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SYGNIA LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 28/01/2025 13:32
Code(s): SYG     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2007/025416/06)
Share code on the JSE and A2X: SYG
ISIN: ZAE000208815
("Sygnia" or the "Company")
General Segment


 Sygnia shareholders are advised that all the ordinary and special resolutions in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting
 ("AGM") dated 4 December 2024 and tabled at the Company's AGM held on Tuesday, 28 January 2025, were passed by
 the requisite majority of votes of shareholders present in person or represented by proxy.

 The following information is provided:

 Total issued number of ordinary shares: 152 377 489
 Number of ordinary shares represented at the AGM: 98 961 618
 Percentage of ordinary shares represented at the AGM: 65%

 Details of the voting results are set out below:

   Resolution                                  Number of      Percentage of        For**      Against**    Abstained*
                                              shares voted    shares voted*

   Ordinary Resolution 1:
   Appointment of auditor of the                 98 900 413       64.90%         100.00%        0.00%        0.04%
   Ordinary Resolution 2.1:
   Re-election of the non-executive              98 900 413       64.90%         100.00%        0.00%        0.04%
   directors – Mr G Cavaleros

   Ordinary Resolution 2.2:
   Re-election of the non-executive              98 900 413       64.90%          99.00%        1.00%        0.04%
   directors – Prof H Bhorat

   Ordinary Resolution 3.1:
   Election of executive director                98 900 413       64.90%         100.00%        0.00%        0.04%
   appointed during the year – Mr R
   Ordinary Resolution 4.1:
   Election of Audit and Risk Committee          98 900 413       64.90%         100.00%        0.00%        0.04%
   member - Mr G Cavaleros
   Ordinary Resolution 4.2:
   Election of Audit and Risk Committee          98 900 413       64.90%          99.00%        1.00%        0.04%
   member – Mr J Boyd

   Ordinary Resolution 4.3:
   Election of Audit and Risk Committee          98 900 413       64.90%         100.00%        0.00%        0.04%
   member – Mr A Jakoet
   Ordinary Resolution 5:
   Authority to issue ordinary shares for        98 900 413       64.90%          98.74%        1.26%        0.04%
   Ordinary Resolution 6:
   Control of authorised but unissued            98 901 413        64.91%          98.74%       1.26%        0.04%

   Ordinary Resolution 7:
   Non-binding advisory vote on the              98 901 413        64.91%          98.74%       1.26%        0.04%
   Sygnia remuneration policy
   Ordinary Resolution 8:
   Non-binding advisory vote on the              98 901 413        64.91%          98.74%       1.26%        0.04%
   Sygnia implementation report
   Ordinary Resolution 9:
   Authority to directors and company            98 900 413        64.90%          100.00%      0.00%        0.04%
   secretary to implement special and
   ordinary resolutions
   Special Resolution 1:
   Approval of remuneration of non-              98 901 413        64.91%           99.00%      1.00%        0.04%
   executive directors
   Special Resolution 2:
   Authority to repurchase shares                98 910 340        64.91%           99.73%      0.27%        0.03%

   Special Resolution 3:
   Approval to provide financial                 98 901 413        64.91%           99.00%      1.00%        0.04%
   assistance to subsidiaries, related or
   inter-related companies, directors
   and/or prescribed officers
   Special Resolution 4:
   Approval to provide financial                 98 901 413        64.91%           98.90%       1.10%        0.04%
   assistance for the subscription or
   purchase of securities
   Special Resolution 5:
   To replace the existing Memorandum            98 900 292        64.90%           100.00%      0.00%        0.04%
   of Incorporation in its entirety with a
   new Memorandum of Incorporation

*Based on 152 377 489 shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.
**Based on the total number of shares voted at the AGM.

Cape Town
28 January 2025

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Date: 28-01-2025 01:32:00
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