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SEA HARVEST GROUP LIMITED - Changes to the Board

Release Date: 28/02/2025 15:00
Code(s): SHG     PDF:  
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Changes to the Board

Sea Harvest Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2008/001066/06)
Share code: SHG ISIN: ZAE000240198
("Sea Harvest" or the "Company")


In accordance with section 3.59 of the JSE Listings Requirements, shareholders are advised that Mohamed
Iqbal Khan ("Iqbal"), a non-executive director, has announced his decision to retire from the Sea Harvest
Board, and therefore retires as a member of the Nomination and Remuneration, Investment and Hedging
and Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committees of the Company, effective 27 February 2025.

Shareholders are advised that Geoffrey George Fortuin ("Geoff") has been appointed as a non-executive
director of Sea Harvest, effective 27 February 2025.

Geoff holds a BCom (Acc) (Cum Laude) and BCom (Acc) (Hons) and is a Chartered Accountant (SA). Geoff
is the Financial Director of Brimstone Investment Corporation Limited and a non-executive director of
Quantum Foods Holdings Limited, both JSE listed companies. He was previously a Partner at Deloitte &
Touche for 15 years and a member of the Deloitte South Africa board, during which time he was
responsible for the audit of a number of listed and unlisted fishing companies. Geoff will serve on the Sea
Harvest Board's Nomination and Remuneration, Investment and Hedging and Social and Ethics and
Sustainability Committees.

The Sea Harvest Board extends its sincere appreciation to Iqbal for his valued contribution and service
during his tenure as a non-executive director of Sea Harvest and wishes him well in his future endeavours.

The Sea Harvest Board welcomes Geoff and looks forward to his contribution to Sea Harvest.

Cape Town
28 February 2025

The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Date: 28-02-2025 03:00:00
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