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PEPKOR HOLDINGS LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 24/02/2025 17:50
Code(s): PPH PEP05 PEP06 PEP07 PEP08 PEP02 PEP04 PEP09 PEP10     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2017/221869/06)
Share Code: PPH
Debt Code: PPHI
ISIN: ZAE000259479
LEI: 3789006D677C34F69875
("Pepkor", the "Group" or the "Company")


Shareholders and noteholders are hereby advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting of the
Company held by electronic participation at 09:00 today, Monday, 24 February 2025 ("AGM"), are as follows:

                                Votes for            against
                               resolution         resolution
                                      as a               as a                    Number of
                              percentage         percentage                          shares       Number of
                                  of total           of total                       voted at         shares
                               number of          number of                       AGM as a     abstained as
                                  shares             shares       Number of     percentage     a percentage
Resolutions proposed             voted at           voted at    shares voted    of shares in    of shares in
at the AGM                          AGM                AGM           at AGM           issue*         issue*
Ordinary resolution
number 1:
Re-election of HH Hickey
as a director who retires
by rotation                       99.98%              0.02%     3 226 377 164       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 2:
Re-election of SH Müller
as a director who retires
by rotation                       97.93%              2.07%     3 226 377 164       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 3:
Re-election of P Disberry
as a director who retires
by rotation                       99.98%              0.02%     3 226 377 164       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 4:
Re-election of LI
Mophatlane as a director
who retires by rotation           97.80%              2.20%     3 226 382 664       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 5:
Re-appointment of HH
Hickey as a member of
the audit and risk
committee                         99.98%              0.02%     3 226 377 164       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 6:
Re-appointment of F
Petersen-Cook as a
member of the audit and
risk committee                    94.55%              5.45%     3 226 366 859       87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 7:
Appointment of ZN
Malinga as a member of
the audit and risk
committee                         99.98%              0.02%   3 226 372 359         87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 8:
Appointment of SH Müller
as a member of the audit
and risk committee                97.49%              2.51%   3 226 377 164         87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 9:
Re-appointment of
Inc. as auditor                   90.74%              9.26%   3 226 363 518         87.59%             0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 10:
Appointment of F
Petersen-Cook as a
member of the social and
ethics committee                  96.35%              3.65%   3 226 366 859        87.59%              0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 11:
Appointment of ZN
Malinga as a member of
the social and ethics
committee                         99.97%              0.03%   3 226 372 359        87.59%              0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 12:
Appointment of P
Disberry as a member of
the social and ethics
committee                         99.98%              0.02%   3 226 366 859       87.59%               0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 13:
Appointment of PJ
Erasmus as a member of
the social and ethics
committee                        100.00%              0.00%   3 226 366 859       87.59%              0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 14:
Non-binding advisory vote
on Pepkor's remuneration
policy                            76.60%             23.40%   3 191 275 532       86.63%              0.00%
Ordinary resolution
number 15:
Non-binding advisory vote
on Pepkor's
implementation report on
the remuneration policy           65.82%             34.18%   3 226 363 233       87.59%              0.00%
Special resolution
number 1:
Remuneration of non-
executive directors
Special resolution
number 1.1:
Board chair                       99.76%              0.24%   3 226 363 233        87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.2:
Lead independent
director                          99.23%              0.77%   3 226 363 233        87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.3:
Board members                     99.02%              0.98%   3 226 363 233        87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.4:
Audit and risk committee
chair                             99.03%              0.97%   3 226 363 518        87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.5:
Audit and risk committee
members                           99.02%              0.98%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.6:
Human resources and
remuneration committee
chair                             99.80%              0.20%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.7:
Human resources and
remuneration committee
members                           99.71%              0.29%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.8:
Social and ethics
committee chair                   99.80%              0.20%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.9:
Social and ethics
committee members                 99.80%              0.20%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.10:
Nomination committee
members                           99.80%              0.20%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.11:
Investment committee
chair                             99.58%              0.42%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.12:
Investment committee
members                           99.67%              0.33%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 1.13:
Director approved by
Prudential Authority              99.90%              0.10%   3 226 363 518       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 2:
Intercompany financial
assistance in terms of
section 45 of the
Companies Act                     99.89%              0.11%   3 226 373 823       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 3:
Financial assistance for
the subscription and/or
purchase of securities in
the company or in
subsidiary companies in
terms of section 44 of the
Companies Act                     99.35%              0.65%   3 226 382 664       87.59%   0.00%
Special resolution
number 4:
General authority to
repurchase shares issued
by the company                    98.05%              1.95%     3 226 285 523          87.58%             0.00%

*Total number of shares in issue as at Friday, 14 February 2025, being the record date to be eligible to vote
at the AGM, was 3 683 655 024, of which 4 108 175 were treasury shares.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Pepkor shareholders
represented at the AGM, save for ordinary resolution 15, relating to the non-binding advisory vote on Pepkor's
implementation report to the remuneration policy, which was voted against by more than 25% of the ordinary
and combined votes exercised at the AGM.

Prior to the AGM, the Group engaged with shareholders representing 73% of the Group's issued share capital
and the constructive feedback from shareholders is appreciated. The continued support for the remuneration
policy indicates a favourable shareholder view of the Group's remuneration philosophy. The input received
from shareholders to date is under consideration. In addition to this, dissenting shareholders are invited to
advise Pepkor of their concerns on the implementation report to the remuneration policy. Correspondence in
this regard should be addressed by email to Pepkor Investor Relations (, by 10 March

24 February 2025

Equity and Debt Sponsor
Investec Bank Limited

Date: 24-02-2025 05:50:00
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