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THUNGELA RESOURCES LIMITED - Dealings in securities by executive directors and prescribed officers for allocation of dividend equivalent shares

Release Date: 10/05/2024 09:00
Code(s): TGA     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by executive directors and prescribed officers for allocation of dividend equivalent shares

Thungela Resources Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2021/303811/06)
JSE share code: TGA
LSE share code: TGA
ISIN: ZAE000296554
("Thungela Resources" or "the Company")


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.66 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, shareholders are
advised of the following transactions relating to the reinvestment of dividends ("Dividend Equivalent Shares")
on previously allocated conditional share awards to executive directors and prescribed officers in terms of
clause 16.2.1 of the Company's Share Plan. The Dividend Equivalent Shares are subject to the same vesting
and performance conditions applicable to the conditional shares, as disclosed in the announcement released
on the JSE Stock Exchange News Service and LSE Regulatory News Services on 1 December 2021, 29
March 2022 and 9 May 2023.

Name                Designation               Award         Number of           Value of award   Nature of interest
                                                             Dividend            (R) *
                                                             Equivalent Shares
J Ndlovu            Chief Executive Officer   LTIP 2021      28,120               3,474,226        Direct beneficial
                                              LTIP 2022      7,880                973,574
                                              LTIP 2023      4,280                528,794
GF Smith            Chief Financial Officer   LTIP 2021      11,789               1,456,531        Direct beneficial
                                              LTIP 2022      4,071                502,972
                                              LTIP 2023      2,211                273,169
JPD van Schalkwyk   Chief Operating Officer   LTIP 2021      9,415                1,163,223        Direct beneficial
                                              LTIP 2022      3,175                392,271
                                              LTIP 2023      1,724                213,000
L Martin            Executive Head of         LTIP 2021      8,807                1,088,105        Direct beneficial
                                              LTIP 2022      2,757                340,627
                                              LTIP 2023      1,498                185,078
BM Dalton           Executive Head of         LTIP 2021      8,377                1,034,978        Direct beneficial
                                              LTIP 2022      2,348                290,095
                                              LTIP 2023      1,275                157,526
LE Mataboge         Executive Head of         LTIP 2021      6,609                816,542          Direct beneficial
                    Human Resources
                                              LTIP 2022      1,958                241,911
                                              LTIP 2023      1,064                131,457
N Sithole           Executive Head of         LTIP 2021      6,527                806,411          Direct beneficial
                    Corporate Affairs
                                              LTIP 2022      1,958                241,911
                                              LTIP 2023      1,064                131,457
C Venter            Executive Head of         LTIP 2021      6,281                776,018          Direct beneficial
                    Safety, Health &
                    Environment               LTIP 2022      1,958                241,911
                                              LTIP 2023      1,064                131,457

* The award price per share of R123.55 represents the dividend-adjusted volume weighted average price of a
Thungela Resources share for the 20 trading days ended 19 April 2024. The highest and lowest prices of
Thungela Resources shares traded over each day were as follows:

 Date                             Highest price per share           Lowest price per share
 20 March 2024                    127,31                            120,29
 22 March 2024                    125,05                            119,25
 25 March 2024                    121,83                            119,00
 26 March 2024                    124,91                            118,00
 27 March 2024                    124,32                            119,31
 28 March 2024                    124,89                            120,47
 2 April 2024                     128,38                            121,05
 3 April 2024                     130,86                            126,50
 4 April 2024                     134,00                            130,00
 5 April 2024                     133,34                            127,04
 8 April 2024                     132,86                            129,02
 9 April 2024                     136,53                            130,55
 10 April 2024                    143,61                            134,00
 11 April 2024                    145,00                            137,17
 12 April 2024                    149,61                            144,53
 15 April 2024                    149,67                            145,69
 16 April 2024                    148,94                            141,82
 17 April 2024                    139,00                            134,40
 18 April 2024                    137,69                            130,48
 19 April 2024                    138,69                            132,19

Clearance was obtained for these transactions, which were all effected off-market.

