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VISUAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED - Short Form Announcement: Audited Results for the year ended 29 February 2024

Release Date: 27/06/2024 17:13
Code(s): VIS     PDF:  
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Short Form Announcement:  Audited Results for the year ended 29 February 2024

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2006/030975/06)
ISIN code: ZAE000187407       Share code: VIS
                                              ("the Company")


Salient Features
Extracted from the audited condensed consolidated results for the year ended 29 February 2024:

                                                                        Previously      Change (from
                                                          Audited        published        previously
                                                       Year ended       Year ended         published
                                                      29 February      28 February      information)
 Figures in Rand                                             2024             2023                 %
 Revenue                                                1 108 751        1 115 347             -0.6%
 Operating profit/(loss)                               11 833 233       (6 578 704)             280%
 Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share                 3.33            (1.78)             287%
 Headline earnings/(loss) per share (cents)                  3.33            (1.78)             287%
 Dividend per share (cents)                                     -                 -                -
 Net asset/(liability) value per share                     (1.39)            (4.91)            71.7%

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company. It contains only a
summary of the information in the annual financial statements of the Company for the year ended
29 February 2024 ("AFS") and does not contain full or complete details.

The AFS are available for viewing on the Company's website at
and may also be inspected by investors and/or shareholders at the registered office of the Company
and the offices of the designated advisor, at no charge, during normal business hours. In addition,
electronic copies of the AFS may be requested and obtained, at no charge, from the Company's
company secretary by sending an email to

Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the
AFS as a whole, a link to which has been published on SENS and is available at:

The content of this announcement is derived from audited information but is not itself audited. The
Company has based this short-form announcement on the annual financial statements for the year
ended 29 February 2024, which have been audited by the Company's auditor, LDP Chartered
Accountants and Auditors Incorporated, who expressed an unmodified conclusion thereon.

Cape Town
27 June 2024

Directors:              CK Robertson; R Kadalie; RR Richards*#; CT Vorster*#; LT Matholwa*# Z
                        (*non-executive #independent)
Registered Address:     23 Kleinplaas, Hohenort Street, Stellenberg, 7550, (PO Box 3163, Tyger Valley,
Designated Advisor:     AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited, 20 Stirrup Lane, Woodmead Office Park,
                        Woodmead, 2191, (Suite #439, Private Bag X29, Gallo Manor, 2052)
Company Secretary:      Light Consulting Proprietary Limited, 20 Stirrup Lane, Woodmead Office Park,
                        Woodmead, 2191, (Suite #439, Private Bag X29, Gallo Manor, 2052)
Transfer Secretaries:   JSE Investor Services Proprietary Limited, 13th Floor, 19 Ameshoff Street,
                        Braamfontein, 2017

Designated Advisor
AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited

Date: 27-06-2024 05:13:00
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The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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