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VUKILE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED - Dealing in securities by an associate of a director of the company

Release Date: 01/07/2024 15:35
Code(s): VKE VKE16 VKE21 VKE18 VKE27 VKE26 VKE25 VKE22 VKE19 VKE20     PDF:  
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Dealing in securities by an associate of a director of the company

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2002/027194/06)
JSE share code: VKE NSX share code: VKN
ISIN: ZAE000180865
Debt company code: VKEI
(Granted REIT status with the JSE)
("Vukile" or the "Company")


Shareholders and noteholders are referred to the declaration of a cash dividend for the year ended 31 March 2024,
with an election to reinvest the cash dividend in return for Vukile shares, the results of which were announced on
Monday, 1 July 2024 (the "dividend reinvestment alternative"). Shareholders and noteholders are advised of
the following information relating to a dealing in securities by an associate of a director of Vukile in terms of the
dividend reinvestment alternative:

 Name of associate:                                Formby Investment Proprietary Limited
 Name of director and relationship to director:    JR Formby, who is the sole director of Formby Investment
                                                   Proprietary Limited
 Transaction date:                                 28 June 2024
 Class of securities:                              Ordinary shares
 Number of securities:                             2 040
 Price per security:                               R14.50
 Total value:                                      R29 580.00
 Nature of transaction:                            Off-market reinvestment in terms of the dividend
                                                   reinvestment alternative
 Nature and extent of director's interest:         Indirect beneficial
 Clearance to deal received:                       Yes

1 July 2024

Corporate advisor and JSE sponsor                  NSX sponsor
Java Capital                                       IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd

Date: 01-07-2024 03:35:00
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