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REX TRUEFORM GROUP LIMITED - Summarised consolidated financial results for the year ended 30 June 2021

Release Date: 30/09/2021 17:00
Code(s): RTN RTO RTOP     PDF:  
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Summarised consolidated financial results for the year ended 30 June 2021

Rex Trueform Group Limited 
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa 
Registration Number: 1937/009839/06
JSE share codes: RTO - RTN - RTOP 
ISIN: ZAE000250387 – ZAE000250395 – ZAE000250403 
("the company" or "Rex Trueform") 


Rex Trueform is an investment holding company incorporated in South Africa and listed on the JSE Limited 
("JSE") in the "apparel retailers" sector. The company has investments in fashion retail, property and 
water infrastructure.

Financial highlights 

- Revenue decreased by 17.1 % to R 491.4 million (2020: R 592.5 million)
- Gross profit margin % increased to 52.2% (2020: 48.4%)  
- Operating profit increased by 167.8% to R50.1 million (2020: R73.8 million operating loss)  
- Earnings per share increased by 130.6% to 110.9 cents (2020: 362.7 cents loss per share)  
- Headline earnings per share increased by 262.5% to 146.6 cents (2020: 90.2 cents loss per share)  
- Net asset value per share increased by 9.3% to R12.78 (2020: R11.69)  
- Ordinary dividend per share paid amounted to nil cents (2020: nil cents)  

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the company's directors and is a summary of the 
information in the company's full results released on SENS on 30 September 2021 and does not contain 
full or complete details. Prior year figures have been restated. In order to obtain a full understanding 
of the nature of the auditor's engagement and more specifically, the nature of the information that has
 been audited, a copy of the Group consolidated annual financial statements should be obtained which 
includes the auditor's report setting out key audit matters, which includes the recognition and 
measurement of leases as well as the assessment of the net realisable value of inventory, and the basis 
for the unmodified opinion. Furthermore, any investment decisions should be based on the full results 
which are available on the company's website at and on the JSE's website at:

Copies of the full results announcement may be requested at the company's registered office or at the 
office of the sponsor, Java Capital, during normal business hours from Friday, 1 October 2021 until 
Friday, 15 October 2021 at no charge, or from the company secretary directly at

MA Golding            CL Lloyd  
(Chairman)            (Chief Executive Officer)  

Cape Town  
30 September 2021  

Directors: MA Golding† (Chairman), CL Lloyd (Chief Executive Officer), D Franklin (Financial Director), 
HB Roberts*, PM Naylor*, LK Sebatane*, MR Molosiwa* 
† Non-executive * Independent non-executive 
Registered office: 263 Victoria Road, Salt River, Cape Town,7925 
Company secretary: AR Mushabe
Transfer secretaries: Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited: Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, 
Rosebank, 2196 
Sponsor: Java Capital Trustees and Sponsors Proprietary Limited: 6th Floor, 1 Park Lane, Weirda Valley, Sandton, 2196 
Websites: - 

Date: 30-09-2021 05:00:00
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