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HARMONY GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED - Loss-of-life incidents at Harmonys Doornkop and Joel Mines

Release Date: 05/02/2025 09:00
Code(s): HAR     PDF:  
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Loss-of-life incidents at Harmony’s Doornkop and Joel Mines

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
Registration number 1950/038232/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
ISIN: ZAE000015228
JSE share code: HAR

Loss-of-life incidents at Harmony's Doornkop and Joel Mines

Johannesburg, Wednesday, 5 February 2025. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
("Harmony" and/or "the Company") is deeply saddened to report that the Company
experienced two separate loss of life incidents yesterday morning.

Two employees lost their lives following a mining incident on Tuesday morning
at a development end at Doornkop Mine, in Soweto, Gauteng. All blasting
operations have been temporarily suspended at this mine.

In a separate incident, three employees succumbed to their injuries following a
severe fall of ground incident at Joel Mine, near Theunissen in the Free State

The causes of these two unrelated incidents are currently under investigation,
both internally and by the regulator. The relevant authorities have been kept
fully apprised of the incidents.

Investigations into the causes of these incidents will be led by the Department
of Mineral Resources and Energy, supported by labour representatives and mine
management at each operation.

"We are devastated by the news of these tragic incidents. The safety and
wellbeing of our employees is our first priority, and the loss of lives of our
colleagues is deeply saddening. We extend our heartfelt condolences to their
families, colleagues and friends and will provide our full support to the
families of the deceased during this challenging time."

"We are doing all we can to prevent safety incidents through embedded and
proactive risk management practices alongside our humanistic safety culture
transformation journey. Our thoughts and prayers go out to every single person
affected by these tragic events" says Beyers Nel, chief executive officer of


For more details contact:

Chipo Morapedi-Mrara
Head of Communications
+27 (0)60 571 0797
Jared Coetzer
Head of Investor Relations
+27 (0)82 746 4120

Mashego Mashego
Executive Director
+27 (0)82 767 1072

5 February 2025

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited.

Date: 05-02-2025 09:00:00
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