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ZEDA LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 19/03/2024 16:45
Code(s): ZZD     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

Zeda Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2022/493042/06
JSE share code: ZZD
ISIN: ZAE000315768
("Zeda" or the "Company")


Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting (the "AGM") of Zeda held
virtually on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 were as follows:

Ordinary shareholders

 Resolution                          For**     Against**   Abstained***         Number of    As a percentage
                                        %              %              %   ordinary shares        of ordinary
                                                                                    voted   shares in issue*
 Ordinary resolution 1:
 Election and re-election
 of Directors

 Ordinary resolution 1.1:           99.93%         0.07%          0.03%       147 979 610             78.03%
 Re-election of Yolanda
 Miya as a director

 Ordinary resolution 1.2:          100.00%         0.00%          0.03%       147 979 610             78.03%
 Re-election of Sibani
 Mngomezulu as a director

 Ordinary resolution 1.3:          100.00%         0.00%          0.03%       147 979 610             78.03%
 Election of Xoliswa
 Kakana as a director

 Ordinary resolution 1.4:          100.00%         0.00%          0.02%       147 994 146             78.04%
 Election of Marna Roets as
 a director

 Ordinary resolution 2:
 Appointment of the
 members of the Audit

 Ordinary resolution 2.1:           97.65%         2.35%          0.03%       147 981 856             78.03%
 Election of Donald Wilson
 as a Chairman of the
 Audit Committee

 Ordinary resolution 2.2:           99.93%         0.07%          0.03%       147 979 610             78.03%
 Election of Yolanda Miya
 as a member of the Audit

 Ordinary resolution 2.3:           98.08%         1.92%          0.03%       147 979 610             78.03%
 Election of Xoliswa
 Kakana as a member of
 the Audit Committee

 Ordinary resolution 2.4:          100.00%         0.00%          0.03%       147 988 685             78.04%
 Election of Marna Roets
 as a member of the Audit

 Ordinary resolution 3:             97.65%         2.35%          0.03%       147 979 810             78.03%
 Appointment of
 independent external

 Ordinary resolution 4:
 Approval of the
 remuneration policy and
 implementation report

 Ordinary resolution 4.1:           81.80%        18.20%          0.05%       147 949 350             78.02%
 Non-binding advisory vote
 on remuneration policy

 Ordinary resolution 4.2:           84.74%        15.26%          0.06%       147 937 060             78.01%
 Non-binding advisory vote
 on remuneration
 implementation report

 Ordinary resolution 5:            100.00%         0.00%          0.03%       147 979 810             78.03%
 Signature of documents
 Special resolution 1:
 Approval of Non-
 Executive Directors' fees

 1.1 Chairman (all-                 93.64%         6.36%          0.05%       147 946 135             78.01%
 inclusive fee)

 1.2 Board members                  93.49%         6.51%          0.05%       147 946 135             78.01%
 annual retainer

 1.3 Chairman of the Audit          93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%

 1.4 Members of the Audit           93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%

 1.5 Chairman of the                93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Information Technology
 and Risk Committee

 1.6 Members of the                 93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Information Technology
 and Risk Committee

 1.7 Chairman of the                93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Remuneration Committee

 1.8 Members of the                 93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Remuneration Committee

 1.9 Chairman of the                93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 982 056             78.03%
 Social, Ethics and

 1.10 Members of the                93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 978 841             78.03%
 Social, Ethics and

 1.11 Chairman of the               93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Nomination Committee

 1.12 Members of the                93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Nomination Committee

 1.13 Chairman of the               93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Investment and
 Transactions Committee

 1.14 Member of the                 93.50%         6.50%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 Investment and
 Transactions Committee

 1.15 Non-executive                 91.55%         8.45%          0.03%       147 976 595             78.03%
 directors for their
 attendance at any ad hoc

 Special resolution 2:              99.89%         0.11%          0.06%       147 937 060             78.01%
 Authority to provide loans
 and other financial
 assistance to related and
 inter-related companies

 Special resolution 3:             100.00%         0.00%          0.03%       147 979 810             78.03%
 General authority to
 acquire and/or
 repurchase ordinary

*       Based on 189 641 787 ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of ordinary shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of ordinary shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.

19 March 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 19-03-2024 04:45:00
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