022 and 2023 respectively.

The Group will maintain disciplined capital allocation as it seeks further opportunities to achieve
a fit for purpose capital expenditure profile while lowering capital intensity.
At the time of writing, geopolitical unrest in Europe is resulting in an unprecedented escalation in
prices across the energy complex and commodity prices. This escalation is expected to have a
pronounced impact on cost inflation into the future. The above guidance is accordingly set in
this context and will be reviewed as the impact of the current situation becomes clearer.
We have a proven ability to deliver on our promises in a challenging environment and intend to
further demonstrate the resilience of our operations.

An internal restructuring process (referred to as the ‘Internal restructure’) was undertaken to
prepare the Group for the Demerger. The impact of the Internal restructure is significant to the
financial and operating results of the Group, given that the ownership structure reflected only
one out of seven operating mines until 31 December 2020, which is not reflective of the
operations of the Group on a forward-looking basis. The comparatives included in the Annual
financial statements are therefore not fully reflective of the operations of the Group as it is likely
to exist on a forward-looking basis over the comparative period. The Group has therefore
presented a Pro forma consolidated statement of profit or loss for the years ended 31 December
2021 and 31 December 2020 (the ‘Pro forma financial information’) to reflect what the financial
results may have been, if the Internal restructure had happened at the start of the reporting
periods. The Pro forma financial information has been reported on by the independent external

The Pro forma financial information, which is the responsibility of the Thungela directors, has
been prepared to enhance users’ understanding of the Annual financial statements, based on
the timing of the Internal restructure and the impact thereof on the comparability of the financial
results. The Alternative Performance Measures presented are the responsibility of the Thungela
directors, and have been assessed consistently in each period presented. The Alternative
Performance Measures used by Thungela are financial and operating measures which the
directors utilise to assess the performance of the Group on an ongoing basis. Further details of
the Alternative Performance Measures and Pro forma financial information have been set out in
Annexure 1 and Annexure 3 respectively of the Annual financial statements for the year ended
31 December 2021.

A detailed commentary on the results and their comparability, including the significant
movements versus the prior period is available in the Annual financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2021, which can be downloaded from the Thungela website via the
following web link

This short-form announcement includes forward-looking statements. All statements other than
statements of historical facts included in this short-form announcement, including, without
limitation, those regarding the Group's financial position, business, acquisition and divestment
strategy, dividend policy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including
development plans and objectives relating to the Group's products, production forecasts and
reserve and resource positions) and environmental, social and corporate governance goals and
aspirations, are forward-looking statements. By their nature, such forward-looking statements
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual
results, performance or achievements of the Group or industry results to be materially different
from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-
looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Group's
present and future business strategies and the environment in which the Group will operate in
the future. Important factors that could cause the Group's actual results, performance or
achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, among
others, levels of actual production during any period, levels of global demand and thermal coal
market prices, resource exploration and development capabilities, recovery rates and other
operational capabilities, safety, health or environmental incidents, the effects of global
pandemics and outbreaks of infectious diseases, the outcome of litigation or regulatory
proceedings, the availability of mining and processing equipment, the ability to produce and
transport products profitably, the availability of transport infrastructure, the impact of foreign
currency exchange rates on market prices, the availability of sufficient credit, the effects of
inflation, political uncertainty and economic conditions in South Africa and elsewhere, the
actions of competitors, activities by courts, regulators and governmental authorities and
changes in taxation or safety, health, environmental or other types of regulation in the countries
where the Group operate and such other risk factors identified in Thungela’s Pre-Listing
Statement and Prospectus. Forward-looking statements should, therefore, be construed in light
of such risk factors and undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.
These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this short-form announcement.
Thungela expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking (except as required by applicable
law, the JSE Listings Requirements of the securities exchange of the JSE Limited in South
Africa, the UK Listing Rules, the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct
Authority and any other applicable regulations) to release publicly any updates or revisions to
any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in Thungela’s
expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which
any such statement is based.

Investors are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements and are encouraged to
read the full Annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021, which are
available from the Thungela website via the following web link


Throughout this short-form announcement a range of financial and non-financial measures are
used to assess our performance, including a number of financial measures that are not defined
or specified under IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), which are termed
‘Alternative Performance Measures’ ("APMs"). Management uses these measures to monitor
the Group’s financial performance alongside IFRS measures to improve the comparability of
information between reporting periods. These APMs should be considered in addition to, and
not as a substitute for, or as superior to, measures of financial performance, financial position or
cash flows reported in accordance with IFRS. APMs are not uniformly defined by all companies,
including those in the Group’s industry. Accordingly, it may not be comparable with similarly
titled measures and disclosures by other companies.


This short-form announcement, including the forward-looking statements, is the responsibility of
the directors of Thungela.

Shareholders are advised that this short-form announcement is only a select extract of the
information contained in the full results announcement and does not contain full or complete
details. Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on a
consideration of the full results announcement as a whole and investors and/or shareholders
are encouraged to review the full results announcement which is available on the Thungela
website via the following web link: and has been
published on SENS, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange news service, at

The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 were audited by
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. who have issued an unqualified audit opinion. The following key
audit matters were considered as part of their audit: impairment of long-lived assets,
environmental restoration and decommissioning provision and the accounting for the internal
restructuring prior to the Demerger, and the full independent auditor's report and Annual
financial statements are available for viewing on the Thungela website via the following web

This short-form announcement has not been audited or reviewed by the Group’s independent
external auditor. Any reference to future financial performance included in this announcement
has not been separately reported on by the Group’s independent external auditor.

Copies of the full results announcement, as well as of the full Annual financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2021 may be requested by contacting Thungela Investor Relations by
email at and are also available for inspection at the Company’s
registered office and at the offices of the Company’s sponsor, to investors and/or shareholders
at no charge, on any business day between the hours of 08h00 – 17h00.

The Company’s registered office is located at: 25 Bath Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg,
2196, South Africa. The Company's sponsor's office is located at: 1 Merchant Place, Cnr
Rivonia Road and Fredman Drive, Sandton, 2196, South Africa.

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute
inside information as stipulated under the market abuse regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 as
amended by the market abuse (amendment) (UK mar) regulations 2019. Upon the publication of
this announcement via the regulatory information service, this inside information is now
considered to be in the public domain.

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Sango Ntsaluba, Chairperson
July Ndlovu, Chief Executive Officer
Johannesburg (South Africa)
Date of SENS release: 22 March 2022

Investor Relations
Ryan Africa

Media Contacts
Tarryn Genis

UK Financial adviser and corporate broker
Liberum Capital Limited
Tel: +44 20 3100 2000

Rand Merchant Bank
(A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 22-03-2022 09:00:00
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