10 May 2024

UK Financial adviser and corporate broker
Liberum Capital Limited
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

In compliance with the UK Listings Requirements, we hereby provide the following information regarding
the allocation of dividend-equivalent shares on previously granted conditional long term incentive awards.

1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)    Name                            July Ndlovu
2     Reason for the notification
a)    Position/status                 PDMR – Chief Executive Officer
b)    Initial notification            Initial notification
3     Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
      auction monitor
a)    Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)    LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4     Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
      type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)    Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
      instrument, type of
      Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)    Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                      awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)    Price(s) and volume(s)
                                      Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                      R123.55               28,120
                                      R123.55               7,880
                                      R123.55               4,280
d)    Aggregated information
       - Aggregated volume            40,280
       - Price                        R4,976,594
e)    Date of the transaction         9 May 2024
f)    Place of the transaction        Off market

1     Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)    Name                            Gideon Frederick Smith
2     Reason for the notification
a)    Position/status                 PDMR – Chief Financial Officer
b)    Name                            Gideon Frederick Smith
3     Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
      auction monitor
a)    Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)    LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4     Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
      type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)    Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
      instrument, type of
      Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)    Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                      awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                      Price(s)               Volume(s)
                                      R123.55                11,789
                                      R123.55                4,071
                                      R123.55                2,211
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume              18,071
     - Price                          R2,232,672
e)   Date of the transaction          9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction         Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                             Johannes Petrus Daniel van Schalkwyk
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                  PDMR – Chief Operations Officer
b)   Initial notification             Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                             Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                              213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial     Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code              ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction        Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                      awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                      Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                      R123.55               9,415
                                      R123.55               3,175
                                      R123.55               1,724
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume              14,314
     - Price                          R1,768,495
e)   Date of the transaction          9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction         Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                             Leslie Martin
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                  PDMR – Executive Head of Technical
b)   Initial notification             Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                             Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                              213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial     Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code              ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction        Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                      awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                      Price(s)               Volume(s)
                                      R123.55                8,807
                                      R123.55                2,757
                                      R123.55                1,498
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume              13,062
     - Price                          R1,613,810
e)   Date of the transaction          9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction         Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                            Lesego Elias Mataboge
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                 PDMR – Executive Head of Human Resources
b)   Initial notification            Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                     awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                     Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                     R123.55               6,609
                                     R123.55               1,958
                                     R123.55               1,064
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume             9,631
     - Price                         R1,189,910
e)   Date of the transaction         9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction        Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                            Nompumelelo Sithole
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                 PDMR – Executive Head of Corporate Affairs
b)   Initial notification            Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                     awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                     Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                     R123.55               6,527
                                     R123.55               1,958
                                     R123.55               1,064
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume             9,549
     - Price                         R1,179,779
e)   Date of the transaction         9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction        Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                            Carina Venter
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                 PDMR – Executive Head of Safety, Health & Environment
b)   Initial notification            Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                     awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                     Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                     R123.55               6,281
                                     R123.55               1,958
                                     R123.55               1,064
     Aggregated information
d)   - Aggregated volume             9,303
     - Price                         R1,149,386

e)   Date of the transaction         9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction        Off market

1    Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person closely associated
a)   Name                            Bernard Dalton
2    Reason for the notification
a)   Position/status                 PDMR – Executive Head of Marketing
b)   Initial notification            Initial notification
3    Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or
     auction monitor
a)   Name                            Thungela Resources Limited
b)   LEI                             213800EGYK3BN3SRIF27
4    Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each
     type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been
a)   Description of the financial    Ordinary shares of no par value
     instrument, type of
     Identification code             ISIN: ZAE000296554
b)   Nature of the transaction       Reinvestment of dividends accruing to ordinary shares previously
                                     awarded under conditional long term incentive plan
c)   Price(s) and volume(s)
                                     Price(s)              Volume(s)
                                     R123.55               8,377
                                     R123.55               2,348
                                     R123.55               1,275
d)   Aggregated information
     - Aggregated volume             12,000
     - Price                         R1,482,600
e)   Date of the transaction         9 May 2024
f)   Place of the transaction        Off market

Date: 10-05-2024 09:00:00
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