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QUANTUM FOODS HOLDINGS LIMITED - Exercise of phantom share rights in terms of the Quantum Foods Holdings Limited Equity Settled Phantom Share Plan

Release Date: 24/02/2025 17:00
Code(s): QFH     PDF:  
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Exercise of phantom share rights in terms of the Quantum Foods Holdings Limited Equity Settled Phantom Share Plan

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2013/208598/06)
Share code: QFH
ISIN: ZAE000193686
("Quantum Foods" or the "Company")


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements ("Listings Requirements"),
shareholders of Quantum Foods are hereby advised that executive directors of the Company and a director of a major
subsidiary of the Company, have exercised Phantom Share Rights ("PSRs") issued by the Company under the Scheme
on 17 February 2020, 15 February 2021 and 21 February 2022 ("PSR Exercises"). The exercised PSRs are settled in
ordinary shares in the Company ("Shares").

Details of PSRs:

    Vesting date of PSRs:                                   (1) 17 February 2025
                                                            (2) 15 February 2025
                                                            (3) 21 February 2025
    Exercise period:                                        Participants must exercise vested PSRs by no later
                                                            than midnight on the first anniversary of the vesting
    Date of exercise:                                       (1) 21 February 2025
                                                            (2) 21 February 2025
                                                            (3) 21 February 2025
    Price per Share on the exercise date:                   (1) R9.9861
                                                            (2) R9.9861
                                                            (3) R9.9861
    Strike price of PSRs:                                   (1) R3.565
                                                            (2) R6.085
                                                            (3) R5.390
    Nature and extent of interest:                          Direct beneficial
    On-market or off-market:                                Off-market
    Clearance given in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the       Yes
    Listings Requirements:

Transaction 1:

    Name of executive director of the Company:              Adel Deidré van der Merwe
    Number of Shares to be settled following the            (1) 42 210
    PSR Exercise:                                           (2) 18 914
                                                            (3) 71 190
    Total value of Shares to be settled:                    (1) R421 513.28
                                                            (2) R188 877.10
                                                            (3) R710 910.46
Transaction 2:

    Name of executive director of the Company:              André Hugo Muller
    Number of Shares to be settled following the            (1) 46 461
    PSR Exercise:                                           (2) 19 993
                                                            (3) 78 948
    Total value of Shares to be settled:                    (1) R463 964.19
                                                            (2) R199 652.10
                                                            (3) R788 382.62

Transaction 3:

    Name of director of a major subsidiary of the Company:  Roelof Viljoen
    Name of major subsidiary:                               Quantum Foods Proprietary Limited
    Number of Shares to be settled following the            (1) 39 207
    PSR Exercise:                                           (2) 18 405
                                                            (3) 65 808
    Total value of Shares to be settled:                    (1) R391 525.02
                                                            (2) R183 794.17
                                                            (3) R657 165.27

24 February 2025

Corporate advisor and Sponsor
One Capital

Webber Wentzel


Date: 24-02-2025 05:00:00
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