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PICK N PAY STORES LIMITED - Pick n Pay Stores Limited - Resignation of Independent Non-Executive Director

Release Date: 04/07/2024 15:21
Code(s): PIK     PDF:  
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Pick n Pay Stores Limited - Resignation of Independent Non-Executive Director

Pick n Pay Stores Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 1968/008034/06
JSE Share Code: PIK
ISIN code: ZAE000005443
("Pick n Pay" or "the Company")


In compliance with paragraph 3.59 of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, shareholders are
advised that Ms. Mariam Cassim has resigned as an independent non-executive director of Pick n Pay
Stores Limited, and accordingly as member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee and the Finance
and Investment Committee, effective 5 July 2024.

Accordingly, Ms. Cassim will not be standing for re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Since her appointment as an independent non-executive director of Pick n Pay, Ms. Cassim's portfolio has
grown as part of her executive role and responsibilities within the Vodacom Group. It is within this context
that she has decided to step down given the increasing demands on her time and attention. While the
Pick n Pay Board will miss her valuable contribution, the Board acknowledges her position and respects
her decision.

The Board of Directors thanks Ms. Cassim for her valuable contribution to the Company and wishes her
all the best in her future endeavours.

By order of the Board
Cape Town
4 July 2024

Investec Bank Limited

Date: 04-07-2024 03:21:00
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