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REUNERT LIMITED - Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting

Release Date: 25/02/2025 17:47
Code(s): RLO     PDF:  
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Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1913/004355/06)
JSE and A2X share code: RLO
ISIN: ZAE000057428
("Reunert" or the "Company")


At the one hundred and eleventh (111th) annual general meeting ("AGM") of ordinary shareholders of
Reunert, held today, 25 February 2025, all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the AGM were
approved by the requisite majority of votes.

The total issued share capital of Reunert is 182 665 316 ordinary shares ("Shares"). Of these,
1 483 748 Shares are treasury shares, held by a subsidiary of Reunert. Therefore, the total number of Shares
that could be voted at the AGM was 181 181 568 Shares.

Reunert confirms the voting statistics for the AGM as follows:

  Resolutions                           Votes carried            Number of      Shares          Shares
                                        (as a percentage of      Shares         voted           abstained
                                        the total number of      voted          (as a           (as a
                                        Shares voted)                           percentage      percentage
                                                                                of the total    of the total
                                                                                issued          issued
                                                                                share           share
                                        For          Against                    capital)        capital)
  Ordinary resolution number 1:         99.46%       0.54%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Re-election of Mr RJ Boëttger as
  an independent non-executive
  Ordinary resolution number 2:         99.50%       0.50%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Re-election of Mr AE Dickson as
  an executive director
  Ordinary resolution number 3:         96.52%       3.48%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  Re-election of Ms TNM Eboka as
  an independent non-executive
  Ordinary resolution number 4:         99.46%       0.54%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Re-election of Mr JP Hulley as an
  independent non-executive
  Ordinary resolution number 5:         99.29%       0.71%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Election of Mr LP Fourie to the
  Audit Committee

  Ordinary resolution number 6:         70.54%       29.46%      136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Election of Ms T Abdool-Samad to
  the Audit Committee
  Ordinary resolution number 7:         99.96%       0.04%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Election of Mr RJ Boëttger to the
  Audit Committee, subject to the
  passing of ordinary resolution 1
  Ordinary resolution number 8:         100.00%      0.00%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  Election of Dr MT Matshoba-
  Ramuedzisi to the Audit
  Ordinary resolution number            100.00%      0.00%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  8A1: Election of Dr MT Matshoba-
  Ramuedzisi to the Social, Ethics
  and Transformation Committee
  Ordinary resolution number            100.00%      0.00%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  8A2: Election of Mr GB Dalgliesh
  to the Social, Ethics and
  Transformation Committee

  Ordinary resolution number            99.50%       0.50%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  8A3: Election of Mr AE Dickson to
  the Social, Ethics and
  Transformation Committee,
  subject to the passing of ordinary
  resolution 2

  Ordinary resolution number            97.02%       2.98%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  8A4: Election of TNM Eboka to
  the Social, Ethics and
  Transformation Committee,
  subject to the passing of ordinary
  resolution 3

  Ordinary resolution number 9:         98.14%       1.86%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Appointment of KPMG Inc as the
  independent external auditor of
  the Company for the financial
  year ending 30 September 2025
  Ordinary resolution number 10:        100.00%      0.00%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Appointment of Mr CH Basson as
  the individual designated auditor,
  subject to the passing of ordinary
  resolution 9

  Ordinary resolution number 11:        100.00%      0.00%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Ratification relating to personal
  financial interest arising from
  multiple offices in the Reunert

  Non-binding advisory                  94.44%       5.56%       136 437 397    74.69%          0.00%
  resolution number 12:
  Endorsement of the Reunert
  Remuneration Policy

  Non-binding advisory                  94.54%       5.46%       136 371 835    74.66%          0.04%
  resolution number 13:
  Endorsement of the Reunert
  Remuneration Implementation
  Special resolution number 14:         100.00%      0.00%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  General authority to repurchase
  Special resolution number 15:         99.87%       0.13%       136 437 397    74.69%          0.00%
  Approval of non-executive
  directors' remuneration
  Special resolution number 16:         96.78%       3.22%       136 437 397    74.69%          0.00%
  Approval of non-executive
  directors' remuneration for ad hoc
  Special resolution number 17:         99.85%       0.15%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  Approval of financial assistance
  relating to share repurchases of
  Reunert's Shares and share plans
  relating to Reunert's Shares
  Special resolution number 18:         100.00%      0.00%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  Approval of financial assistance 
  relating to securities for the
  advancement of commercial
  Special resolution number 19:         100.00%      0.00%       136 439 934    74.69%          0.00%
  Approval of financial assistance to
  persons related or inter-related to
  the Company for the
  advancement of commercial
  Ordinary resolution number 20:        100.00%      0.00%       136 437 534    74.69%          0.00%
  Signature of documents and
  authority for implementation of

25 February 2025

One Capital

Date: 25-02-2025 05:47:00
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