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RMB HOLDINGS LIMITED - Short-Form Announcement: Unaudited Condensed Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2024

Release Date: 27/06/2024 08:00
Code(s): RMH     PDF:  
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Short-Form Announcement: Unaudited Condensed Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2024

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1987/005115/06)
ISIN: ZAE000024501
JSE ordinary share code: RMH
("RMH" or "the Company")

 Short-Form Announcement: Unaudited Condensed Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2024

                                                                                          Six months
                                     Six months          12 months                   %      ended 30
                                     ended 31 March      ended 31 March                   September
                                     2024                2023                                   2023

Key financial data

Revenue (R'million)                              (20)               159          >(100)           72

(Loss)/profit for the period                     (75)              (440)            83            15

Headline (loss)/earnings                         (39)               160          >(100)          (19)

(Loss)/earnings per share (cents)                (5.6)            (31.9)            82            1.1

Diluted (loss)/earnings per share                (5.6)            (31.9)            82            1.1

Headline earnings per share                      (2.9)              11.6         >(100)          (1.4)

Diluted headline earnings per                    (2.9)              11.6         >(100)          (1.4)
share (cents)

Dividend per share (cents)                       23.5              141.7           (83)             -

Net asset value per share (cents)                76.7              100.3           (24)          104.0

Net asset value excluding cash                   73.2               77.1            (5)           80.5
earmarked for special dividend

The directors, who take responsibility for the contents of this short-form announcement, present the unaudited
condensed interim results of RMB Holdings Limited for the six months ended 31 March 2024. The results were
prepared by the financial director, Ms. Ellen Marais CA(SA) under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer
("CEO"), Brian Roberts B Com (Hons).

The financial information is only a summary and does not contain full details of the financial results. Any
investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on information contained in the full
announcement, which has been announced on SENS and is available via the JSE link or the company's website at

27 June 2024

Brian Roberts                                              Ellen Marais

CEO                                                        Financial director

Company secretary and registered office of RMH

IKB Company Secretaries (Proprietary) Limited

Physical address: Zero 01 Solution House, 42 Gazelle Avenue, Corporate Park South, Midrand, 1685

Transfer secretaries

Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited

Physical address: Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196


Deloitte & Touche

5 Magwa Crescent, Waterfall City, Waterfall, 2090


BSM Sponsors Proprietary Limited

22 Kildoon Road, Bryanston, 2191

Date: 27-06-2024 08:00:00
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