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ZEDER INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting of Zeder

Release Date: 24/07/2024 12:35
Code(s): ZED     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting of Zeder

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2006/019240/06
Share code: ZED
ISIN code: ZAE000088431
LEI: 37890022AF5FD117D649
("Zeder" or "the Company")


Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held at
10:00 am today, Wednesday, 24 July 2024 via electronic communication ("AGM"), all of the
resolutions were passed by the requisite majorities of the Company's shareholders.

Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows:

                       Votes for     against
                       resolution    resolution
                       as a          as a                            Number of      Number of
                       percentage    percentage                      shares         shares
                       of total      of total                        voted at       abstained
                       number of     number of                       AGM as a       as a
 Resolutions           shares        shares         Number of        percentage     percentage
 proposed at the       voted at      voted at       shares voted     of shares in   of shares in
 AGM                   AGM           AGM            at AGM           issue*         issue*
 Ordinary resolution   99.99%        0.01%             988 598 971     64.19%         0.01%
 number 1:
 To re-elect Mrs NS
 Mjoli-Mncube as

 Ordinary resolution   99.76%        0.24%             988 598 971     64.19%         0.01%
 number 2:
 To re-elect Mr PJ
 Mouton as director

 Ordinary resolution   99.99%        0.01%              988 598 971     64.19%        0.01%
 number 3:
 To re-appoint Mrs
 S Cassiem as a
 member of the
 audit and risk

 Ordinary resolution   98.47%        1.53%              988 598 971      64.19%       0.01%
 number 4:
 To re-appoint Mr
 CA Otto as a
 member of the
 audit and risk

 Ordinary resolution   99.99%        0.01%             988 598 971       64.19%       0.01%
 number 5:
 To re-appoint Mrs
 NS Mjoli-Mncube
 as a member of the
 audit and risk

 Ordinary resolution   99.99%        0.01%             988 596 626       64.19%       0.01%
 number 6:
 To re-appoint
 Deloitte & Touche
 as the auditor

 Ordinary resolution   98.46%        1.54%             988 596 626       64.19%       0.01%
 number 7:
 endorsement of
 remuneration policy

 Ordinary resolution   98.70%        1.30%             988 596 626       64.19%       0.01%
 number 8:
 endorsement of
 report on the
 remuneration policy

 Special resolution     99.98%     0.02%               988 596 626        64.19%       0.01%
 number 1:
 Remuneration of

 Special resolution     99.98%     0.02%               988 596 626        64.19%       0.01%
 number 2:
 financial assistance

 Special resolution     99.75%     0.25%               988 596 626        64.19%       0.01%
 number 3:
 assistance for the
 subscription and/or
 purchase of shares
 in the company or a
 related or inter-
 related company

 Special resolution     98.77%     1.23%                988 596 626       64.19%       0.01%
 number 4:
 Share repurchases
 by the company
 and its subsidiaries

*Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 1 540 160 354 of which 504 945
were treasury shares.

24 July 2024

                    Sponsor                      Independent Joint JSE Equity Sponsor
                   PSG Capital                            Tamela Holdings

Date: 24-07-2024 12:35:00
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