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SASFIN HOLDINGS LIMITED - Year-end results, dividend declaration and changes to the board

Release Date: 31/08/2021 10:00
Code(s): SFN     PDF:  
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Year-end results, dividend declaration and changes to the board

    (Incorporated in The Republic of South Africa)
    (Registration Number 1987/002097/06)
    Ordinary share code: SFN ISIN: ZAE000006565
    (“Sasfin” or “the Company”)

    Summarised annual results for the year ended 30 June 2021, dividend declaration and changes to the board

    Introduction to Sasfin Holdings Limited

    At Sasfin we contribute to society by going beyond a bank to enable growth in businesses and the global wealth of
    our clients.

    Salient features:

     Key indicators                                                             Growth %     Jun-21           Jun-20
     Total income, including associate income (R’000)                              11.66   1 302 742      1 166 656
     Profit / (loss) before income tax (R’000)                                      >100    136 591         (45 002)
     Headline earnings / (loss) for the period (R’000)                              >100    141 071         (48 617)
     Headline earnings / (loss) per ordinary share (cents)                          >100     438.24         (151.00)
     Earnings / (loss) per ordinary share (cents)                                   >100     241.20         (186.90)
     Net asset value per ordinary share (cents)                                     1.83         4 839         4 752
     Dividends per ordinary share (cents)                                           >100     131.02            48.89

    Dividend declaration

    Ordinary share dividend

    The Board of Directors declared a final ordinary share cash dividend for the year ended 30 June 2021 of 131.02000
    cents (2020: Nil cents) per share.

    No interim ordinary dividend was declared (2020: 48.89000 cents) for the six months ended 31 December 2020. The
    total ordinary dividend for the financial year ended 30 June 2021 therefore amounts to 131.02000 cents (2020:
    48.89000 cents) per share.

    The following further information is provided to shareholders with regards to the ordinary dividend declaration in
    respect of dividends tax:

•   The dividend has been declared from income reserves;
•   The dividend withholding tax rate is 20%, and a net dividend of 104.81600 cents (2020: 39.11200 cents) per share
    will be paid to those shareholders who are not exempt from dividend withholding tax;
•   The number of issued ordinary shares at the date of dividend declaration is 32 301 441 (2020: 32 301 441);
•   The number of issued ordinary shares (excluding treasury shares) at the date of dividend declaration is 30 772 847
    (2020: 32 196 882); and
•   Tax reference number: 9300204717.

    The salient dates relating to the ordinary share dividend are as follows:

     Last day to trade "cum" the ordinary share dividend:           Monday, 20 September 2021

     Ordinary shares commence trading “ex” the dividend on:         Tuesday, 21 September 2021

     Ordinary share dividend record date:                           Thursday, 23 September 2021

     Payment date of ordinary share dividend:                       Monday, 27 September 2021
Ordinary share certificates may not be dematerialised or re-materialised between Tuesday, 21 September 2021 and
Thursday, 23 September 2021, both days inclusive.

Short form Announcement

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the Directors of the Company and is a summary of the
information in the full announcement published on SENS on 31 August 2021, and does not contain full or complete
details which are available for viewing on the following websites:

Company’s website:

JSE website:

Although the financial results in this announcement were not audited, they are extracted from the consolidated and
company annual financial statements which were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc who issued an unmodified
audit opinion on the financial statements. Their audit opinion, including the key audit matters on pages 9–17 of the
annual financial statements, can be viewed on the Company’s website

Any investment decision by investors and/or shareholders should be based on the information contained in the full
financial results announcement and annual financial statements, copies of which are also available for inspection at
our offices on workdays during business hours (at no charge) or on request from the company secretary (by e-mail:

Future changes to the board

In compliance with paragraph 3.59(a) and (b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and Directive 4 of 2018
issued by the Prudential Authority, the board of Directors of Sasfin advises that, Mr Roy Andersen, the Chair of the
Board, and Mr Grant Dunnington will retire at the AGM on 25 November 2021, both having served on the Board for
more than nine years.

The Board has appointed Mr Gideon Petrus (Deon) de Kock as the new Chair, with his appointment effective from
25 November 2021. Deon joined the Board as an Independent Non-Executive Director in August 2020. Given Deon’s
experience, including having previously served as Chair of another South African bank, the Board is comfortable that
he can seamlessly move into the role of Chair.

We thank our Chair, Mr Roy Andersen and our longest serving Independent Non-Executive Director, Mr Grant
Dunnington, for their invaluable contributions over the years. We wish Mr de Kock, our in-coming Chair all the best
in his new role.

On behalf of the Board

Mr Roy Andersen                                               Mr Michael Sassoon
Chair                                                         Group Chief Executive Officer

31 August 2021

Sponsor: Sasfin Capital Proprietary Limited (a member of the Sasfin Group)

Independent Sponsor: Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Date: 31-08-2021 10:00:00
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