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STANDARD BANK GROUP LIMITED - Dealings in securities

Release Date: 05/10/2021 15:15
Code(s): SBK     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities

Registration number 1969/017128/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Website: (
JSE Share code: SBK ISIN ZAE000109815
Namibian Share Code: SNB ZAE000109815
A2X share code: SBK
(“Standard Bank Group”)


In compliance with sections 3.63 to 3.74 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, the following information
is disclosed:

Vesting of awards in terms of the Standard Bank Group Employee Share Scheme ?Standard Bank Deferred
Bonus Scheme 2012

Director:                                        Mr. SK Tshabalala

Name of company:                                 Standard Bank Group Limited

1.    Date of Transaction:                       2021-09-30

      Nature of Transaction:                     Automatic vesting and exercise of 26 506 units in the Standard
                                                 Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                                                 tax, this resulted in the delivery of 14 580 Standard Bank Group
                                                 ordinary shares.
      Number of shares:                          14 580
      Class of securities:                       Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
      Share Price:                               R144.42
      Value of Transaction:                      R2,105,643.60
      Nature of Interest:                        Direct beneficial

Director:                                        Dr. A Daehnke

Name of company:                                 Standard Bank Group Limited

2.    Date of Transaction:                       2021-09-30

      Nature of Transaction:                     Automatic vesting and exercise of 18 743 units in the Standard
                                                 Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                                                 tax, this resulted in the delivery of 10 310 Standard Bank Group
                                                 ordinary shares.
      Number of shares:                          10 310
      Class of securities:                       Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
      Share Price:                               R144.42
      Value of Transaction:                      R1,488,970.20
      Nature of Interest:                        Direct beneficial

Prescribed Officer:           Mr. AK Fihla

Name of company:              Standard Bank Group Limited

3.   Date of Transaction:     2021-09-30

     Nature of Transaction:   Automatic vesting and exercise of 22 078 units in the Standard
                              Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                              tax, this resulted in the delivery of 12 145 Standard Bank Group
                              ordinary shares.
     Number of shares:        12 145
     Class of securities:     Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
     Share Price:             R144.42
     Value of Transaction:    R1,753,980.90
     Nature of Interest:      Direct beneficial

Prescribed Officer:           Ms. M Nienaber

Name of company:              Standard Bank Group Limited

4.   Date of Transaction:     2021-09-30

     Nature of Transaction:   Automatic vesting and exercise of 46 510 units in the Standard
                              Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                              tax, this resulted in the delivery of 25 583 Standard Bank Group
                              ordinary shares.
     Number of shares:        25 583
     Class of securities:     Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
     Share Price:             R144.42
     Value of Transaction:    R3,694,696.86
     Nature of Interest:      Direct beneficial

Prescribed Officer:           Ms. FZ Montjane

Name of company:              Standard Bank Group Limited

5.   Date of Transaction:     2021-09-30

     Nature of Transaction:   Automatic vesting and exercise of 26 218 units in the Standard
                              Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                              tax, this resulted in the delivery of 14 421 Standard Bank Group
                              ordinary shares.
     Number of shares:        14 421
     Class of securities:     Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
     Share Price:             R144.42
     Value of Transaction:    R2,082,680.82
     Nature of Interest:      Direct beneficial

Group Secretary:                  Ms. Z Stephen

Name of company:                  Standard Bank Group Limited

6.    Date of Transaction:        2021-09-30

      Nature of Transaction:      Automatic vesting and exercise of 13 798 units in the Standard
                                  Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                                  tax, this resulted in the delivery of 7 590 Standard Bank Group
                                  ordinary shares.
      Number of shares:           7 590
      Class of securities:        Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
      Share Price:                R144.42
      Value of Transaction:       R1,096,147.80
      Nature of Interest:         Direct beneficial

Director of a major subsidiary:   Mr. L Fuzile

Name of company:                  Standard Bank Group Limited

7.    Date of Transaction:        2021-09-30

      Nature of Transaction:      Automatic vesting and exercise of 11 475 units in the Standard
                                  Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                                  tax, this resulted in the delivery of 6 313 Standard Bank Group
                                  ordinary shares.
      Number of shares:           6 313
      Class of securities:        Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
      Share Price:                R144.42
      Value of Transaction:       R911,723.46
      Nature of Interest:         Direct beneficial

Associate of Director:

Name of Associate:                Ms. S Brugman

Director:                         Dr. A Daehnke

Name of company:                  Standard Bank Group Limited

8.    Date of Transaction:        2021-09-30

      Nature of Transaction:      Automatic vesting and exercise of 14 235 units in the Standard
                                  Bank Deferred Bonus Scheme 2012. After subtracting employee’s
                                  tax, this resulted in the delivery of 7 830 Standard Bank Group
                                  ordinary shares.
      Number of shares:           7 830
      Class of securities:        Standard Bank Group ordinary shares
      Share Price:                R144.42
      Value of Transaction:       R1,130,808.60
      Nature of Interest:         Direct beneficial

The above transactions were done on market and clearance to deal was provided.

05 October 2021

Lead sponsor
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Independent sponsor
JP Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Namibian sponsor
Simonis Storm Securities (Proprietary) Limited

Date: 05-10-2021 03:15:00
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