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SA CORPORATE REAL ESTATE LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 06/06/2024 13:15
Code(s): SAC     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

SA Corporate Real Estate Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Share Code: SAC ISIN Code: ZAE000203238
(Registration number 2015/015578/06)
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
("SA Corporate" or "the Company")

Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting ("AGM") of SA Corporate held on
Thursday, 6 June 2024 were as follows:

 Resolution                                               Number of      Percentage       For**   Against**   Abstained***
                                                       shares voted    of shares in                                 

 Ordinary resolution number 1:                        1 747 862 292          69,50%      92,35%      7,65%           0.00%
 Re-election of Ms EM Hendricks as an
 independent non-executive director of the
 Ordinary resolution number 2:                        1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0.00%
 Re-election of Mr GJ Heron as an independent
 non-executive director of the Company
 Ordinary resolution number 3:                        1 747 862 292          69,50%      92,35%      7,65%           0.00%
 Re-election of Mr MA Moloto as an independent
 non-executive director of the Company
 Ordinary resolution number 4:                        1 669 208 667          66,38%      99,99%      0,01%           3,13%
 Election of Mr SJ Mojalefa as an executive director
 of the Company
 Ordinary resolution number 5.1:                      1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0,00%
 Election of Ms N Ford-Hoon(Fok) as a member of
 the Audit and Risk Committee
 Ordinary resolution number 5.2:                      1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0,00%
 Election of Mr GJ Heron as a member of the Audit
 and Risk Committee
 Ordinary resolution number 5.3:                      1 747 899 280          69,51%      90,83%      9,17%           0,00%
 Election of Ms SS Mafoyane as a member of the
 Audit and Risk Committee
 Ordinary resolution number 6:                        1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0,00%
 Re-appointment of PwC as independent external
 Ordinary resolution number 7:                        1 666 296 943          66,26%      88,30%     11,70%           3,25%
 Non-binding advisory vote - Endorsement of
 remuneration policy of the Company
 Ordinary resolution number 8:                        1 670 950 303          66,45%      88,33%     11,67%           3,06%
 Non-binding advisory vote - Endorsement of the
 implementation of the remuneration policy of the
 Ordinary resolution number 9:                        1 743 058 437          69,31%      99,49%      0,51%           0,20%
 To place the unissued authorised ordinary shares
 under the control of the directors
 Ordinary resolution number 10:                       1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0,00%
 Specific authority to issue shares to afford
 shareholders distribution reinvestment
 Ordinary resolution number 11:                       1 747 711 797          69,50%      99,63%      0,37%           0,01%
 General but restricted authority to issue shares
 for cash
 Ordinary resolution number 12:                       1 747 899 280          69,51%     100,00%      0,00%           0,00%
 Authorisation of directors and/or the company
 Special resolution number 1:                         1 747 899 280          69,51%      99,85%      0,15%           0,00%
 Authorisation to provide financial assistance to
 related or inter-related parties
 Special resolution number 2:                         1 747 899 280          69,51%      98,03%      1,97%           0,00%
 Authorisation to provide financial assistance for
 the subscription and/or purchase of securities in a
 related or inter-related company of SA Corporate
 Special resolution number 3:                         1 670 987 291          66,45%      97,06%      2,94%           3,06%
 Approval of non-executive directors' fees
 Special resolution number 4:                         1 747 003 173          69,47%     100,00%      0,00%           0,04%
 Authority to issue shares to directors who elect to
 reinvest their distributions under the
 reinvestment option
 Special resolution number 5:                         1 747 899 280          69,51%      99,55%      0,45%           0,00%
 General authority to repurchase shares

*       Based on 2 514 732 095 shares in issue at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of shares in issue at the date of the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of SA Corporate shareholders
present in person or represented by proxy at the AGM.

6 June 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 06-06-2024 01:15:00
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